OBP_Observer_1945 Sep 20 v4 no5

P~•e.-c:6._ ___________ The OBSERVER September 20, 194:i SCENE FROM CLUB MONTEREY SHOW I Bagley Downs Netus tion at it-. meeting in 1 CY• Orleans tire ~r(1UJl will he reassembled \\Tillis \Vil\iams, recreation di- last Fchrunry nncl that the Uf\\,V's and recltployt<l through the States General 1\11otors department is now ... with combat status." n·ctor of llaglev Dowm, resigned scckinl,! ro ohtain the consent of b~t \\eek to entl'r Pacific College General l\lotor's corporation to New Club Has Hit Show Cluh .:\lnnterey ha:-opened with nonl floor -.how featuring Hlundit" an<l Pee \\'cc along "ith .I 11nc. Counth,..' and Frances. Blondie and Pet' \Vee arc purSuing :i course leading to a cle- such a clnuse. If these negotiations gree in plnsical educntion. arc :-ucccssful, it will menn that i'\lr. \Villiams has been con- hundreds of G l\I plants :111 over ncctccl wi th the Vancou\·er Recreathe country now covered hy conI tion As.sociation for a year, serving tract with UA\V, ,\ il l he confirst a:- a staff worker and later tractually oblig:ated to ohscrn the hrin[!' promoted to director. ln this principle of fair employment pracl la1ter position he did a very credit- ti..:cs. I ' ahle job. H c is bci.ng succeeded by Arnold Jone-, formerlr of Chi- Tl1c unin:i\, n;1tional agreement with ·Ford 1\ lotor company has a cag-o, Illinois. i.imilar clause and negotiations :\lrs. Laurel E. Jones, 1024 1_ \\'ith the Chrysler corporation arc E. !st Ave., Portland. Ore., a pro- e'.\pectcd to get under way soon. duct of Spelman College Univcrsit, and Central Y.~l.C.A. Col- Protest to "Ike" legc. Chicago, Illinois, is another recent addition to the !-taff. Mrs. (Continued from Pa.ge 3) nctiYities . Jones is in charge of women's "At the present time lVlaj. Gen. \V. S. •Pi.iul has taken over the d . I I .. I t~ pe to pre:--cnt ay nne cul JIH. :\Ir~. Fannie Chatman, 127 H. Jane. Counte.:-,..; and Francrs pro-hvcst \\lintier Drive. Bagley , ulc.- intcre:--ting entertainment with Dmn,::-, formerh· ,;;upervisor of their dancing and ,·ocals. 'T'hcir lv:1ncoU\·er ~ur;err S,·stem reHr.,t)gie 1/"oogil' ad fib is a knock- ·cri,·ed the post of s~crct;r" to' Mr. out. One of the \'Ocals j._ a j!ood Lee Randall, Project Sc;vi~e :Oiimitation of Bi 11 i e Holliday. rector. h:1ndliPg of the problem. He hns prorni~rd tRat even though the colored , olunteers have been, and ;ire l•Lini!. sent to various service units, <1!-o soon as possible tht: en- ;1111u--ir.g ,,·ith their comedy skits Blondie send:- the audience out that range from old \'aude\'ille with her snake danct'. Los Angele Gets Vanport News 1nregrntion of inter-racial . 2nd Negro Principal actn·· 1 Los Angele, (A~P)-JVIrs. 1tit:--. ll 13 b ~Jfle Vanport Recreation Asso- I crnice arnum ecame the ,secciation was terminated .-\ui.ru-:-t 31 :\1r,. Hdloi!',e Hill, former ond ~·egro "'ch)ool principal here due to the ending of the Lanham \·anport teacher, ha-. been appoint- 1 la-:-t week when she was named fund-.. All Center!', were subse- ed director of Community Center head of the Holmes Avenue Elequcntly closed. Three centers are ;\o. 5 . .:\Ir!oo. Hill is a graduate of now opened a~ Community Cen1 \\.iley College, :\larshall, Texa:.. ters. operated by the Project Ser- ! A member of the Zera Phi Beta \·ice, Department of Federal Haus- Sororit~. Before coming to Port· ing. The centers nO\y sponsors land, she was a teacher in the pubyouth and adult organization and lie schools of Paris, Texas. +-------------------------. i mentarr school. The first Negro to serve in that .:apacity was :\ I rs. Bes:-ic Brewington Burke. She is now associate principal of a mixed school on \V. 36th street. ~I rs1 Fay Allen j.., the Negr9 mt'mhcr of the locnl 'school board. DANCE Attractions in Bronze NOT BE'ITER BUT the BEST S. DUKE Your /lost, Presents LEROY f-J ARDISON :md his Sentimental Gentlemen of Swing Thursday, October +th McE!roy's Ballroom For Tahlc Reservations Phone WEbster 3440 Advance Ticket Sale I\Ia.drona, Radio & Record Shop 538 N. Broadway l NOW SERVING DELICIOUS FOOD 1 . All Meals and Short Orders - Open Day and Night ' Ask Anti-Bias Clau;e In Auto Union Contracts Try staggering your hours of travel! THE CLUB ACME CAFETERIA 1504 N. WilJiams Avenue ~1RS. ~!ARY CARTER, .lJar,ager I Oetroit-r-I\Iore vigilance in preventing employment discrimination again,;,t Negroes and other so-called minoritic-. embraced in the large +------------ -------------- membership of the CIO United HART SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES DOBBS HATS ARROW SHIRTS INTERWOVEN SOCKS BOSTONIANS, EDWIN CLAPP SHOES Auto \Vorkers wa,;, called for this week hy the union'~ fair practices committee. In a ,;,pccial communication 5e11t to all GA \V local uni o n prc ... idcnts ,, irh the appro,·al of George F. Aclde:-., intcrn,1tional secretarytrcasun•r and chairman of its fair pr;ictices committee, it j.., pointed I nut 1ha1, although there h;ive been fewer report-. of di,crimination in ti1i, layoff period than might rea- !'orn1ahly haH lwen expected, ca<:e-. of discrimination and violation of ,cniorit.r rights are expected to N~ plan has yet hcen dev ised to rnmplc:rch o, ercome peak-lo:1ds on buses and trolleys. However, the pla11 of ~tag:?:cring hours of travel has cased overcrowded vehicles, by distrihuling the extra thousand... of riders over more hours of the <la~. It'~ the be-.r wa, ,,c know to gi,·e ~ou faster. mort· \.'.omfortahlc rides. OREGON FRATERNAL ASSOCIATION 1412 N. Willinms Avenue incre:1-.c• a, automobile planh ht -½-·---------------·-----------+ • ; •• ..... Washington at Broadway J,!in to recall old ""'!rkcrs and hir<' ntw cmr,lo"""· The committt·e\ kttn wa ... j..,. ,u(·tl IH its 1•:xr·cutiH din·ctor, Grnrgc· \V. Crockt-tt, J r. It rt· (ltk,h c•ach Ioctl union r,re-.icltnt ;uHI tlw harg:1ining comrnlltf•f• To inunediatd~ comnwnct neg-otia tum- -.,·eking; a no-discrimination <.:l:.11~1' in ih contract which \\'Ould I prohibit emplo} men I d1,;,ni111 in :1tio11 hn:au..,· of rac<·, cn·,·d, color, JJ'IE - ~ .. ~ .. ~~~-i,f, nation:il oriµin, poli1ic:il affiliation, Yfi I"('\ or marilal !-Wtu,;,. ¼ Commrnting on this report, Mr. 'J II I : ~) " f I ~:::~~c: 1 ni:~'.:e~x:~::iv~1Cb~::;':; Ii~ 1!l~• j . ; § .f.j, j.f_j -I . ►· . j ' p,ovrd this contractural proh,lll- \_ ·* GASOLINE (l'J,iit•TJI) NIGHT LUBRICATION SERVICE AUTO SUPPLIES SCIIlUVER'S ASSOCIATED SERVICE Phone MUrdock 9797 :315 N. Broadway Portland, Oregon