
2 President’s Message It seems impossible that summer has gone so fast—though the first home football game on Sept. 3 makes it official that fall is here. Actually, this year, it seems that summer is leaving almost at the same time that it arrived. RAPS kept busy during the summer. The Bridge Group and the Book Group met regularly. Dawn White got out a summer RAPS newsletter. And Beryl and Vic Dahl masterminded a wonderful picnic on a perfect summer evening. It has been a busy summer in the RAPS office. You may remember that in late spring mold was discovered in the office, and Maya Burton, our office manager, had to move out for several weeks while this situation was resolved. The RAPS office furniture and equipment were moved to a different corner of the room in preparation for the mold abatement process. Just as Maya was preparing to move back in, it was discovered that the RAPS computer had been mishandled and its hard drive destroyed. So Maya has spent the summer working to restore the information that was on that drive, and as fall approaches she says that she is ready for business. We are appreciative of her hard work and good cheer during the summer. RAPS too is ready for autumn. Dave Krug, the new chair of our program committee, has a wonderful set of programs ready for the fall. We have a new history booklet ready to advertise, authored by Steve Brannan and Doug Swanson. We will award the first RAPS scholarship this fall, thanks to the hard work of Robert Vogelsang and his committee. And, as your new president, I am eager to hear what activities you would like to see RAPS undertake. So share your ideas with me. I’m looking forward to a very good year. --Joan Shireman The RAPS Book Club gathered at Marge Terdal’s beach house Aug. 16, with each member selecting a mystery book to read and discuss with the group. Pictured (left to right) are Bettye Lou Bennet, Mary Brannan, Marge Terdal, Dez Roberts, Betsey Brown, and Felicia Wirtz. Bibliophiles take note: the Book Club is always on the lookout for new members. Photo by Maxine Thomas.