OBP_NW Defender_1965 Apr 1_no220

This 'N That By T.V. Williams Friends of Mrs. Lillie Joseph will regret to learn of her death in Oakland Calif. Mrs. Joseph died at the home of her daughter, ~Irs. Addie Welch. They both formerly resided at 126 N,E, \'liedlerSt. this city. Mrs. Faye Perry a member of Allen Chapel A.M.E. Church last Sunday. llirs. Perry is a Stewardess in her church so she marched in <·rith our Stewardess in her white uniform, which was very impressive in it's sincerity. She is a cousin of Mrs. Savannah Clark. Micro-image; our new word is a powtarfull :..ns~-- !'ume:it made by th1.2~ ~~at:.ional Cash Company. It's lwrd to e:splain, but it; can minimize \and meas!'! rr• - rh.lC':' 1.,n ;:,:1~ smallest proportio?: possi~~? ) letters so small until you ~rt:-! put ~;;P ··r:l"l~. oiole Jn films 2 by 2 inches and cr-tr:."J ':.~11::iri L~ /•)~' 1,1.,.; . 1 •!.s:·1_ ya .-1 , rci.nt t o ~r:,;,,.rl the Bi~le j·13t "lash 1. t Q!l .1. sc:~~:t ae1d read or teach it to a class. It sounds impossible but it's true. ·,a cJ..-\~~~ 5 ~ ..... ;~~::~~- 1 ~:-· ::~:~,c~~~e fL,;:;• P. :.J~·\iilb~~ ~j3533 N. r: . lOth St. is i10':!111 soendi:ent.!'. the snri!F~ i.01::..,1. .::vv ·.::'...~.}1 ltcr .:'o.~.' - ,_,. ~-he ~3 ['. "rl;:}·L.11..L ,...,,:, Cn:u,:on c,· 1 .:.,_ ·c.: :1"' :-:d~c,"..... .:.:).1 .. i:.i~·..:1:--·,: ( o.~. Here 1 s the a.nswer ; On,:::. ]J..1.:-2 ·) . . ...... . _::::2 ·•,-~ .. ':'f'.;•. -:---- : 'n,·. .--,·c ·.:..lP. stude"!'lt t_'~- ~--e. s t T_i~t;,:t~ study ~h': .. l i[e • • __ Y.l.l 1 ).' C ! ./ i!1 Hymn for the month; ,\LY, GLORY, LAUD AND 1-KJNOO . Tourney •Giant' TOURNAMENT 'GIANT' ls Jclforson's 5-8 Bill Nlcklob<!rry who springs high abOVO ~:tln~11:~:rt~ho~~) t'i1:~r:~; f~rc~~:b~~~ who scored 16, and Bill Huld, who hnd 30, wore for naught though as Sunset wont on to a 69-64 victory In quartor-flMl action of 47th annual Oregon A-1 High School Tournament at McArthur Court In Eugene. Jeff edged McMinnville, 78076, In first round play and lost to Ml•dford 64-55 on Friday. SW\Set lost to Klammath Falls, 44--42, for champlonshlp. t•••••••••••••••••e••••••• i Jif.]L USED i • ~CARS • • • All Kirby Ford Used Can are reconditioned & guaranteed : • in WRITING. Mos! are one owner, low mileage '65 Ford • ii. KIRBY. FORD i : ~ 1200 NE Union 288-5214: . - •••••••••••••••••••••••••o IIOR1MW£ST D£FEIOU Eight Days a Week LaVerne Holmes Ii i theri? . r•y nar,Jl-, is T,.-i_n, ;"'!".~ f' "11 ;., :-: . • -: .,.. -;1 your new teen news reportP.r. I ;!lost '11.p;,.i.ly ,aJco, : :'=>U r--~o -Y•t.!" .1 ; :r '!il t1..1 ·I=-1r 1t. ._t ~s. p ,.. i_., ,.~.: 1-."\ 1..3 . -r-:: you have any tidbits o.f ne•:1s, nar~i~!·, ;?r?r~.on-.t}. ,'):"J- ·,i..:-ii..11 . . ; ''?.'.• .: :- • ,ti• r1, ", • - , , • • reviews , anythinp: vou' d like to tell us :Ju....;; call me 7.t "':.'.VJ "0.--"':.>.:1e'3t. .) ~: .1 ·:' J""~~ ~. Last week hapless oubl.:.c :::...::~!OJJ. .. .i.~~ ·, ;. •..; ... I_~ l to a soe.e.v spring vacation. ~-1onday :•13. s t'1e .:>.1l•r 1~ea- :tbl0 11.•t . ':.'. '"' ~· ... s~ ·1_;~~~ l_y3, ::,, t> -;, Faul =1evere & the fiaiders ..,1raoped uo tl:e .cemnantz of ,'J. n::;;,.c-:! y t week with a big blow out '1n Sat·.trd'lv .d. :i.t . :,.1.t 1::.:. than· that and one old rrian fallin!! of!"" t1is bench i en nark. it was a verv ouiet strctr.h . It seems that En.2:land's mop-toD:)Cti. r.as~l "i:::;· - ine;. utterlv Brittish ambassadors. o th er·:-'i ~e :,... '.)·.-m 3.S the Beatles, may not inv,:1,de 0ur air cit'.' of Ros:.s after all. This mav un:io·.;,bt0l•.r -r:ise t :1":J.nv a ~i :er voune lass who went out of her· r.;iJld, bei:i:..,.inP', bor ·n·.-rin..,.. or •••••• to eet her concert tic'<et . This seasons oroms are ri:;ht aro'..tnd t~e <>J-~ .• c:." so as the wise Janet Borho cornn:ented. ''The earlv· bird n='!tS her '110rr.~ . " ( and she did! ) The Righteous Brothers 11ave released '; r.e-.-1 sin1µ,e. It's really great. It's ;;itled Just Once "" J'.y '..ifa . 1.:11 i~ ~.on~:cs !i' ... .'"!.111·'1 5.::. 1 s ·1 i..1· to really hit t:1e too of the charts, Happy aniversary P.'l . &. L.H. on v0ur seCO..'Vi :1n.:. - "ff"';::-sarv . You have been .;oing together for t·,;o "lone:11 mont.hs and I hone vou have manv iiore t i c0:,e . R.H. MOUSE CORN\•.'ELL! vou better ('.et '1 move on ,·ou. Mav 7. is iust around the corner and 3arbara still h1?, t o ..,.,~t :1~.-- 1r•~ss . D.V. I-lemo to Henry :.ioore: I,.. ·-1ou ~-:..9..10·,·.· • Ma"':.s 1!.J-:'"! .[",:-:· vou'll make it up here soon. lour littl~ ~80on~se girl misses you terribl ev . ( s~e is about to drive me crazv!) (~IGHT! ) p ••r Jon ' t miss ~he-.iab:.ilou~. Ike & Tina Turner d?.nce :·-lor,d"y ni-~t 'l..oril 5. :tt tr\e Crystal Ballroom. '!'hey ara such ?. d.o•:mrLi:ht t.::i.b team and al"t·ravs come throttili •,rith J. ;;.~ousi:1; .::>c!":o:~1.::-.... 1..;,, , ESPECIAL thanks to DolnrPS Ashkar from "Ba~ Bang" f"or all the backbrGa'<ina: work and e:ass she out in Oil the !)pfender lanr. •.-,eekend. Come a.e:ain. (RIGHT!) ADVICE OF THE t:fEEK : "Run. - anrl if vou fall down lav flat." D. ll . SEE YOU 1;El1' 1 1::I:K! ~mu. .m-111.111111111•n--,mmun11m11wuUH11111m111u11111uua § I ~ licensed to Mrechandise- Survey and Market § '!:I will mar~et anvthin.e: I think is marketetable = :I have a method of getting you National Distribution= §I will market products- art- talent- music- ANYTHING!~ I :~:~:::~;:::::' I I :;;::~:;~;;::::~, I ~I will protect your ideas- even write a fair contract~ =to people who have only ideas for inventions- protect= :YOU leagally from theft of anythigg bro11&ht to me. : =tllllll.UllllllllllllOIUlllllllllll llllll!IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIUIIIHlllllltlllllllllllllllli Did You Vote Yet? From the Pastor's Desk Rev. A. A. Newton New Hope Baptist Church The Church IJ'llif>rP tl1e .\.f'igliborhood Brrom,e, a Brothrrl,ood 0 ·~ t f.:: hart Jc.<. ta':.1 o!'t.=r t.:, .... 1~'.!r Jre:e,' .:, o _-.:,r,:i:.--., r:; soul ~rt~r t 111..e; , O 3'J :. ::~ c.oc., .. 1h1.r,tctr. ."or J;J, 1, fo; u.~ (r~:.rs ',2: 1 , ::- . ) ..,~,~~·1.ti.;.l t\l:-~t. - .. cr.-,-'_1; re:- 1::►, ' •,:.,;';. :.t-1--t,,, "o:- s_,i ri t..ir.l w l•.,e.. • :::1r. r......; t..--:: r .. ':.r·,~~ed !.'tr ~ t.:.t.1e '...,i' " ':.:'.- • : ;,...... :,! ..;:," '--:..,., ~-i , bu:. .. I:."' s,"io:- "t!.r,~, .:,~ t'.: ..· :-: .• d "...01 ·f.~ ,l p .,.-ra rc:- ~,dtisf;; ~tior: . ~--'_: said: H~ s.:..i.l t~1ir ... tc,t:, fr~r t~.e,.,, nesi, :0r:.;1::t.h ~01· ti1Pe, in~ ·ry ·1.• ,c •• y :_ -. , ·, ..t:r•~ :--.Cl w.·Jter ts. " ;t ti.1e.: ... he, ,1 s of rit: for~;,i.;,;e, "tl,e ~o'..l,1"'"1~ir. v " l1v-:.1. ng :..a ... t:r " ·,n-~ t u.r!1 <:1:;i ..,e :C ~:-i:-~ f'r~m 1":,rci'.£;n ,.;istcr-s that can :1ol:t no -~ter . •· -:-,'::; : ~·e allured and erticed b:,· .. ~.-2: cistern o!" f.!.Jteri;.l:.sn, o'" :r.s:...:.~i~.:,, 1 o!" ccve"':.0•1-ness . Sol omon soug'.·.t ~.o ~atisfy hi_ t,hirst:_., :oul ~:,' .:.elf-:nJi..l:,er.~e, but found bittt:r ; 1 ::c.:r:-0~:-.tr.e:nt :r the c-1n~. "Broken cistdrns" do not sJ ~is!':/. 1:--.e:,• "can hol d :1.:: • c:.. ':o;:~ , they leave t:'IE:: soul- t:'.irst ·.msl~i<c:e.i . 11 '"'~.<er?. is notl".ir.:: in oll the land or the seas th:."!. c.:..n L'iue -:- n ~er r.E-:-: $-.~1 ... t· ~:.!:: . False reli~ic,us cioctrine~, t!-,oJ..:.;h ·t,e:ie-ve;i i:, .;:,:..n..:e~l:·, : - not give .or,1.l ~r.C spii'i !.:. l ,_.:uri t::,-·. ; 1:: e ~n: o' !'i,n·-? : .... approach ·~o.:: , ti::P. rather . "~!ow o:i t.he last day, the :=r-:,-::, d,-,:· Jf "':.he !'east, Jesus rt\..) ond cried, s.::.:.-ir.:.., : r c-::: •;;:-. "':.'-:ir~-:., le"'" i...i,, c-:i::.e unto i-:,; -:Ki drink11 • If ;:.n,:: 11a-:, t:lirst - t:-.e t:es~::..n.: c:' C.h:-is• is ~~~r~~-:·i-1t~:, :Us ccr..:,,:,.:J~ 1..'-:>eyt:tU . ,-, f .rn fir•! tr1.1e ~tis~a::i onl ..,KEEP BUSY! SEUING- • Nol looking Nonhweat Defender Salesman Saleswoman Top Comm.!astona AcUve Office No Gtmmtcka 2742 N. WilUama 2824696 We welcome applicant, of any race, color, ance11try , rel.lg:fon1, creed or national origin. i..u1ts· WIG SALE 1100% Hu"'°" H,ii,I WHIU ntll l.AST 2"Jl~~~!ca WHOI.UAU----UTAtl o;,_, ,,_ -- ,_,..,. WOf!lD WIDE HAIII CO. 111 I IV•NMOI 11J....aOt • m-lllJ HEAR THE FANTASTIC SOUNDS OF DOT RECORDING STAR EDDIE BAXTER D1.-.ct From Johnny Carson's TONtGHT SHOW An Afternoon At The LOWREY THEATER ORGAN ANO OTHERS CASCADE MUSIC CENTER 4218 N.E. Sandy Blwd. FREE PARKING Sunday April 4, 3 P.M. CASCADE MUSIC CENTER 4211 N.L Sondy Blwd. AT 2-0911