Beginning Spanish ¡Empecemos por aquí!

22 •  Chapter 1: La clase de español 5. ¿Cuántas clases tienes este semestre? Este semestre tengo tres clases. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________. 6. ¿Qué clases tomas? Tomo introducción a la anatomía, matemáticas e historia de la medicina. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________. 7. ¿Qué te gusta hacer 10 cuando no estás en la universidad? Me gusta pasar tiempo con mis amigos y mi familia. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________. 8. ¿Cómo eres? Soy muy activo. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________. Module B: Our school community Module overview In module B, you will continue to share more about yourself and learn more about your classmates. These introductory conversations will naturally turn to classes and hobbies. Also, since school is a shared context, you will talk a bit about your school itself, including what services there are, where they are, and how you and other students use them. Next, our context will expand to the city. You will talk about places in the city, sharing likes and dislikes and drawing some comparisons to other places you’re familiar with. Learning objectives: Communication ❏ I can talk about my classes and my major. ❏ I can engage in a conversation about features of the university. ❏ I can talk about things I like to do both on and off campus. ❏ I can talk about a city I am familiar with. ❏ I can talk about places within a city. ❏ I can make simple recommendations to a visitor. 10 to do