Portland Advocate_1981-09&10

page 20 ,JONESTOWN(Continued from Page 5) During this period of time we had reports of helicopters scouring the area looking for the missing 500. We had reports of columns heading toward Venezuela. All of a sudden, by the fifth day it's 700, by the sixth day it's 915 and the only explanation for that has been that they were underneath the original bodies, which they were not. Why? What happened? And all I can conjecture and it is conjecture, is that the mass suicide drills that they carried out in San Francisco, tried and so on, that sanebody in the line of this mind-control experiment decided that with Leo Ryan there and all of the powers of the United States government there that this was the time t1 pull the plug and try it. And sane of the poeple did not go for it because we have the word of the medical examiner fran Guyana that over 700 to 900 people there were murdered and did not commit suicide. (Dr. leslie Mootoo, Chief Medical Examiner of Guyana, found that the majority of the victims bore the puncture marks of hypodennic needles on their backs or upper anns where they could not have reached themselves.) CDMMENTA'IOR: If what you are saying is true ••. IDISINGER: I hope it's not. CDMMENTA'IOR: ••• and the CIA was in– volved, then the ambush on Congress– man Ryan and the rest would have been known by the CIA. IDISINGER: Yes. CX>MMENI'A'IOR: In other words, the CIA could have warned the congressnan and the rest of the people coming that there was going to be sane kind of activity or an ambush? IDISINGER: Yes. One of my questions to the Congressional Committee in February before I knew about the mind– control thing was, because of every– thing else that I had found out, was Leo Ryan set up for murder by his own ~overnment? CDMMENTA'IOR: These are serious charges and you have proposed a special house committee besides •.• IDISINGER: What they have had so far was a Subcommittee on House Foreign Affairs and they were gracious enough to do that, Bill Royer who is serving now his place in Congress, has pushed for it. He convinced at least some members of that Committee that there was enough there so instead of ruling CO.MMENTA'IOR: •••we have on it they passed it on· th the House of things produced ••• Select Committee on Intelligence which seen all sorts is like passing on oversight on the OOLSINGER: ••• all phony. Armed Forces to the Armed Forces Cornr mittee. It is the most friendliest corrmi ttee to than and I do not know what they are going to do with it. They say they are going to put a re– port out but they have been studying the matter ... but since they are my charges I want to point out that they have never once contacted me. COMMENTA'IOR: ••• and you are saying that the whole story has been rewrit- ten? HOLSINGER: It is a mythology. What they did and the way they got us of this tract, and it took us six days to get us off, was to paint the pic-. ture of a bunch of unstable people who COMMENTATOR: Have you contacted them? rejected our society, they were mostly Black, and that they turned their backs IDLSINGER: No, because they are doing on this country, went down there and the investigating. I just carne to killed themselves ••• good riddence and Washington for a few days on other forget abou't it. And I point out that business and found out that they are that is a pretty racist interpretation. about ready to issue a report on their If there had been 900 white people findings and I did not know there had murdered down their, you whold have the been an investigation. I think that crys all over the place, but they are in itself is simply designed to say different, let it go and forget about we have investigated and there is · it. That is the myth that has been nothing to it and if anything else put out. ever canes up again they can say we have already checked into it, and that there is nothing to it. cnMMENTA'IOR: And you are saying that is a myth. The story is different and it should be investigated? CDMMENTA'IOR: With . the charges you have just made, why haven't you gone to the HOLSINGER: Absolutely. What I am CIA and say 'Bocxn, here they are' or, t~ing to do, I can not do it full- you know, 'what's the story?' tliile and make a life-long advocation of this. Simply as infonnation gets IDLSINGER: I have given those to Con- in to me, I'm trying to understand it, gressnan Bill Royer who has in his make sane logic out of it and I know files and is passing it on, who is that it is a lot there, far too much asking for more hearings on the matter.there that has not been told, that Bill Royer has been magnificent on has not been looked into and I don't this and I want to support him. I'm think Congress is in a position to trying to do things the House way but do it yet. They are concerned about I want to point this out to you, to more ~iate work. the public at large, there really is not too much that the House in the COMMENTA'IOR: What are you going to present circumstances will do. And until the public itself becomes more aware of the mythology of Jonestown ••• they put the story out deliberate– ly and it is a cover story that these people were crazy people and that you should not care about them, that they were just an aberration so lets forget them. The public has to know before the House will move. COMMENTA'IOR: We have seen document– aries, I have seen a television movie ..• OOLSINGER: All phony ••. all phony ••. do? IDLSINGER: What I am doing today. I am being contacted constantly now by people who add bits and pieces to this. I don't have the whole story by for. There is a lot more to be found out , but I am going to keep trying. COMMENTA'IOR: Mr. Holsinger, I thank you very much. If the story that you portray is true, it is one that is unfolding and if it does unfold in· the way you say I hope you cane back here and share it with us. OOSINGER: There is more and perhaps sometimes I can tell you a little more about it. OOMMENTA'IOR: I thank you sir. 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