OBP_NW Defender_1965 Apr 1_no220

Candidate Names Are Coming in Did You Vote Yet? BEST DRESSED WOMAN CANDIDATES MALE MERIT CANDIDATES H.\ZEL BAILEY GLORIA BLACKSHEAR JUNE BRO\·iN LLOYD E. BAKER REV. GRADY BROWN RUFUS BUTLER REV. J .c. FOSTER i-~\E HELEIJ BRYANT lYILLA CASH DR. BOOKER T. LEWIS l~eE DA'.'.SOIJ BLAKE JOHNSON JAMES LEE REV. A.A. NEWTON ARTELIA DORS::;y DELOIS ELRIDGE SADIE GRU.ll-!ETT CLARA JACKSON i•JtYTLE JOK:::S MA>!TIN IDA 1-lcCLEIJDON REP. \·/ALLY PRESTLEY JERE PERRY LORRETTA PLU1,1NER !.\ARIA THOZ.:.PSON ESTER THOIJ>SON ALTHEA B. ·.'ILLift~:S KA THERIJ:E '..'ILLIANS JSA!IETTE :·:.UKER PHYLIS ST':"H l•'.SRCEDES DEIZ GERilI McCORNELL BESS LE':.'IS CLUB of YEAR DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY FIDELIS NOVE/'1 CLUB FLEUR DE LIS CLUB HARRIET TUBIIAN CLUB JACK & JILL OF AMERICA, INC. LADIES AUXILIARY, BROTHERHOOD OF SLEEPING CAR PORTERS LES JOQUETTES LINKS, INC. ViODERH l'.ATRONS CLUB /.:ODES RBYALE CLUB OAKLAHOMA CLUB ROSEBUD STUDY CLUB Listed here are the men, women and clubs your friends have nominated for their outstanding contribution in community service during the year 1964. SUBSCRIPTION TO THE NORTHWEST DEF ENDER WILL HELP SEND 25 OR MORE YOUNGSTERS lN THE ALBINA DISTRICT TO CAMP THAT HAVE NEVER BEEN TO CAMP BEFORE. Your eubscrtprton will also be counted as 150 votes for the BEST DRESSED WOMAN, MAN OF MERIT and THE CLUB OF 1964 d1vtded equally 1f your choice, or the 150 votes can be applied to one category. HERE'S HOW YOU DO ITI Mark the official ballot with the names of either lndJvtduale and chili you wish to vote for, Complete the form for a year's eubacrtptJon to THE NORTHWEST DEFENDER on the special subscription blank appearing on this page. Enclose your check or money order for $5.00 for 52 BIG ISSUES OF THIS NEWSPAPER and mail to the NORTHWEST DEFENDER, 274.2 N. Williama Ave., Ponland, Oregon. No votes will be counted unless payment ls received with the order. Who is YOUR Candidate 1 ■ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUllllllllllllllllllllllllllftlllUIHIIIIIII■ - YI"/ TEU.:, IS •:~:~:;w:::; _,MAH! _= 11Hl04 IS PORTU.NO'S IIOST ACTIVE, PROGRESSIVE O..UB? OFFICIAL BALLOT = = - ="'-''-"""--'"-"~ = ~ ~=7==:~=,.. .. -- 1. Cut ,:, wtn 111 ~ et w. tw• u_,.,,n, ., ust au 1'0 Ill -, 4. -:.:-= _, ,.. CMC:tttrll,OOa..o....r. E ~~~r~:::~1=m-•amEm Fw P'tr11an" .. tfltltYut-Jdaw. ;;: FwP'.u.b'C...tf .. Y•-ICMlltit: ., CMG .., • a.oo . . . ...._ ,1..,. .., ., ,-,wt,a.. • .. = ~Drilaw.., .. ,.,. 'IW1-,....,.: ~ ·------------------ = ADO""'~--------------- = CITY STATl. - - -ZIP = 1WL ISALLOT TODAY- TO SOClf.TY IEDIT~ 2742 N. WUU,..ma 111111111111111111•11m111111111111111111111111111n11Htm1m111111mmni■ -0 :c ~ Free TV Sets Offered In Big Safeway Opening _:...-- . __- I ~ - .'.-S-t .. llo.·---i..::..--::::;;..-, ~ ' _____..--4 - opening continue al the beauU!Ul new Sa!eway Store at NE Un!on and Ainsworth. Manager Fred Butcher, happy with the early crowds coming to the store Crom all over the Walnut Park neighborhood, has a.n ucltlng new addition to the run during the grand opening. The beautltul block - wide store will be giving away 10 !ree General Electric portable 1V sets In a big drawIng which begins this week. The drawing wlll be May 2. In the mean Ume Sa!eway rrlends and neighbors ar• ,.._ a.:, -=-= ~ CCl bQ :::::, c= Cl V) • • ' -~ ~:& C: V) • ... c=,<◄ ·;;; E - E a.:, V) I ::, ,.._ ,.._ 0-- 0 a.:, a.:, '-' ~:5! - ~ ., - :::::, ~ :!! c= a::::11 -c:, (:I ~ _ ... ,.._ ~ c= ;; a.:, E ,.._ - !:: V) c=CCl ::, ~:c . 0 :::IE: I.I.I .... -c:, &:: • g, ~ ~:z:: .. -- o=-:::~ ·- c=...- Q..C"':) - --rrom small appllancesto!lshln-store bakery, modern clean :ngsh:a.r and from watches meat department, big produce ' 0 Truef· Safeway has brought section, and a complete non- a compl~ie one-stop center to toods department where cus- _ NE Un!on and Ainsworth. tomers can find everything .I u,€ a. a.,: e ,.,._., .. ..I! ~ V) ■-51 i a.:, a.._ .. - 0 :z: CL~ .., ... ,::; ~ I= .., :::,,.,. --s: g- c= cc: .... "" - c::::, .... l:! ~ c::::, .J j a.:, ,.._ Cl! C.!:J a.:, ..c: - c= - a.:, c..:, C: ~ Cl -c:, C: ~ :::,,.,. c= ·- C: I.I.I