Northwest Defender_1963-09-12 Friction While there is lots of friction between democratic members uf Oregon's congressional deligation over President Ken– nedy's Portland visit; the Northwest Defender staff and management would like to know from the Portland Housing . Authority, just how many Negros are ready to move into the Northwest Tower after the President dedicates the building. There are many elderly Negros with low income that would like to get .in this high-rise apartment building. If no Negros are on the list, the President should by-pass the dedication ceremonies and address all the people, bothNegro and white at the Memorial Coliseum. URBAN'S FOR TV AND APPL.IANCES TV SERVICE S.PECIP.LrSTS New Washer . . .$149.95 New dryer . $124.95 New r>:!fdqcralor $139 wt SALE NE\:V COLOR TV $39S.95 to S575 wt *OnfdJs·ed TV– *Phono Co·mbi., *Ne·w oicture tUbe. *$129.95 Uead TV from $39.95 130 1 NE Dekum Phcne 285·6030 Hours: Mon.• Fri.. 8-8 Wkdays. e-7. Sat. 8-6 COTTON CLUB Open 11:00 A.M • . Every Day 2125 N. Vancouver Avenue o Portland, Oregon September 16th PATIENCE VALENTINE Hank Sworn's Trio SINGING Leah Dawson (Billy Larkins at the Hammond) THREE SHOWS NITELY Dine and Dance Special Rates Cocktail Hour: Open 7 days a week Jazz in the Afternoon Each Saturday 3:00 p.m.-1 :00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. • Barblre to •rw ¥fAI• wws. lfan'II.A.IIIINW ....._ J..loJd(Ualll .. ..,.,... MICkLDa--.Prap. .i. N. Rue•ll. AT 4-M74 Lovely furnished rooms for rent in pleasant surround– ings, community kitchen and bath, washer in basement; $35-45, Call BE 2-2707 SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR: FOOD- BAND Low Rates Dances Part! e s Banquets Social and Club Meetings 6 North Tillamook Street AT 4-9872- AT 2-5571 Wholesale '60's TO 55's AU Units at Low Book $50 Down and Balance up to 36 Months. FRANCIS WHLSLE. Inc:. 7337 NE UDloQ THESE USED CARS MUS I BE SOLD! THIS WEEK! FRESH, NEW STOCK OF PREMIUM TRADE-INS Price '63 Monza Sdn ------------------52095 '62 Comet Sedan -----------------1295 '61 Plymouth 2 dr -----------------1095 '60 Rambler Wagon ________________ 795 '59 Bonne Convert ----------------1495 '59 Ford Wagon -------------------995 '59 Chev 4 dr ---------------------695 '59 'Triumph Sdn -------------------295 :59 Vauxhall -----------------------.395 58 Plymouth -----------------------295 ·sa Volkswagen ____________________895 '58 Ford 2 dr --------------~-------495 '57 Dodge Sdn ---------------------395 '57 DeSoto Htop ___________________ 295 '57 Chev 2 dr ---------------------395 '57 Olds 4 dr ______________________395 '56 Chrysler HtoP' __________________ 395 '55 Ford Htop _____________________ 195 '55 Dodge 4 Dr --------------------195 '55 Chev Wagon -------------------295 '55 Chev 4 dr -------------------- 295 '55 Chrysler N. Ykr ----------------=395 '55 Stude 2 d~ ---------------------139 l'ymt. $51.10 28.17 24.12 17.50 32.77 21.86 15.30 6.55 8.75 6.55 19.20 10.94 8.75 6.55 8.75 8.75 8.75 6.55 6.55 6.55 6.55 8.75 6.55 OPEN EVES & SUNDAY Payments figured 1/J down - 36 mos. ROSE CITY DO.DGE, Inc. 4401 N.E. Union AT 2·3275 MORE ..,:_, Society, Sports, Nt11io1ul 1111 tr Local News .•• MORE Pictures of Interest to YOU than any Other Newspaper CLIP AND MAIL SUBSCRIPTION BLANK P.O. Box 1874, Portland 12. Oregon Year $2.75 0 Slx Months $1.50 n Check On ot Above - Mail Check or Money Order THROUGH M.AIL ONLY NAME ----------------------------- ADDRESS ----------------------_:___ CITY-----------l()NI __ !lTATf___ HOBB'S RICHFIELD rREE PICK UP &: DEUVF..RY Brake S. vice • Com plete L ubrication Tun. Up Tiret • Batt .eri.el • AGc.euories AT 4-1191 H.H. (JIDWI••) .MI1 N.l. Uaiaa A,... Port1aad. Orepa