
40 | From MSA to CA: A Beginner’s guide for transitioning into Colloquial Arabic بالعامية ِ والتعبير ِ الكلمة بالإنجليزية ِ المعنى ِ ِ المساوي ِ والتعبير ِ الكلمة ب الفصحى ِ المنْيو the menu الطعام ِ قائمة Still used in restaurants and newspapers together with the borrowed word المنْيو ِ ّ يب د - (عايز ِ عايزة) I want does not change with speaker’s gender طَبق dish or plate alternatively, unlike English. same مَلْفوف stuffed leaves (LCA) It is called مَحْشي (ECA) ِ يإش something ( LCA) حَاجَة (ECA) َِ يءش ِ تاني In the context of the coming dialogue, it means “another” but it can also mean “ second. ” ثاني second "another ” آخَر رُز rice أُرز حَليب milk ( LCA) ( ECA ) ِ لَبَن ِ In Egypt, yogurt is ِ يزَبَاد while in the Levant, لَبَن is yogurt. same