Northwest Clarion_1947-04-21

PAGE EIGHT THE NORfHWEST CLAJUON AND PACIFIC DISPATCH Monday, April 21, 1947 THESE SEATTLE MERCHANTS SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS Mabel Williams Takes Over Laws Place, Old Savoy; Renamed SEATTLE--One of the latest addi- the management of Mrs. Marjorie tions to Seattle's fast growing Ne- Pitter Mayfield, a new policy has gro businesses is Mabel's Kitchen, teen established so that now Seattle which opened Saturday evening. This Negroes, can be proud of having one restaurant, formerly known as "Law's of the finest small halls in the city. Restaurant", has been entirely reno- It will be open for the use of church– vated and under the management of es, lodges, clubs, or individuals who Mrs. Mabel Williams, who is noted need its accommodations at a reason– in the Northwest for her fine South- able fee for banquets, receptions and ern Fried Chicken, will endeavor to other social affairs. A Grand Open– bring to you menus priced to meet your approval and the best selectiom ing and Open House of both has been for food. Cleanliness, promptness, and planned for the near future. Also customer satisfaction are the aims of plans for an initial Renovation Dance "Mabel's Kitchen", 2201 E. Madison, is being planned. The management of featuring Fried Chicken and Barbe- both restaurant and hall cordially in– cue and "Take Out Service." The New Mae Belle Hall, form– erly the Savoy Ballroom, has also been completely renovated. Under vite you to come out and see for your– self the changes and accomodations available for all. D_D_D.WD MD_D-.1_D_CMHC_D_D_~-~ MEN - DON'T MISS BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN'S BANQUET APRIL 21ST, 1947, 8 P.M. East Madison Braqch- Y.M.C.A. Madison Street Market GROCERIE5-MEAT5-FROZEN FOODS TED T. HAYASHI, Proprietor ·cA 9867 2225 E. Madison WE DELIVER REAL ESTATE INTERNATIONAL REALTY CO. JAMES M. MATSUOKA, Manager HOMES Alterations Suits Made to Order GILT EDGE CLEANERS Pressing While U Wait Hats Cleaned-Blocked 611 Jackson SE 9450 SPRINGTIME IN SEATTLE Means New and Lovelier Styles for Men and Women "ORIGINALITY FOR THE PERSONALITY" • Styled and Designed to Fit (New low prices) STYLE SHOP 411 MAYNARD SEATTLE HEAD INJURY FATAL TO MAN SEATILE--After a hectic evening of argument with his family Lyman A. Reynolds, 51, fell, fatally injuring himself at his home 2019 Main St. Reynolds had been drinking ex– cessively all evening, until it became necessary for his wife to telephone police for aid. According to the po– lice. Mrs. Reynolds said her husband left the home, she notified her son George, ,24, who went to find his father. After the father and son returned home, another argument was re– sumed. Seeking to ward off his fath– er, who sought to strike him. George pushed him. The father fell heavily upon a piece of furniture in the kitchen striking his head. Assuming that he was merely un- CANCER DANCE I , (Continut?d from page 1) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "If we all turn out for a good· c LA ss IFIED time, we'll be giving Cancer a bad time", ·wells said. Tickets are selling almost every- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ where, with the key spots being = Sherman Clay, 624 4th; Hopper Kel– ly, 421 3rd; Lynn's Record Shop, 672 Jackson; The Groove Record Shop. 1223 Jackson; Al Sidel's Music Store. 519 3rd; and the Musicians Union. 662 Y2 Jackson. That's the mighty "Dance to Beat Cancer" at the Trianon, April 28. Music lovers and Human lovers. save that date. New Florist in E. Madison District SEATTLE--With fifteen years' previous experience as a florist, John ROOMS FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT - Attractive– Near Transportation (men prefer· red) Nice surroundings-52 N. Me· Millen St., Portland, Ore. JOB CONTACTS: Job contacts will be Accepted and forwarded to work– ers without fee. Call EAst 2893 FOR SALE (TACOMA) FRAME HOUSE excel– lent Duplex, bathroom up and down. Full concrete basement, fur– nace, automatic stoker. Downtown Tacoma. Proctor 9426 (2-1) R. Jones, 2313Y2 First Avenue, open- ELECTRICAL WIRING ed The Orchid S~oppe at 1726. 22 nd For ELECTRICAL WIRING Ave., about Apnl 1. Jones IS the I CALL G & G ELECTRIC & RADIO HOMES FOR SALE CAPITOL HILL DISTRICT 7 rooms; 4 bedrooms up, hd. wd. floors. Newly decorated. 4 Garages, can be rented. $7,000. FOR QUICK SALE 2 story frame, 2 bedrooms, well kept, hd. wd. firs. garage, and full basement, fumace. Near Union St. on 22 nd ave. INTERNATIONAL REALTY CO. 659 Jackson St. MA 1522 4 BEDROOM HOUSE, near Union Ave., $7,000; $1,500 dn. bal. by as– suming contract. Corner house. INTERNATIONAL REALTY CO 659a Jackson St. MA 1522 COMPLETELY FURNISHED conscious, it was sometime before Pacific Northwest. He is a Veteran only Negro florist operating in the l Phone EAst 9337 yr. old. Furniture worth $1,500. 4 rm. bung. Y2 basement, bath and &hower. Move right in. 0\vner leav– ing city. Near 14th St. the family discovered that Reynolds who saw service overseas with the NEED A JOB? INTERNATIONAL REALTY CO whom they had assisted to a chair Third Army. For the past two yeRrs was dead. he has been living in Seattle. His We have jobs available now; rPg- 659a Jackson St. MA 1522 ister with us now. 5 ROOMS CORNER BRICK. A lovely home on a large corner lot. 2 BR's. Fireplace with mirror. Tile bath. Rugs included. Oil burner and Rir conditioned. A coroner's autopsy revealed Wed- wife, Dorothy helps in their store. nesday that Reynolds had suffered a Specializing in corsages, funeral Our office is located on the main floor of the Washington Hall, 14th and East Fir street; telephone Minor 2323. Hours 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. fractured skull. designs and plants. he keeps on hand George Reynolds who lives at 949 a good variety of cut flowers. His 23rd_ was being held at the city jail previous experience was gained dur– without charge. ing the years he worked in his broth- RUSSEL R. JONES, Realtor The body is at the Angelus Fun- er's floral shops in the East. Vn;ds– eral Home. Arrangements for burial worth Robiflson, well knowr. llalti– Sponsored by the Metropolitan Community Church. Reverend C. S. Stearns Pastor. 106 Broadway No. CA 8102 MISCELLANEOUS have not been completed. The famliy more florist is his brother. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER 5c to $1.00. In good condition. Can be seen at Miller's Studio afternoons. 4·06 Main. EL 2526 81 are members of the Mt. Zion Bap- 1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY tist church. Rev. F. B. Davis wilf J Elk C t t SPECIAL EXCLUSIVE - The officiate at the funeral. I s on es d MARKAY POOL ROOM and RES- Starts Sun ay i l'URANT: 1040 Jackson St. 12 stools. More Books Needed One of the most noteworthy en- 3 booths. fully equipped kitchen. 3 I At Seamen's Service 1 deavors of the Improved, Benevolent practically new pool tables. 1 billiard ADVERTISING SALESMAN WANTED An appeal for books of interest to merchant seamen was voiced today by Mrs. R. P. Dowling. Boanl Mem– ber of the United Seamen's Sernce. Mrs. Dowling. the wife of a Master Mariner. now at sea. declared that 1 KEEP OFF DATE, APRIL 12, 1947 Self Improvement card party at the Y.W.C.A. "OPEN THE DOOR RICHARD" and walk into AI Sidel's Music Store Just Arrived "Crudup After Hours" By Arthur Crudup And "Thats all Right" 519 3rd Ave. EL 1425 Across from County City Building Seattle, Wash. Open Daily Except Sunday SOUTHERN MEALS HOME COOKING OUR SPECIALITY Boiled Dinners Every Day Hot Biscuits Mornings Chitterlings-Wed., Sat. 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. REASONABLE PRICES We Appreciate Your Patronage PROGRESSIVE CAFE C. Brown, Prop. EL. 9163 506 6th Ave. So. Seattle, Wn. Rnd Protective Order of Elks of the table. Beer license. Only $6.500. This \Vorld, a pslendid Negro organiza- is a gift. Give us a ring. tion, is its annual Oratorical Con- E~AST MADISON REALTY and tests. national in scope, open to all APPLIANCE CO Man or Woman EXPERIENCED PREFERRED GRAND OPPORTUNITY FOR RIGHT MAN high school students under the age 2018 East Madison of nineteen as of February of this ·PR 3534 year. These series of contests-be- r---------------, ginning with a local contest. followed MAKE GOOD Apply by a state contest. then a regional J MONEy contest, and finally a national con-, test-offer cash prizes and scholar Pacific Dispatch ships as awards to wiiUlers. 1 The contestants have eleven varied I mbj<'cts on the Constitution of the United States of America from which to choose and prepare their ten-min– ute orations-topics which give the young student wide selection for in· terpretation of the fundamental prin– ciples upon which this country stands. This year's local contest will be held 3:30 P.M.. April 20, at the Peo– ple's Institutional Baptist Church. 24th and East Fir. There is no ad- mission charge and the public is in– vited to attend. FULL OR PART TIME Sell subscriptions for the city's fast– est growing weekly. We pay the highest commission on all sub– scriptions. Possible to make up to $1.50 per hour. Apply Pacific Dispatch 210 23rd Ave. No. EAst 2893 210 23rd Ave. No., Seattle Phone EAst 2893 KEEP OFF DATE APRIL 21, 1947 Business oand Professional mens Banquet. __,______ ,_~ ____ __,_,•;..~ ..........---<>-: NOW I~ s E SELAH A H JOIN Fastest Growing Business Club in Seattle ~~ I MEETS EVERY MONDAY, SID'S DINING ROOM j 2330 E. MADISON ST. 8:00 P.M. I JOIN THEDRIVE r===========..::; NOW·-- GRAND OPENING DANCE DON'T pELAY! ~ In TheAT~a::uture Be a Member of ~ MAE BELLE BALL ROOM N.A.A.C.P. ~ e ~ - FORMERLY SAVOY - Phone ~ CORNER 21ST AND MADISON STREETS EAst 1468 ~ MUSIC BY ERNIE LEWis AND His oRCHESTRA t.-.-~---~-------------·-·-·--..-..·~-..-.- ..................................-.-...................... • This ad is through the courtesy o THE PACIFIC DISPATCH PUBLICATION We Feature This Week: HOODLE ADDLE PAFFE By Ray McKinley Quartet 7201 Majestic Hear Our Program Every Night KEVR-11:30 P.M. Lynn's Record Shop li72 Jackson St. ELiot 9452 Hours: 10 A.M. to 12 P.M. NORM BOBROW PRESENTS JAZZ Featuring- The Ernie Lewis Band Gerald Wiggins, Piano Danny Hall and an All-Star Lineup SUNDAY, APRIL 20, 8 P.M. Repertory Playhouse E. 41st & University Way Bus No. 4, 7 or 8 $1.00 Plus Tax "BEAUTY IS A DUTY" At LULA BELLE'S BEAUTY SHOP Six Booths- Featuring: ADDIE MELVINA BELLE Phone EL 9730 VIVIAN JO ODESSA 419 MAYNARD AVENUE SEATTLE 4, WASHINGTON OUR AIM IS TO PLEASE MITCH'S CLEANERS Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing, Alterations Hats Cleaned and Blocked PHONE EAst 9520 1722 YESLER WAY "Mitch" Shinoda, Proprietor- A Nisei War Veteran • -,