OBP_Oregon Mirror_1959 Mar 26_v1 no2

The OREGON !IDRROll by Bill Graves CHICK-N-OUE le) akJ,_ J.oJt, OREGON N\IRROR Cut up frozen chicken, place in following marinade: MARINADE ! ◄ cup salad oil 1 -~ cup vincgo.r !i teaspoon garlic po .... dcr ½ tco.tpoon onion powder ½ tcnspoon crlery salt * C ENTIENN!Al SHOW * ¼ te91poon white pcppt":r l ,4 teaspoon ..-ach of marjoram. 1'09Cm&ry and thyme V, tca5poon snit Mix ingredients. Pour over chicken. Refrigerate I hour. Drain. Save marinade. Brush on I chkken as it cooks. Grill about 25 minutes. turning often or until tender. Serve ,vith following sauce. BARBECUE SAUCE 1 te,uipoon mustard I ten,poon water 3 cups tomo.tocs ½ cup ....'liter Y. cup lemon juice 2 tablespooM Won.•estcrshire fflUee ¼ cup onion Oakes 1 tablespoon sugnr 2 tca,poons salt 1 teaspoon paprika l teaspoon chili powder ½ t:easpoon white pepper Mix mustard with water; al-I low to stand 10 minutes. Combine remaining ingredients, add mustard and simmer 30 minutes or until thickened. Yield: :? cups. O.A.C.\l'. C.Ull\TI'AL Snturday. Apr-ii ,1 loead •PI~• lod;e, i• llu!teri•D Ulrt,, Com,I oll ,,._ ...,, 1• uill«1 ,hlm. tr', eon,1,,..1 Doy •i•~ p,;,., golore W!lh bo<,1~, OM u,;,•..,ur t<> blod: do'""' th•ct-1 n.we·, Shori>Sltootl~t 1111 a..d ,ro,,.., N-41. Dortbuotl•11boll-•,a•oldwlohla11••II. Cc,,,di.,,P,.,0"41•,.,..,.,,,om. /1,,cwria,"-ondc""-•l•IJ"ofo.rt,. Sofol•la1Ml••efC."l•"•iolD,,y,., Gelolcn.cl1101iagP9epatoldfa1hh,••ed -"· C:0•• o, _,ly 01 ,h,.. a..d ,1..., ~Mil el9kl. / w.·~•-11atdia,,...01 ..... budio ... CAINIVAl HOURS OlNNEl: HOURS J 10 a P.M.. Jto6P.M.. COMING SOON OINNEI $1.00 HOLY ROSARY BALL THIIO ANO WE.IOUI ST. K1 7 J s479.9s ii . MORE CONVENIENCE and MORE USABLE SPACE The ..Cold-M111 F,uhen.,.. and 'Package Ponlry -Conuenolher moil u1ed f•olur01 or• ••nl 1torage lo, pt• pockag•d placed where 1h11y are mo•• eo,. produn In ,pac• wailed ,n ,ly occeu,blc mony other ref,,gerato,1 Dependable For 45 Years WhyPut Up With It When You Can Have A 13 Cu. Ft. Kelvinator For Only a week More Usable Space More Convenient To Use AUTOMATIC DEFROSTING 100 lb. Frozen Storage "Cold-Mist Freshener" Breakfast Bar In Door • Portnblc Bottle Baskot Slide-Out Aluminum Shehes • "Package Pantry'' ONLY $4.99 A WEEK WHITE-MANN co. "Service Is Our Most Important Product" 5001 N. E. UNION at Alberta AT 1-2904 Open Monday and Friday Till 9:00 P. M. TllurNay, Hareh 28, 1959 Teenerama Hi there, Happy Hipsters! I ! Hove you heord the birds chirping nnd smelled the wonderful fragrance of the blooming nowcrs? Hipsters, it's o sure sign of spring. Yes, spring is the season of the year when the young men turn their foncies to love. So, girls, get in the groove ond catch your fellows. Spring vocation is over for many of you, but for the college students it is just beginning. There will be many parties and dances given in honor of the college students. And among them will be a Chalypso Dance sponsored by the Alpha Chi Club. The club will hold a Cholypso contest for each of the participating clubs: The Junior and Sen i or Debutontes, the Chorms, Delta Dreams. the Pearls. Lock and Key, and for Alpha Chi, and a queen will be elected from ench of them. It seems to me thnt this should be a pretty swinging affair. The dance will be held nt the YWCA , 6 N. Tillamook, on Saturday, March 28. Spring reached us on the 21st of this month and now that it is here. I know we will be making the best of it. Lots of us will be playing tennis, golfing, swimming, etc. There'll be lots of excitement end activities. Be careful and take care! This is Betty the Bopster being like a rose and coming to a close. Remember. send your comments and requests to me, Betty the Bopster. 930 N. E. Holland, or phone BU 9-0897. Thoughts of Lile by Robert Louis Tinsley EVENING MEDITATION To meditate When lights are low and eve is late Opens new portals unseen by day In an unblinding way. At eve when storm c1ouds take the skies Hearts tremble with fear, Only to rejoice at mom When the sun unveils the skies with brightness. -Robert Louis Tinsley The Oregon Association of Club Women will hold a carnival at Holy Rosary Hall, 3rd and Weidler St.. on Saturday, April 4. Carnival hours will be from 3 to 8 p.m. and dinner hours from 3 to 6 p.m. The public is invited. 0 0 0 Mey the Easter Bunny be good to ell the small fryers at your home and you, too. Until a newsy next week ... Just Sal. DAYLITE BASEMENT 3 Bdrm, JQ. 1-' Finished Porty Rm. OR 4th Bdrm. Attractive home, din. nn, ond eating space in kitchen. Frplc, FCB, oll AC pipe furn, gor. 3 blks to Jefferson Hi. OL -4-05-49 Henry F. English, Rltr, PR 5-6725 SELL IT! BUY IT RENT IT TRADE IT HIRE IT THRU THE WANT ADS * THE OREGON MIRROR IS THE PAPER ot1ono pa1hmo-u ou • rod at tho box office by tAI Lott year more people id la see ope,a than oil proslonol bascboll games, SMALLTOWN AMERICA Is ,e , placing Europe os spawnm II I ground far ope,o singers Of th I J Metrapollron Opera Company' 108 singers 60 hall from town liko Old Salem, Mou, an Cel111le, Texas. (1, MIiiion, of Amerlcan1-from hou10wlue1 to cowboys- houe grown to loue opera via rodlo. Mo,e people hear Te,mco', Met Opt110 b,ood- • ca,11 on CSS on a 1in9I• Sotu,day than could be ,ealad In lho worldfamous opera hou10 In l•n year1I