OBP_Observer_1945 Sep 20 v4 no5

Septemher 20, 1945 The OBSERVER Mc Cord's Sport Briefs Automotive Service * * Quick, Reliable Service on al.I Make!! of Can • Gas, Oil, Lubrication and Car Wash • Body and Fender Work a Specialty • Auto Painting • Motor Rebuildin_g * * N. Weidler St. at Williams Ave. CURTIS McCORD, Manager Boxing Football Joltin' Joe Kahut proved too Bohby Reynold:-. \\ho was -,uch a much for the highly touted Al -.hining light in the l_," nivcr-.iry of Jordan. \Vhile Jordan did some Oregon\ backfield hdore Oregon clever hexing, he ,,·a-. unable to dropped football, i-. now back in "tnY clear of Kahut's right hand, ,-chool after ,,;erving in the armed after going down three times. he torcc-i. He is the only \'eteran in was counted out in the fifth round. the hack field and will bear the Gene Johnson, fast -coming youngster from Vancouver, stopped Oliver Crump in the second round. brunt of Oregon offcn.;,e thii; fall. ! Report~ from the campus -.tatc that Bobb\· looks great in practice. 1 \Vatch him thi~ fall! After being knocked down twice, W,restling Folio\\ ing on the heels of sut.:• so as Gene started the next blow, ce~s of Scelie Samara, another ~eCrump obligingly crumpled up .:,nd gro wrestler. Rufu,,; Jones. ha..-. inwaited contentedly for the referee vadcd the .:'\onhwc:-.t lair of wrestto disqualify him and award the lers and is meeting with outstandfig:hr to Johnson. ing succe~-s. After meeting four opCrump decided he had had enough, 1 This week John,.on "ill meet ponents he is still undefeated and MEDICAL AND l\USOELLANEOUS the old veteran "Speedy" Cannon. going strong. SERVICE D IRE CT ORY Race Situation Acute In I "as b) privilege to ,peak before an DR. CARL R. VICKERS Lo:, Angeles, Says Foster audience of white--. '.\"egroes. ~le\- OENTIST Lo-. Angele,- I ican:- and Japane-.e at Pil!!rim 1471 N. E. Wllllams Court., PortJ:awl I In a statement i-.:-ue<l j Hou-.e la~t Sunda, afternoon and VErmont 4208 du-. week <luring a surHy of Jiv- to confer with out~tanding JapaROBERT N. JOYNER. JR" M. D. Physician and Surgeon O!ttces: 1415 N. Williams Ave. Portland, Oregon VErm.ont 4404 or BEaron 3181 GOODMAN & LEVENSON Attorneys at Law 1002 Spalding Bulldlnit Portland, Oregon ATwater 7494 WILLIAMS AVENUE 0. S. 0. 6 N. Tillamook Street Portland, Oregon TRtni ty 4615 MRS. BEATRICE REED Uunsed Funeral Director at HOLMAN & LUTZ MORTUARY N. E. 14th & Sandy "Your Tho't in Flowers" LIND & POMEROY flowers %718-26-ZB N. E. UNION AV-. 'As near as your Telephone' GArfield 1181 I ing: conditiq_n:- in Lo-. Angeles. A. nese and ~egro citizens later. L. Foster. e.xecuti\·e secretan· of I They are all greatly i~tereste~ i~ the Chicago Urban league, call:.. our programs of puhlac relat1om. the "Citr of An.... el~" America's I and ciric education. ~o. I ra.cc relari:ns ~orespoL l ''Harold Prince. formerly of Acco) rding to Foster. Los An- I ~hicago .. i:- in charge of t_he g:cles is in the position now that 'l i\lCA 1r1 the colored commumty midwestern cities occupied after and i~ doing a grand job. The \Vorld \Var 1 in regard to rnce ~AACP has ju:-t ended-it':- most tension. Principal factor is the :-ucces:-ful member:-hip campaign same as in 1g1S-rclucrance of and j., on the job always. Other .;,outherners to return to flagrant orj!anizations are working h:ird to \·iolation-. of ri~hts practiced below help irnpron· con<lit=im,;.'.' tht i.\Iason-Dixon line. I ln hi, report, Foster states: Gis Protest Delay In '"Just a, in Chicago, and even Redeployment to States ,,·ith greater inten"it~. problem:- of Le Ha, re. France (A~P)-Since hou:-ing, transportation. he.11th, V-E cla~· there i,- a familiar pha"e crime. delinquency h:l\'e hecome to GI, )'\weatln' it out." which .;,trained. Few Neg-roes Lea.ving many are doing here in the European theater. Thi:- period of ·'The prt·:-ent -.ituation is :-eriou-., waiting i-. the toughest part of the and "ill prohah\~-grow more ,o ,.oJdier':- arnff ;tcrcn. J.Ien who dc-.pitc the fact that highways ha\·e fou:!ht a Ion:: and hard war leading ea:-t and :-outhward ha,·e !eel that the\ arc hein~ {!i,·en the -.lw\\ 11 incrca-.e., in tilt' numlll'r of hru--n nft ,i1Kt' tlw fig:hting ha, Gtr-. and trucks lc:1,·i11g of JOO -.roppnl. pea d;iy on·r a month aJ.!O. Hig:h point mt'n throughout thi:- ire whi1c a, tew ~cgroe:- --eem to prote:-t h~- ,,·earin~ large sign... on 1 ·• Pracric:dh· all of thc-.t' 'lt·awr:-' area h:1,·e ..,tarted a c:1111paign of =========================, haH am intention of lea, ing. f their bacb, "-hich read. '·[ A.m MRS. BEATRICE REED Licensed Funeral Director Lady A 11,nd11111 Holman & Lutz Colonial Mortuary Ea•t 14th nnd Sandy Blvd. "So Much in Service , .. So Little in Cost" h:l\ l' talhd rn :-1.·nrt•,- of harllt'r a Forg:ouen B:t.!-tanl. with 112 ._hop:-, pool room-. and tan:~rn:- ;tnd Points and c~rn·t Go Home." And ;..:t·t the :-anw an:-wt'r from prac- 1 another one \\'a:-. "( H:l\'e a ~\'ife tit.:alh ;ill of them. !'he, do not :1.nd Child Tlut l Han•n't Seen rdi ... h the idea of goin~ back :-outh. in Thn:-t· '\ c:1r:-." etc. The ho~, Sornt· wlk ahout going to Chicago arc \.'arnin~ their l,!"ripe:- 011 their ur Detroll but t.'' en those "ho hacks. Hut out on the hdd, 111 northt'rn to remain in Lo:-.-\ngl'it·,. France. in the redt'plo~ ment tent "Los ,\ngrlt":- is e,periencing its \.·it~ nf Camp Luch Strike. i:- the wor,t crinw wa\"C in hi:-tor~. The ._ore-.t :-pot in the Le H:1, re a...- pn•,., report-. that there an: ]00 ,c:mhl\ area, th('r(' ,lrt' ,;ome 12.non crimes reported daih--:-n attacks, 1.:olored troop, of :;e, era\ port b;ttslu~~in~:-. hold-ups. t·tt.:. r ha\'C talion,. The .!.!ripe:- arc m:rn~. spent mm·h time in ·Li.ttle Tokyo.' which arc ~aininl,! moml.'Tttum no" more popularh known ;t:- C\'CJ"\ d,1,. 'Bronu,·ille' and the husine&- peo- Hig:hcr he:Hlquarter-. han~ :-e1bt'd pie of that di:-trit.:t :t rL' g reatly wor- t!1e low ...rate of moralt· amon~ the I r!t·d :1hout crinw and , ire condi- c !01ed troop:-. Gen. B. 0. Daris flom,. of the ln-.pt'ctor Gcner:d he:1<lquarj '' i\lud1 of the ninw, however, is tet'"$ ,poh- to thou-::1nd:-ot soldier:-. ,:\,mmittcd outside thi" district plead in!.! "ith them to he patient. whl're Rn. and !\1 r--. Harold The ad., i\.·t· of Gt·1wral D:n i, had Kin J,!::lc~, lormerly of Chit.:~go, ;1rc lit tit· efft.·1.·10 011 tht·::t· war bt;ltt'll doin~ c'\t.:ellent work with Pilgrim troop,. man_, of "hom haYe ber-n I lou~t· .1:-. tht·ir lwatlquarter:-. It aw:n from home for tltrr-e ~ear--. Page 7 i ~-llfilt?L,,; ~V1oir t~1<1h1ru-u ! c,,arun/,-,d Sah!fi./,ng B.E.ER '""<P.._.t.11,,11,,,.,_,,I.MOl••C.C.il<._._,._, .. ,-t=l-~~ill,_,i.1,J,C,.ici.- "Every Day is a Holiday" ... at The DUDE RANCH "Plc,ts11re Spor of d,e ,v esc" Dining - Dancing - Entertainment BAR SER\'ICE Dance Music by BANJOSKI and His Sextet Cover Charge from 9 P. ~{. Cha-.. "Pat" Patco.'r-:-on - \\"m. " Tr,..,.. Top'" Dod,on '-1:ln.1-:..-i-, •>.JON. BROADWAY PORTL.-\~D 12. OREGON