Portland Advocate_1981-09&10

page18 Creation Time , AVE BLACK WOMAN Now that we are together alone Come with me, my love Allow me to give you me without reservation now Nor expectation beyond Let me surround.you -cover my hand As we meet ••• as only~ can meet Share with me our deepest secrets and hold them in our care Plan with me our cozy empire so long, dear one, suppressed While, all the while I seek to make you warm safe wanted, and cared for contented adored mine, and cared for special loved needed, and cared for Dear Lifetime and Lifelong friend CBOSSWOBD the end ahead It's only beginning, we've got to Time's of no essenc~ -space looms Like New Birth, we're born again Come with me, my love Lay with me, my love Dream with me, my love Nar.E: Puzzle was provided canpliments of The Black Collegian magazine. It has been revised by The Advocate. as we rise to greater heights And conquer all -As one by J. Courtney Gordon Total Home Environment Creative Recreation and Instructional Buildings Inc. 4815 N.E. 7th Portland, Oregon 97 211 249-8501 288-0371 FREEDOMWORDS by Joan Courtney Gordon 'Key' to last month's FREEDOMWORDS puzzle HISTORY TIDBITS Are you aware that: 1. The first three initials of our DDst eminent scholar wtx:> died in exile at "J:x:me". 4. A leading country in East Afrika v.bose leader is fondly referred to as ''Baba ya Taifa"(Father of the Nation). 9. Because of the severity of Ameri– ca"S genocidal programs, many Blacks openly question whether we can the eighties. 12. A popular free name meaning Black or a contraction of the name of a fiUIDUS type of \\OOd found in Afrika. 15. The Impressions once extorted us to "Keep Pushin", like our leaders told us to. 16. Fo:nrer Black Congressnan v.bo re– signed a U.N. post as pr otes t a– gainst Almrica 's Afrikan poli– cies. 18. Unity(Kiswahili) 20. Slang tenn meaning everything is in order. 21. An article of W.siness that DDst small Black businesses cannot afford. / 22. A tenn used by white newsmen that referred to the "spoils" of ghetto warfare. 23. for one and one•••••• 24. An East Coast city where Black legend claims sisters outnuli:>er brothers 5 to 1. 26. A OOnesticated animal that contri– butes DDre than his share to Black diseases and illnesses. 27. The first n ame o f a founder of "Soul City" v.bo was one of the Dll.in speake rs a t a Black affair that raised $200,000 to re-elect fo:nrer President, R.M. Nixon. 31. "Spirit_ the dark." 1) In Boxing, the heavyweight division has, for years, been dominated by Blacks? For 20 years or more, all heavyweight champions have been Black. They have accepted the honor and worn the belt with pride •.• for excellence. 2) In 1891, Peter Jackson boxed sixty-one rounds for a draw with Jim Corbett, and in 1907, Jack Johnson defeited Tommy Burns for the Heavyweight Championship? 3) In 1947, Jackie Robinson became the first Black Major League baseball player? ••• and did you know that: 1) Contrary to what is seen of TV/movies of th~ old cowboy, more ·than 5,000 Blacks were working as cowboys in the west? 2) ~Love, a Black cowboy, earned the title of Deadwood Dick, and outlaws Cherokee Bill and Bill Hodges eluded the law? • - ,J \ '·• r ~· ... J 32. "What it 33. The last U.O initials of a fo:nrer Black leader wtx:> was in exile, and his seldan used first name is Leroy. 34. A way of death for addicts. 35. A key \\Ord fi'OOl an Old Testament DDtto of retribution that some Blacks \\UI.lld like to see applied today. 36. The chief god of white Almrica or a five letter \\Ord that spells "love" to liDSt of white Almrica and some of Black .America. 37. q,endo(Englisb). 40. Black leaders considered the device as a weapon of genocidal warfare in Almrica' s arsenal. 41. Very mlch(Kiswahili). 42. "-other Country." 44. Trains of Windy City fame. 46. The synthesis of A and everything that is not A is known .as a ------ process. 49. A higher degree or a fonn of ad– dress preferred by same sisters today. 50. A vehicle of transportation that is a liDSt sensitive national is- sue. 52. An herbal health drink that gain– ed increased acceptance aDDng Black people concerned about their eating habits. 54. Fai.th(Kiswahili). 56. Described as a ghetto guerilla, who fought the drug traffic in the Black caDII.Ulity, many Black people believed the white lie he was s:im– ply caught atteupting to ccmni.t lU1Ded robbery. 57. Nonnan was the Chainnan of "Blacks for Wallace," his last name is the given name of a fa– ~ Black poet. 59. An abbreviation for a slang name for Detroit. 60. ''I_ SaDebody.'' 61. Part of the generic chain which ac– cording to same white psychiatrists contributes to the cau.Se for al– leged "low" Biack intelligence quotient. 63. This Steel City is the heme of one of Black America's IIIJSt outspoken public official &:.t poe time. , . .. •J... .1 <'· (. '{If '\."'•• .<"·L~ ~·- L~ ... _t...