Northwest Defender_1963-09-12

A great and willing mind is the results of inborn vision, Vision is the result of life wanting expression, The will to express is in everyone & everything. The flower bud blooms to a flower. The wiggle worm matures into a flying crea– ture. A grain of sand becomes a mountain when it adheres to another grain to make a rock. The highest instrument through which life is expressed is the mind. Intelligence is the product of the intellect and the intellect abides each individual's world and in your individual world you live. Therefore you live in your thought with what Y,OU are think ing, what's in your vision, what~s in your mind, your world? Christ wants his throne there. The intermost constitution of man is his heart. That's exactly where Christ wants to predominate. He wants your intermost house to live in. You need him there because it's a little house whereone of three must live; you, the devil or Christ, Egotistical; and you live there, devilish and mean; the devil lives there, sweet and safe; Christ lives there. If you're having trouble with the first two, come see me for help in reaching the last state. I will pass on to you the Bible way to deliver– ence. Amen. Eld. Wilbert G. Hardy, pastor of Mount Sinai Church, 936 N. E. Beech Street, Sunday Services and Evening Services. Foundation for the greatest work since Paul• SEMLErI SPORTING GOODS and CAMERAS 404 S.W. WUhiftlton St. Ponland 4, Oreaon CA 8-3154 Furnished Apt. For Rent 1 and 2 Bedrooms utilities furnished ii Manager Oscar Simpson 2404 N. Vancouver Ave. AT 7-1062 CHUCK &. Bl LL's HAt£0CK SERVICE 7 Fuels Tune ups Mufflers Radiator Repair 7 Prices Wheel Balance Certified Lubes Brake Jobs 6719 N.E. Union Avenue ...-----...-.-"""' e4 hamilton furs 011on.Sundav efter church I I to 5 P.M.I for your conve~~ience encl .. ,Y perklnt. August FU'R SALE * Excellent lfUanty * Limited quantity * Selection of colors * TWO YEARS TO PAY The intecnty of ed h•miltoa fun ia your 1\W'alltce of qti.. f•ction Fur produea labeled to •-– try e1 orlcln of Imported fun • • • priceo pluo tu. ed hamilton furll 908 S.W. Morritoa CA 6-3201 Season Symphony Ticket Sale Under Way for High Schools About one-fifth of Greater header _j)erfonnances at the Portland's high school students Portland Public Auditoriu'rn will hear classical music play- Nov. 12, Jan. 14, Feb. 20, al1ct ed by the Portland Symphony March 10, 1964. Orchestra during the coming A. Verne Wilson, superm– school year. tendent of music for the Port- Symphony So c i e t y Pres. land public schools, estimates Fred M. Buchwalter has an- that 3000 children, some hear– nounced the orchestra's most ing symphony music for the ambitious series of concerts first time, will attend each for youth in its 52-year his- · concert, one in the morning tory. and one in the afternoon. Teenagers from public and . Students will pay $2 for a parochial high sc,hools in Port- " seas.on" ticket to four co~land proper, and from Beaver- secutive, concerts; busses will ton and Milwaukie will see the transport them to and from the 80-piece orchestra' directed by auditorium. Tic~ets went on Maestro Jacques Singer dur- sale at ea~h high school on in.~t a series . vf four double- Monday, Sept. 9. GOOD VALUE GOOD BUY! FRESH NEW HOME 3 bedrooms, reverse floor plan, large Jiving room, dining area, mahogany panel wall with fireplace. One and a half baths, birch kitchen, paved streets, sidewalks, sewers, garage. 70x100 lot. $15,575, $450 dn, FHA. DRIVE BY THESE 261 N. Fargo, 3 bedrooms, basement, large Jiving room, dining room, kitchen. Sacrifice at $4,950. 1302 N.E. Mason, 4 bedrooms, new gas furnace, base– ment, Jiving room, dining room, excellent condition. $ 7,950, $ 300 move-in, FHA. WARD 5711 East Burnside c 00 K I INC. BE 4-9766 WE TRADE, SEE US! 27th & N.W. Vaughn Open 'tii9-Thursday, Frday and Monday 'Toys' Bacli On PCArena ''TGys In The Attic" re– turns to the Portland Civic Thea'ter Blue Room arena at 8:30 p.m. Friday, for a three– weekend run. The Lillian Hellman drama enjoyed 'i nighly successful en– gagement earlier this summer and stars Edna Wacker and Dori:S Owen as the spinster sis– ters, Berniers and Bob Buseick as the ne'er-do-well brother, Julian. Nanette Bork, Peggy Cooke and Venerable Booker round out the cast of the New Or– leans-set, explosive play. Jim Cameron directs the production. lil i 1!' :1 [.}iii- CA-B 2339 TONIGHT at 8 P.M. WEDNESDAY-2 SHOWS 2 P.M. & 8 P.M. Reservations are urged and may be made by telephone: CA 6-3048. SUBSCRIBE TO NORTHWEST DEFENDER Q(OPATRA in TODD-AO • Color by De Luxe I -TICKETS AVAILABLE SHOWTIM:J or in advance, all performances _Box Office Open Noon to 9 JACQUELINE$ DOWITO,WN ~ ·,." FINAL REDUCTIONS! ENTIRE STOCK OF FASHION SPRING & SUMMER APPAREL IN A LIQUIDATING S LE! DRASTIC REDUCTIONS BUY NOW ••• AS LOW AS ... · .· '~~~~ 50o/o To 75o/o ~!~~~ SAlE! Mon. 9 30 9 P.M. ONLY! ANNIVERSARY ~~~~ ~2~~~~ .. 1 3~!~!: .. 5 up IOup 15up STARTS TODAY! Storewide Savings! Hurry for your share of the savings during Wards big 91 st Anniversary sale! Hundreds of values ... every department throughout the store. Get your copy of the l 0 page sale circular at any store entrance. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED lilTS 1 39 15 to 110 95 SWEATERS $J9 9 ~o39 95 19up 9up 6up ADVANCE FALL SALE! RAINCOATS Val.to39.95 12 88 from · • FALL K·NITS New Styles 29 88 from • ~~~~~RIM!~ $77!0 Fur Pnlducts labeled to show coUIIIIJ of origin of rmported furl. LEATHER 2988 JACKETS Values to $59.95 up FALL SJ8 COATS Vulues to $99.95 up LAY-AWAY ON SMALL DEPOSIT d. DOWNTOWN ONLY! S.W. 9th & Morrison St.