Beginning Japanese for Professionals: Book 1

92 7. I’d like to play the new game. 8. I’d like to do shopping. 9. I’d like to study because there will be an exam. 10. I’d like to clean my apartment. I’d like to do laundry, too. E. Act these roles in Japanese with a partner. 1. At a restaurant, you’ve been asked if you need a fork. State that you don’t; you prefer chopsticks. 2. You’ve been asked if you cook a lot. You make breakfast, but buy bento , a sandwich, etc. for lunch. For dinner, you eat out a lot. 3. Ask a taxi driver if there is a good ramen shop. 4. Ms. Honda invited you to her favorite restaurant. Find out what (dish) is good at the restaurant. 5. Ask each other about your favorite fruit, book, sports, and class. Dialogue 4 Co-workers go out for a drink after a long day. Waitress : Go-chuumon wa? May I take your order? ちゅうもん ご注文は? Tanaka : Toriaezu, biiru, san-bon kudasai. For starters, three beers,please さんぼん とりあえず、ビール、三本ください。 Michael : Sore kara sashimi o futa-tsu to yakitori o hito-tsu onegai-shimasu. And two orders of s ashimi and one order of yakitorti , please. ふた や とりひと ねが それから、さしみを二つと焼き鳥一つ、お願いします。 Beer has been poured for everyone. Tanaka: Kyou wa otsukare-sama deshita. Thanks for all your hard work today. き ょ う つか 今日はお疲れさまでした。 Ja, kanpai! Well, cheers! かんぱい じゃ、乾杯! Everyone : Kanpai! Cheers! かんぱい 乾杯!