Northwest Clarion_1947-04-21

· Monday, April 21, 1947 THE NORTHWEST CLARION AND PACIFIC DISPATCH PAGE THREE THESE PORTLAND ADVERTISERS APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE •-•-~m-••••-u"-ttn-"lt-mJ-1111-IIll-:nt-a---•-•---111-•u-•-•-•-•-•- P~ Soc«d TICK TICK BY ANN MoRRISON and HELENA SEARCIE ter, 21 N.E. Broadway, next Sunday afternoon from 2 to 4 o'clock, accord– ing to Miss Doris M. Reynolds, super– visor. Since ilie Day Nursery moved into its new quarters, the League SOPHISTICATED CLUB NOTES The Sophisticated Ladies Social club, met Sunday evening, April 13. at the resident of Mrs. Nina Jack– son's 2024 Woodward St. MRS. DENNIS FETED Mrs. Elizabeth J. Dennis, 1312 N. Ross Ave.. was feted with a birthday party last Tuesday evening, at her lovely home. Whitfield, •Thelma Smith. Messrs. Harold Hoskins, Johnny Easter, Ray– mond Johnson. The hostess and her husband, Mr. is once more reactivating commun- Eleven B 1 --·-·-----·-•-•--·--·-u--..--•-•-•--•-•-• members were present. eautifu fresh cut flowers were ity center with a wide range of ac- Mrs. T. Allen the former president, tastefully arranged in vases earring Albert Dennis, left no stones un– touched in making the party a suc– cess. At the clase of the festivities Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Schwald of VACATIONIST RETURN tivities for all age groups. The prem- · d M L 0 rt 48 h d h S l W d M B res1gne , rs. orene ve on, out t e mo ern c inese motif in the eatt e, n., were Sun ay morning rs. ernice Young and Miss Mar- ises have been newly decorated and N E T'll k St 'd t the guests left for their homes wish– ing the hostess many more happy birthdays. 1 amoo now pres1 en living room. The dining table was visitors at House of Prayer. garet Broadnax of this city spent new furnishings installed pre arin · · , . ., . · . . ' P g ' Also Mrs. K. M1tchell resigned, Mrs. adorned with a lace centerpiece on * their pre-Easter vacation in Berkley, t<• resume a full program of social L S R d h' h · · 1 f 1 * * l l ' eona tevenson, 2117 o ney, was w 1c sat a s1mp e vase o b ossoms. VISITORS FROM THE Calif,. VlSltmg Miss Broadnax's cu tural and re igious activities. 1 d · Birthday Party PUGET CITY d M d M d e ecte treasurer. The birthday cake was white deco-1 . . Mr. Douglas Bass is a visitor in the city for a few days. He is from Ta– coma, Wn. gran parents r. an rs. An rew * * • . . On March 7, little Lionel Lamont Evan,s and her aunt and uncle, Mr., The Sophisticated Ladies club name r~ted w1th the name Ehzabeth in Hays celebrated his first birthday and Mrs. J. C. Fontane formerly of Committees Named: has been changed, and is now, "The pmk and blue colors. with a party at the home of Mrs. our city. j Mr~. Neil Malarkey, chairman of: Rainbow Social Club." Following the cutting of the cake, Coddie Mae Williams, 203 N. Halsey * HERE FROM BEND Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Phelps of Bend, Oregon, have been in the city for a few days on business and also visiting their daughter, Mrs. Rozelia Johnson and family on ~- E. Hinkley Dr. They had a delightful time and the League's advisory board, has ap-1 Next meeting will be held at the I the guests retired to the rumpus St. Mrs. Williams who is to be the were honored with a lovely Easter pointed the following standing com- I home of Mrs. Mary E. Sowells, 46 room where games and dancing were/ baby's Godmother was responsible breakfast, also entertained at a party mittee for the Social Center: Miss N .E. Tillamook St. 1 the order of the evening. Sharing 1 for the party, and through her ef- given in their honor. They were tak- Margaret C. Kern, Miss Jane V. Mrs. Faye Brown, Reporter 1 honors with the hostess was her new- forts it wil be one to be long remem- en on a tow· of San Francisco, Oak- , Doyle, Mrs. Gertrude Day, Messrs. ly wed nephew and his wife. Mr. bered by the youngsters. Plenty of land and Berkley, finding many George Washington and Ray Bolger. and Mrs. Earl Johnson, of Ooakland, points of interest m these cities. Assisting the above committee for the Slim Gaillard Calif.. who are honeymooning here. • formal opening will be Mesdames Al- M k H• M. • G M dr' h All w l B k w·ll I a es IS USIC uests were r. and Mrs. C. B. lC en, a ter roo s, 1 a " . . . , . '! Maxey, Mr. and Mrs. Perry, Mes- CALIFORNIA VISITOR Mae Winslow and William W. Cement M1xer-Putt1, Putt!, wh1ch d 1 . G , ROYALLY ENTERTAINED Members of Shiloh Baptist church k k d · 1 f · 1 ames Mary Jones. Ju 1a reen. An-· Payne. . s yroc ete to mus1ca arne, 1s p ay- . . j CHURCH ACTIVITIES Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson, who on N.E. 76 and Glisan are looking ed by the ongmators of the distinc-1 me Cannon. Sophia <J:ordon. Helen -~ was married on Easter Sunday in forward to Installation of new officers , tive melody, the Slim Gaillard Trio. Harpole, Bertha Wh1tfield, Mary Oakland, Calif., are spending their on May 18 at 3 = 00 P.M. The Minis- GIVEN SURPRISE ' in the musical film, "Sweetheart of Truebl~od. Misses Myra Filson, De- honeymoon in Portland, visiting rela- ter's Alliance now has as it's presi- BIRTHDAy PARTY Sigma Chi,", which shares the screen !ores Filson, Bessie B. Clark, Lucille dent Rev. C. H. Smith and Rev. M. d D d N tives. The happy young couple is Mrs. Jewel Denney, 1 69 N. Cher- ;'it~ ~oretta Young an . a~ ev- staying with ilie groom's aunt, Mrs. M. Burns Jr., secretary. For the May ry Court, surprised her hubby, Mr. m m The Perfect Mar~1age, at the Elizabeth J. Dennis, of 1312 N. Ross 18 meeting Rev._ F. R. Baker of El- \'Villie Denney, with a beautiful Paramount theatre startmg Tuesday., Ave. Besides an aunt, Mr. Johnson lenburg, VVn., Will. be the speaker. birthday party Saturday night. The music dished out by the Slim has several uncles, 'ncludilng Mr. On Sunday Apnl 13, Rev. Euge'ne G 'll d T . h . l h h' h ' B d f h G 1'1 B · Several friends dropped in to pay! .al a_r . no as a _nove touc _w 1c Tom Johnson, well known business oy past_or 0 t e a 1 ee a_ptlst h 1 h I I h 11 k h All their respect. We were not able to puts 1t m t e swmg . c ass w1t an man, and counsins living here. c mrc WI spea at t e lance d h f h l Th . Meeting at 3:00 P.M. at Shiloh. get the entire list of the guest but extra as 0 somet mg .e se. at . The Newlyweds ha;e been exten-1 A Silver Tea and Musicale will we were able to secure some ' who something else is what Slim Gaillard s1vely entertamed wh1le here. They be held on Apnl 27 , at Shiloh. The are listed below. Music, games and calls "vout-o" music. It's a beat put • were the gues~s of Mr. Raymond I affair is under the auspices of the dancing were the form of entertain- in by the Trio that catches rhythm Johnson and M1ss Myra Filson Wed- M' . B d M LI'III·an ment. and Mrs. Dennev served a followers with its mellow or, as Slim . I ISsiOnary oar . rs. J r:esday evemng, at the Paramount I Graves president, and Mrs. F. G. lovely repast with drinks. A beauti- puts it, "oronee" flavor. Gaillard has theater; they were honored with a A d t ful ~:hite calre with candles ? burn- traveled all over the world with his . . n erson secre ary. , dinner Thursday evemng, given by I ing was cut by Mr. Denney and father, who was a ship's steward, and Mrs. Dennis at her home; Friday I • • served the guest. has incorporated several languages evening they were given a going KELLY-JACKSON NUPTIALS into his music. Arabian, Hebraic. The following penons were pres- away party in the Dennis' rumpus IN VANCOUVER, V\"N. Greek, Spanish and English words ent, Lucile Dumas. Lillian Jones, room which was climaxed by a trip Mr. Henry Jackson, well known are mixed into the lyrics of songs Charles Jones, Lovell Mae Perez. to the Clarion Grill where a delight- railroad employee and Miss Marie like ''Yep Roc Heresi," which the Jasper Madison, Randall Dumas, Jr., - ful time was observed in dancing Kelly, also of Potland, were married Gaillard Trio also play in the musi- Mrs. M. F. Watkins and Louis L. and watching an exciting floor show. in Vancouver, Wn., Saturday. cal. In addition to his singing, Slim * Th,e bride has J·ust returned from Jones, Jasper Madison and Chesley i.:: an expert performer on piano and B E. Corbett, both of the Clarion. IRTHDAY CELEBRATION a trip to Chicago and Detroit, and Mrs. Lillian Graves, of 1102 N. she brought her father back from Margin Ave., was hostess for a joint Detroit to be present" at the wedding surprise birthday celebration, Mon- r:nd "give the bride away," but was day April 14. Honored guests were taken ill and had to go to the hospital her daughter, Mrs. Bernice Young for treatment. and Mrs. F. ATiderson, wife of Rev. . Mrs. Alice Patton \\aS maid of Anderson of Shiloh Baptist church.,' honor, and her husband, Mr. James Many fnends called between the Patton best man. Mr. Charlie Walker hours of 8:00 P.M. and 10:30 P.M. . was witness to help. the ladies celebrate the af- · The brid~, known intimately to fair. Lovely gifts were received. De- her friends as Carmen. was lovely in licious refreshments were served, Bottle green wool crepe and wore a which._ was vanilla ice cream and a Star of Bethleham. Roofing All Kinds-AU Colors Siding Insulated Brick, Asbestos, Cedar Shakes, Flameproofed Painting and DeccYrating Priced Right-3 Years to Pay COLUMBIA MATERIALS CO. , guitar. House for Sale Albina District, 2229 N. Albina. Open 6 'til 6. Only $850.00 down. 1 1 ~~::n:·oo~~r::.::·ro~:.~~::;: Basement partly ceiled. A real buy. Only $3500 Call Shelton Kelley, AT 8388 JOHN L. KELLEY & SONS 1218 S. W. Washington St. huge birthday cake decorated in The happy couple received many 57 N. E. Broadway spring flowers and candles. A lovely beautiful and useful gifts. Several WE 3382 l Portland 5, Ore. face cloth, with flowers and candles after-marriage and cock tail parties forming the lovely centerpiece. Mrs. were given in their honor. ~ Graves was assisted by her sister. Mrs. T. Brown. THE BLESSED MARTINS Remember C I a r i o n Fashion TO HOLD OPEN HOUSE The Blessed Martin League will Benson High, Sunday, show– May 11. hold "Open House" at its Social Cen- Vanport Shoe Hospital EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING While You Wait Service Satisfaction Guaranteed Shops Located at Centers 1 and 4, Vanport, Oregon JUST REDUCED TO $5350 Must sell at once this well-built 3-bedroom home on corner lot near Irving Park. Large rooms; 1 bedroom down, 2 up. Hot water heat; basement with workroom, toilet. Beautiful walls. throughout. Call F1eischmann, BRoadway 2619 or SUnset 9187 evenings. BOOTS-TATE CO. BRoarway 2619 WEbster 5985 Evenings 'fHIS IS AMERICA SILL PAULfOH# JAMESTOW"" N.Y., FARM BOY, YEAR UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT NEW MEYER HOTEL N.W. 4th & Gliaan MODERN CONVENIENTLY LOCATED ALBERT DENNIS Manager Phone ATwater 7987 ARE YOU UNHAPPY? Consult Mrs. Gray Gifted Psychic Tells Names, Dates and Facts on All Affairs. Units Sep· arated. 1537 S.W. THIRD AVE. Phone ATwater 0431 READINGS DAILY l-loSPI~AL12EO AFTER BATTLE OF Tf-\E 6ULGE– f."ROZEN HANCtS AND FtET, DIZAI'I'HED, HC::Ck ll'IJURY- HE SPENT WEEKS CONCEIVING IDEAS TO PRESERVE POST-WAR. AMERICA'S LIBERTIU••, OREGON FRATERNAL ASSOCIATION A ~lace Where You Meet Your Friends. You Are Always Welcome. 1412 N. Williams Ave. When visiting Spokane Spokane's Only Colored Hotel Dormitory Annex Rates to Railroad Men KAREN HOTEL W. 7 Riverside Ave., Spokane Regular Baths, Showers Strictly Modern K. WORKCUFF, Proprietor Telephone Riverside 9463 By JOHN RANCK A GAl~ HE CARTOONS FOR SEVERAL HUNDR£!) NeWSPAPERS, 5AY.5: IM GOIN' MRS. BEATRICE REED Lady Attendant Complete modern facilities . a thoughtful, kindly service of beauty and dignity . . . within every family's budget. Holman & Lutz COLONIAL Mortuary Worth W. Caldwell, President Sandy Blvd. at E. 14th Telephone EAst 4111 I cake, ice cream, candy and fruit were served. The cake 'was a beautiful huge birthday cake with ilie inscription "Happy Birthday. Lionel Lamont", which attracted the little honored I guest eyes when his one candle was : lit up for him to blow out, although I he tried hard his sister had to blow the candle out for him. He Was the recipient of many gifts, the most outstanding one was a gold name band given him by Mrs. Will– I iams. Among the guest present were, J Mrs. Stella 'Williams, Barbara Ander– ; son, Lucile Graves, Arthelia Morris, 1 Shafton Morris, Roy David Morton. I Andrea Coleman and many others. ....,______________ . (Continued on page 5) I I Mae's Dinette UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT We Serve First Class Foods Prompt Service We Deliver Phone VE 9824 We Serve - 24 Hours Daily · BARBECUED RIBS AND CHICKEN HOME COOKED FOOD SATISFACTORY SERVICE PRIVATE DINING ROOM MAY BE RESERVED Phone VE 9824 L LUCILLE TAYLOR, Proprielor SYLVESTER MARSHALL, Manager 16111\lllllllttllltt\IIIIIIIIIMIIHIIIIIIIIIII\IIIt"IIIIIUIIIIIIIIIHIIIUIIIJIIII\II\IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMIIIIIII:IIIIIIIItlllllliiiiiOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIWll ............. . . . . . . . ... ..... • : 10UR ARM1 : SPECIALT1 • MA1 QET • • 10U A GOOD JOB • • • •••••••• • • • • • • 'VETERANS of the Army, Navy, Ma– rines or Coast Guard who had six or more months of service in certain spe– cialties, may he eligible for. good, steady jobs at good pay in non-com– missioned grades in the new Regular Army. Qualified men must he 18 to 34 inclusive and must have been dis– charged on or after May 12, 1945. The Army gives you new higher pay and many other advantages hard to heat anywhere. In addition to the special– ties listed here, there are many more for which you may he eligible. Ask about them at your U. S. Army Recruiting Station. * * * Bring both your Jircltorge certillcote anJ your occupotiOIIOI history (W.D.A.G.O. FOTm roo -Report of Separation). 614 S. W. 11th Ave. MOS 059 Foreman, Construction 149 Pharmacist 229 Medical Equipment Maintenance Technician 275 Classification Specialist 348 Parts Clerk 409 Medical Technlcla• 514 Radar Crewman (Designated Set) 623 Finance Typist-Clerk 624 Finance Clerk 686 Airplane Instrument Mechanic 747 Aircraft Mechanic 750 Airplane Maintenance Technician A GOOD JOB FOR YOU U. 5. Army CHOOSE THIS FINE PROFESSION NOWI Portland, Oregon .IIIIIIMIIIUtfiiiiKIIIflllllllllllllllllllllllfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiWIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIINIIIItllllllllllllllltiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiLIIIIIII\IIIIItlllllllllllllllllltlllll•ltiiU/11111111111/1\IIIIIIIIIIIIItlltllllllli aU"IIIII'flll l~lttfiHtltHtl>