Northwest Defender_1964-02-06

111URSOAY, FEBRUARY fl, 19M WOMEN ABOUT TOWN by JEANETTE WALKER, Society Editor Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Baker (Betty Jean) are the proud parents of a baby boy . The baby was named John Bernard after his grandfather, Mr. Bakers father. The Bakers have two girls . Johnnie will be join– ing his sisters at home soon . Mode Royals Social Club are busy making plans for their annual Spring Fashion Show to be held Sunday March 22nd at the Cotton Club. Billy Webb Elks Lodge #1050 Bro . Curtis Mc– Donald Exalted Ruler and·Dahlia Temple #202 Drt. Annie Hollans Daughter Ruler, were the host and hostess at a party Saturday Nite at the Elks Hall everyone attending had a wonderful time. Send in your one year Subscription to the North– west Defender and vote for your choice of the BEST DRESSED WOMAN OF THE YEAR and the MALE OF MERIT and CLUB OF THE YEAR. "Women accept the Challenge of 64" was the topic chosen by Mrs, Eleanor Whitney of Long Island, N. Y. when she spoke at a Civil Right Tea held at the Lloyd Center Auditorium Tuesday. The event was sponsored by the Portland Commi– ttee for Civi I Rights. The tea was open to the public. Mrs. E, Keyser chairman. Mrs. Whitney is travelling under the auspicies of the International Council of Christian Leader– ship. She has been a religious lecturer, opera singer and Patron of the arts. Sponsoring organizations of the Portland Womens Committee for Civil Rights are Alpha Kappa Alpha, Eta Psi Chapter; Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women; Delta Sigma Theta, Beta Psi Chapter; Oregon Women Association of Women Club; Portland section, National Council of Jew– ish Women; United Church Worr.en; Young Women's Christian Assn. and the Urban League Guild. t HOW TO HELP ROSY SERVE YOU BETTER The next time you arrive at the coach stop in your neighborhood, check your \'latch and you'll find that Rose City Transit buses run frequently. But even a few minutes of waiting can be reduced to an absolute minimum if you follow these suggestions: 1. Check your schedule. Make sure it is not more than six months old. If it is out of date, be sure to ask your Rosy driver for a new one ... or call the Rosy dispatcher at BE 4-7351. 2 • If you are at all in doubt about the exact time the 1 bus will be at your stop, call the Rosy dispatcher. He will be happy to give you exactly the information you = _ want. 3 If you plan to travel an unfamiliar bus route, call the dispatcher. , You will find out when and where to catch Rosy, timing of transfers as well as other details to speed you on your 'cross town journey. 4, Q Plan to be at your stop two or three minutes early. \1?1 By following these easy steps you_can catch the bus you want every time. 4100 S. E. 17th AVENUE • BElmont 4-7351 NORTHWEST DEFENDER "OlE OF THE YEAR'S 10 IEsr• • ..,., Ctewth.,- •· r. Tirll• bdusiwt NtrthwHt Shtwinv! TONIGHT AT 1:00PM La Baker Makes 'Best Dressed' List I\r:W YORK tA:\Pl --The National As~oci11 t ion of F;~sh­ ion ano AccPssory Designers, In c. , fetPrl JoRephine Baker here last week. WITH Till ll.;l!!l Tips From Tia Dorsey, Fashion Editor In this day and age when everyone is so con– scious of their appearance, it is a very unwise person who is lackadaiscal about their appear– ance. A most important part of good grooming is so often overlooked by the lady who might be dressed in the highest of fashion ;:md beautifully groomed otherwise, and that is an appropriate and becoming hairstyle. Your hairdresser is a skill– ed professional who can help you achieve the style that is right for you and she can also advise you as to the proper techniques to keep your hair looking its best. Of course there are certain things you must do at home to preserve your style such as pincurling and ssing rollers in the weak spots when your curls have relaxed. Don't expect your style to last a week- or two without some help from you. Brushing is one of the most important beauty aids you can use to maintain a hairstyle and a Healthy scalp. Brushing stimulates the oil glands keeping your scalp from being dry and also keep– ing dandruff from forming. Hair conditioners are wonderful if you have special problems that need corrective treatments. Hair sprays are great beauty aids when used in moderation. Always be sure you are in a well venti Iated room when using hair spray . Be a complete picture of a well groomed woman from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Wear your hair like the crowning glory that it should and can be. The intern11f1nn R11 y famoiHI enterfllinrr ;ond "Tot~st of f; ay T't~ree' ' Wfls ;:;, luted by I\'A ~·Ap ;~s its sE'It>dion of "one ·of the wol'l<i 's best dres~<crl women," with a f'er- · sonal tribute and a dazzling fashion show, attended by a number of celebrities, in the Grand Ballroom of the Wal– ~·~"'O§EDIE ADAMS PSC T • ..:..HERscHEL BERNARDI - 1 · 0 Train hamilton furs dorf - Astoria Hotel. Miss Baker flew to New York f r o m Paris especially for the show and presented a plaq11e by Leontyne Price, famous Culltet·t and opera --=:-lD~ so~~~~!~ Peace Corps IOBERT IIUUJ6AH •l PAIWIOIINT RfllASl star who paid glo"·ing tt·ib- MORRIS ute to "La Baker" for her - -~ ' humanitarian efforts a.s well . ROGOWAY ag her accomplishments in' - S the entertainment field. Dr. JEWELER Eugene Wayman Jones, ex– ecutive director of the Phila- f'" delphia Cotillion Society, was master of ceremonies. Among relebrilies attend– ing the grand affair w ere ; • 11 civil rights fighter Daisy ~ Bates of Little Rock; Dr. · . "'" Dorothy Height, national .. president of the National As- . sociation of Negro Women; MOIIII IOO~WAl. Margurite Belafonte and Dor- 1 othea Towles Church, both of I New York, and Bernadine C. Washington, well known style ator, of Chicago. Dl•monJ Spec,.lld BRIDAL SETS WeDDING-RINGS DIAMONDS WATCHES ~~--'~--~- Belafonte, Towles and Washington are previous a37 S. W. BROADWAY ."best dressed" honorees. ', NEXT TO FOX THEATER FASHION CLEARANCE SALE! Famous Label Appare SPECIAL IROUP ·SAVE TO ~12 .PRICE and LESS! KNITS to s11oo95 •••••• 24.88... DRESSES to $89.95 • •••••••• 9.88... SUITS to $139o95 ••••• 0•••• 14.88 up COATS to s129095 ••• 0•••• 29.88 .. fi!B.~.!Jl!;;·~ 56.00 up • LLOYD CENTER • SANDY BLVD. & 41st. DOWNTOWN- MORRISON at 9th AVE. About 45 Peace Corps train– from throughout the na– tion will begin a ten-week train– ing program at Portland State College Saturday. The students will train for servic~ in Iran. Dr. John part, P~C director of the program, sa1d the class will be made up of 25 English teachers, 15 com– munity development special· :ists, &nd five agricultural as– !sistants. ! It will be the second Peace ! Corps training program under– taken at PSC. Last year 38 stu– dents were trained for service in Turkey. •. ,.,.,\,.,,,, FRANCIS BRUNN, known as the world's fastest jug– gler, is a m on g the stage arts booked for the Portland Boat, Trailer anrl Sport Show, which opens at the 1 Memorial Coliseum on Feb. · 14 through the 23rrl. CLEARANCE SALE· * NATURAL AMERICAN MINK BOAS (limited number) S33 * NATURAL AMERICAN MINK STOLES (limited number) · $}33 * BEAUTIFUL HIGH SHADE NATURAL AMERICAN MINK STOLES s333 I *LEOPARD CAT BEAVER COLLARED JACKET $333 * FULL LENGTH MINK WALKING COAT S833 * FULL LENGTH DESIGNER STYLED MINK COAT $3333 CLOTH COATS-Yl PRICE We are closing out our cloth coats Every cloth coat must g~NE-HALF THEIR MARKED PRICE . • • no exceptions. hamilton furs 908 S.W. Morrison CA 6·3201 New io~ati;;,n_= 803 S.W. Morrison This Coupon Worth s3.00 To You 400 Ladies' Coats lnduding a ~pe<ial Group of 1995 FORSTMANNCOATS Valvcsta$59.95 STROOCK COATS Stu~cial KASHVELLA COATS Lt•ss ('onawn 3.00 lo~~Jf~oi·~W~P~i~~~~~~~o.l695 103 S. W. Morrilon )f. -Street level Comer Park & Morri5on -----OPEN MONDAY 9AMto9PM_____