Portland Advocate_1981-09&10

page2 (Continued from Page l) this oeriod will cover the ranair- · ing parts of the definition of the U. N. Convent ion on Genocide. The lynchings and systematic denial of basic hunan needs such as; decent hous– ing, adequate education and nutritious foods to eat during this period, fur– ther corroborates the genocide conten– tion. Disproportionate IXJlice kill– ings, suppression of cultural expres– sion, psychologically manipulated to embrace other people's history, values and characteristics and taught to look negatively upon one's own, all give credence to the genocide question. Evidence of Black destruction is alx>und and the processes ·used yesterday to mentally, physically and spiritually destroy Black people are still prac– ticed today (see Chancellor Williams' The Destruction of Bl~ Civilization, Third World Press, 1976). Never in the histroy of this earth has a group of people (us) been constantly under seige. From Afrikan antiquity to pre-< sent times, the attacks on the Black masses have been relentless. Jones– town only serves as another reminder. · We ask, can you recall in recent history the killing of so many Black people at one time, DURING ONE SINGULAR EVENT? Why have we virtually forgOtten such an event? Was Jonestown a CIA mind– control experiment and, if so, does the mind games go on? rlhat signifi– cance does CIA involvement in Jones– town have to Black communities across this country? The following is an interview done by a Washington, DC coomentator with Congressnan Leo Ryan's (killed in Jones– town) Administrative Assistant, Joseph Holsinger, who says there is evidence of CIA complicity in Jonestown. The text in parenthesis is that of The Advocate. We simply ask you to read the interview and reflect upon the above raised questions. Hopefully, it will serve as an impetus for you to join the struggle to find some answers that will raise the truth that has been crushed to earth. CDMMENI'A'IOR: The CIA is the ruroor, how much involvanent and how true is the ruroor? IDISINGER: Well, there is at least s:me truth to it, we have detennined. The first element I had, something I kept quiet for a year. The afternoon that it happened I had a call fran first the State· Department and then the White House, about the tragedy and the stories conflicted. They had call– ed me up fran the White Ibuse to get identification for the newsmen that were killed there. They did not know their nrunes and I was able to supply than. But at the time when it was a conflict between the two stories that. I had gotten fran the State Department and the White House, I was pretty much in shock and I mentioned that to a friend who called me fran the White Ibuse and be said, "Joe, our informa– tion is correct, we have a CIA report fran the scene." ,I have not said any– thing publicly about that for over a year because I recognize that we have intelligence gathering information everywhere and that is a legit~nate and reasonable analysis, but I had no idea we had a covert operation there~ because Leo Ryan had served on the Over– sight Ccmnittee. Matter of fact, he was the author of the Hughes-Ryan Amendment that provided for over– sight. (The Hughes-Ryan Amendment, strongly opposed by the CIA, re– quired the CIA to give prior noti– fication of any covert operation.) In that capacity, he would have gotten any re}X>rt the CIA had made to the Oversight Committee about involve– ment in Guyana. There was not any of these, not even to the Senate or the House. So I just kept quiet because I did not think it would serve any purpose just to point out that they had a CIA report from the scene. It was not until December of 1979, over a year later, that a news story broke in the San Mateo Times to the effect that the Deputy Chief of Missions in Guyana, Richard Dwyer, had not only been the CIA's station chief there, but had gone back to Jonestown after Leo was killed at Port Kaitliila and the FBI had the tape with Jones shouting during the killing there, it was kill– ing, murder, not suicide. "Get Dwyer out of here. Get Dwyer out of here. '' CDMMENI'A'IOR: We are not talking rum:>r here, that is fact?! Blakey, a Jonestown defector, the sister of Larry Layton who was one of Jones' closest aides and commander of the Jonestown secu– rity forces. Deborah and Larry are both children of Dr. Lawrence Layton who once served as Chief of Chanica! Warfare for the U.S. Anny and is now a top researcher for the U.S. Depart– ment of Agriculture in the San Fran– cisco Bay Area, he was the man who arranged for the lease of the land down there, the land that was leased from the Guyanese government. In early 1974, Phillip Blakey with a $600,000 chech from the Barclays Bank in Canada, was the paymnent, was the way he leased the land. He happens to be the brother– in-law of Larry Layton, who was re– cently acquitted in Guyana. And Phillip Blakey we have in 19-75 with the CIA re– cruiting mercenaries for the CIA in Angola in 1975, then back down to Jonestown in late'78 out on one of Jones' boats while all the killing was going on. OOMMENTA'IOR: there? What are you saying IDISINGER: :F'act again. In checking IDlSINGER: I am saying we have in- back and following up on this then, volvement on Jones' top staff who is we find a publication in Berlin in CIA plus Dwyer on the other side. And 1968, Who • s Who in the CIA, it is in the indications we have are that our the Library of Congress, on the page government had a long standing re- alphabetically under ''D's", we find lationship with Jones and the People's Richard Dwyer, this is 1968 mind you. Temple. He joined the State Department in 1957, · . CIA since '59 with all the stations COMMENTATOR: Are we day1ng that Blakey he has been at. Fact again. Then the was involved with Jones? quest ion canes up, why he goes back into Jonestown after Leo was killed. To what purpose? That puzzles me and needs to be checked into. Now fact again, the FBI tried to ques– tion him. The Guyanese officials would not let than in. He has since cane back ·to this country, the Justice Department has yet to question him. The Ibuse Foreign Affairs Committee staff investi– gators admits that they never ques– tioned Dwyer about this incident because they said on their own that they did not believe it, so they saw no reason to question him about it. Why? It is on the tape. They say it must be sane mistake. They say Dwyer was wo~ded there. I have information here I got the day afterwards that he was slightly wounded. How? He did the unbadging. We also have information that he was very ambulatory and he was gone more than half the time that after– noon and evening and he was miss- ing from the Port Kaituma airstrip. So we think that needs to be inves– tigated. There is another tie-in to the Central Intelligence Agency. I want to state here that I am not opposed to the CIA. They perform a necessary function and even the covert operations are necessary, but they have to be monitored close– ly so we won't have these aberrations occur that cost us so much that I think the security angle tends to cover up very grave errors. The final CIA thing that I have to bring out is that from the other side, one of Jones' chief lieu– tenants, a man name Phillip Blakey. He was the man who arranged for the lease of the land down there, the land that was leased from the Guy– anese government (Phillip Blakey is the husband of Delx>rah Layton OOISINGER: Yes, he was the man who arranged for the lease of the land down there. CDMMENTA'IOR: Fact or rtliiX)r? The CIA was involved in mind-control experi– ments in Jonestown? IDISINGER: After I appeared here in Washington in late February I started getting information, I started getting calls and people started getting infor– mation to me. I had heard the mind– control ruroors fran alm:>st the time it happened. I discounted those and dismissed them because I sllnply did not believe them. But information was brought to me after my appearence here in February that caused me to believe that it probably is the case. That Jonestown was a center for mind-control experiments following thJ:ough with the MKultra program of the CIA which they had for twenty-five years and exercised in the VA hospitals, in the federal prisons, state prisons, and same state hospitals. And Helms (Richard Helms, fonner CIA director) said in '74 that they had discontinued it because the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) had put pressure on. But now the charge is that they transferred it to private cults for continuing their experimentation and Jonestown appearently was one of those cults. COMMENI'A'IDR: that? Apparently! Can you prove IDISINGER: Well, I will give you this, the circl.IDStantial evidence. A vast amount of drugs was found at Jonestown. They were never specified as to what they were. We heard there were a lot of drugs, and we thought they were in drug running. All of those drugs were (Continued on Page 5)