
3 PAST TENSE 1976: Keith Larson garners Partners Award for PSU The Special Education Department at Portland State University has a rich history of involvement with the Partners of The Americas, an international nongovernmental organization committed to fostering a closer relationship between the peoples of Latin America and the United States. In 1969 Oregon became a partner with Costa Rica, and improved services for the disabled were identified as a high priority. Keith Larson, Chair of the Special Education Department at Portland State, was recruited by the Oregon Partners to co-chair a cooperative inter-Americas project fostering improved opportunities and education and rehabilitation services for Costa Ricans with disabilities. Larson’s efforts during the 70s included assisting Costa Rica with the first study of special education’s status in the country, helping establish Costa Rica’s first national program of special education, and supporting creation of a new department of Special Education within the Ministry of Education and at the University of Costa Rica. Keith’s major efforts over several years focused on student, faculty, and teacher exchanges between Oregon and Costa Rica that embraced all major areas of disability and needed services. In 1976 Keith received special recognition for his efforts when Portland State University was presented with the international “Distinguished Service Award” from the Partners of the Americas. This award recognized the important services provided to the Partners by PSU’s Special Education Department under the leadership of Keith Larson. The award, in the form of a plaque, was presented by National Partners President Alan Rubin to Keith Larson and PSU President Joseph Blumel. Keith Larson died April 16, 2011. At the July 29 memorial for Keith at PSU, the Larson family gave the Partners award and accompanying photo to the Special Education Department, with the request that the gift be prominently displayed in the School to preserve and celebrate an important aspect of the Special Education Program’s history. –Steve Brannan PAST TENSE features glimpses into Portland State’s history. To submit a story (or an idea for one), email the RAPS History Preservation Committee, raps@pdx.edu. RAPS club reports Book Club reads Rebecca Skloot’s bestseller The RAPS Book Club meets Tuesday, Sept. 20 at 1:30 pm at Marge Terdal’s beach house. Contact her at 503-2445714 or terdalm@pdx.edu to RSVP and for directions. We will discuss the New York Times nonfiction bestseller The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot. The book is described on the back cover as follows: Her name was Henrietta Lacks, but scientists know her as HeLa. She was a poor black tobacco farmer whose cells—taken without her knowledge in 1951—became one of the most important tools in medicine, vital for developing the polio vaccine, cloning, gene mapping, and more . . . This phenomenal New York Times bestseller tells a riveting story of the collision between ethics, race, and medicine; of scientific discovery and faith healing, and of a daughter consumed with questions about the mother she never knew. Looking ahead to October, we will discuss The Eleventh Man by Ivan Doig. --Mary Brannan RAPS Hikers hit the trail Sept. 9 On Aug. 12, the RAPS hikers took a short hike to Ecola Point in Ecola State Park followed by lunch hosted by Jack Cooper and Terry Rohe at their Cannon Beach home. The Sept. 9 hike will be on the trail from Frog Lake to Lower Twin Lake, four miles round trip. Despite the 500foot elevation gain, the trail is an easy grade all the way. Frog Lake is just off Hwy 26, about eight miles south of Government Camp. Bring a sack lunch. Please let Marge Terdal know if you will be participating in the hike. Contact her at terdalm@pdx.edu or phone 503-244-5714. --Marge Terdal Bridge Group counts the cards Sept. 13 The RAPS Bridge Group meets at 1:00 pm Tuesday, Sept. 13. For further information, including the venue, call Colin Dunkeld, 503-292-0838. Please call by Friday, Sept. 9. --Colin Dunkeld Partners President Alan Rubin (center) presents the Distinguished Service Award to President Joseph Blumel (left) and Special Education Chair Keith Larson.