OBP_Observer_1945 Sep 20 v4 no5

S_ e .:..p_t _e_m_b_e_r_2_0-'-,1__9_4_5_ _ _ _-:_~===-----T_h_e_.O.:._B----S=:.-E=:...cR::..c..V..:_E-'--=R-'----- - - Page 3 Truman Urges Peacetime FEPC ,idcration. I Gen. W, S. Paul, one of Gen. with their battlefield status as I Texas; Sgt. Herbert L. \Vheeldin, It i-.. expected that by the time Eisenhower's staff officers, down ,oC;n :-,~ possible. Hartford, Conn., and S-Sgt. Arrht offices arc scheduled to re- to l\ll annheim. General Paul, it is The tig-ht to retain their battle- thur E. Hogue, W1arion, AJa. turn ro the states, the United rcponcd, promised that all colored field ,ta.rus and remain in mixed 'They handed m~ this statement Washington - President I-farrr States Emplo}·ment Service will combat troops transferred to ser- unit-. ,\a., led by T-Sgt. John H. upon completion of their talk: with S. T'ruman in a reco r<l 16 ,000 haH hetn blanketed-in under the '"-ii;e units will he rea>sembled and Staf{f!er-,, Charleston. S. C.; S-Sgt. 1 Gencrai Paul: "' 0rd message to Congress la st Labor Department. re-deployed throu~h the States Vincent ~1alveaux, Galveston, <Continued on Page 6, week repeated his request for legi!'I- \Vidc and varied reaction was -----------------------------1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-■-■■--■ -.-.-..-- 1 - btion estabJi..,hing a permanent g:i\'en to Pre-,idcnt Truman's , Fair Emplormcnt Practccs Com- speech. Nl:iny deemed it decidedly rnittct-. to the left of center, dubbing it The pre:-,cnt temporary commit- the "Ne\\ Deal" in new clothing. t~e established by executive order In some quarters it is considered ,,,,a!-qriµpe<l of its power with the that more than a reiteration of ending CJf the war. Created by President Roo3evelt-with •jurisdic- FOR THAT his recommendation for permanent FEPC legislation i, demanded tion over war industries, the com- at thi.., time. Jnformed sources sa) mittce, under it3 present authority, that there mu,t ..,00n be ..,0 me evii-. powrrless to handle discrimina- dcncc of administration weight betory hiring practices in reconver- ,ion,and peacetime employment. In a forthright statement which \\"a:- rrad in both the Senate and hind rhi-. recommendation if the taith ot ~egroe-. and other minorities is to be maintained-par• I ticularl~ a-. the Democrat:-look to 1{cutt9e/6 Jeck I I oust of Rtprt-sentati\"e-.. Pre~i- '.J. 6 _ Jent Truman said: Truman's st<lttmcnt on FEPC ''During the years of \\·ar pro- wa~ pr:ii-.ecl by the .\' .A.A.C.P. In ducti~n we made. substantial prog- a telrgram to Pr~ident 'Truman, re:--. in onrcom111g many of thclSccretan \\.-alter \Vhitc said: p~ejt'.di~es _which h~d resul~cd _in ".\Li~· we e\.pre-.-. our congratud1scnm1nat1on..; a£!:ain-.t minority lation:-- and appreciation to \OU for ~roups. 1, our dear cut me:--sag:c co Con- .. i\bn, of the injustice... based g:res-. nf needed legislation to inupon con-.ideration-. of race, re- ...ure rull emplo~ ment and equal ligion, and color were remov~d• Jju-.tice in the reco,·ery trom war. ~Inny were prevtnted. Perfection \\'c particular!~ appreciate your \\·as not reached. of course, but uncqui,·ocal reque-.t of the Con- :-.ubstantial progr6:-. was made. I gre-.:- that it enact a permanent 0 1n the reconversion period and f Fair EmplO\mtnt Pracice Comthereafter. \\·e should make every mittee." · effort to continue this :-\merican ideal. It i:-- one of the fundamentals of our political philosophy, Protest to 'Ike' Transfer :ind it ,hould be an inte~ral part From Combat Units I of our economy. \Vith the 7th Army in Germany '·The Fair Emplo) ment Prac- ( A:'\P )-Charging that they were tin·s Committee is continuing dur- discriminated against in redeplov-1 ing the tr:111sition period. I ha\'e al- ment of troops because of ra~e, read~ required that legislation be, members of this unit recentk ap- j t'n:tcted placing the Fair Employ- pointed a four-man delegati~n 10 I ment Practices Committee on a rnke their complaint to Gen. j permanent basis. I repeat that Dwight Eisenhower's headquarrecommcndation. '' The President also called for ters. I Act:ording to rhe dele!-,ration I re- the!-e batrlemen were transferred. cmphasizing the objective of our out ot di, isions with which the, I domestic cconom~ as set forth by fought into sen·ice units in such the late President Franklin D. a m:tnncr :I!- to cause them to: Roosevelt O\'er a year and a half .. :-.mell ;l r:ir··. 1 lull employment legislation, :1:ru in the form of an tconomic bill ot 1i1.dus. T'heir prote:,;,t brou~ht 1hj.:. I a:...---'--'~ Meet a SMOOTH LITTLE NUMBER! THIS FALL BRA DFO RD Style, have always leaned toward "YOt.lTHFUL . . NESS" .. . that ;mportant touch th~t accents confidence, ~ and distinction! Give your wardrobe these advantages this Fall. BRADFORD fa bric, carry out the "younger look" trend - their quality means greater value and longer wear. SUITS AND TOPCOATS to $55 * Wear While You Pay! * ENJOY FALL To the Fuges , For o Foll that .. poc...ed ~•th fun, ',Ou shou'd n o complete> BRADFORD Si;:- r Tcgs outfit' Slacks ....... '8 Pointing out that no matter how rapidly rccorn-crsion proceeds no I amount of effort or planning will he ahk to immediately proYide a Joh for C\ ery Ji~pbced war work• n. Pn-...iJu1t Truman urged the Con~rt':--" to t':-..pand and t".'\tend ur.• t'l'.lplo~ llH"llt CUlllpeq-.arion. "not 1111h a~ a matter of ju~tice and hum:111i1,, hut :d-.o a-. a matter of ,o,111d hu-,inl·~-.." Il l· warned "noth;n;.! \\"OuiJ hl· more' h:nmful !O our l'l·o111ml\ than to ha, L' 1.·,·en J i-.placcd \\ :tr \\ nrkn ~top bu~ int-!: 1.:1111-.u:lll''." j.!lllhl..,. I le ur":'ntlr n'nHnmc•ndt·d th:1t l'cJt:grt•-,..; l!'l lillt ~ t't n·turn tilt.' A 6 RADFORD Mon- T odored Suit ,s 'smooth" in design, fabric and its complimentary delei's This Foll, r>iol,..e o su1 t port of your campus, office or S( cot fe Sport Shirts, ~2 ''·' tu ::tt : . .:;o Jackets .... "'l 0 !i., 111 ,:i: .. ;o S~ort Coats .. "'15 10 ~.!)_.,0 Leather S. Fmp\ m tnt·rn ~t•n·i1..·t· to the ta'l•-., ~t't•;11~ tht cadit':-.t po-.-.ihlt· 1i1:1 t' ;It .l 111lt' .W. ll)47, tlw date of thl' t''-pi1.ttio11 111 tht· \Var \IOhili1atio11 \ct. l ndn ,t;llc ront rul mall\ '\ l'~IO \\ 111-ker:-- han lwen Ji.,1..·ri111in:11t'<l .1g:1111:-.t and llthcr \\i"e unfairly trt·art'd. \\1hilt· :ill disui111i 11 :1t io11 -. \I t·n:· nut rt'llltn ed ,\'ith the emplo~ ment otfin·-. under Fcdt·ral l"tllltrol, 11w 0-t·~ru \\'Orkt•r w:i-. :l!i- -.ur<"d ;t laq,!t'r mt•a-,ure uf lair con to $45 Just Arri1t•d! LARGE SIZES Smorl oll-v.ool Mon-Tailored Suits 1n tht. hotd• reget sizes---38 to 45. You'll find ont thot'II suit )OU perh:ctly! JC'ckets .... ~16·:K' 10 ;,.:•i,:w i!:::!t1