
34 | From MSA to CA: A Beginner’s guide for transitioning into Colloquial Arabic 2. Requesting train tickets ِ كلمات مهمة ِ وتعبيرات : الكلم بالعامية ِ والتعبير ِ ة بالإنجليزية ِ المعنى ِ الكلمة ِ ِ المساوي ِ التعبير ِ و ب الفصحى ِ ِ ِْ لَو (ِ سَمَحْت إنت) ِ ِ سَمَحْت ِْ لَو َِ ) (أنت If you please female recipient If you please male recipient Used in MSA and more formally سمحت ِ إذا ِْ فَضْلك ِ من ِ ) (إنت ِْ فَضْلَك ِ من َِ ) (إنت If you please female recipient If you please male recipient Same words with different internal voweling; ِ من َِ (أنت َِ فَضْلُك ) ِ من ِ (أنت ِ فَضْلُك ) As you might have noticed, أ َِ نت with the ء on the ‘ Alif is MSA while in CA, the ء is below the ‘Alif, causing the difference in pronunciation; same with ِ أنت in MSA becoming ِ إنت or إنتي . تَذْكَرَة ticket In some countries like Egypt and Sudan, the ذ changes in pronunciation to be z. In other countries, like in the gulf, the ذ is pronounced the same as in MSA. same