OBP_NW-Clarion_1947-May 5_v1_no33

M.ond::iy, May 5, 1947 THE NORTHWEST CLARION AND PACIFIC DISPATCH PAGE THREE THESE PORTLAND ADVERTISERS APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE ·1 pl<•;1<,NI whPn Wf' saw Mi P1•;1rl M, p~;,, Social TICK TICK Un·w in tfu• Carol choir Shr- hu-; 1h<· honor of bring the only m{•m• h1•r of our group Lo <,Inf( in ;1 churrh < hc1ir of nnoLJwr group. and ll1-:1.t.N11. SP..AnCm Mr. Lourc•n B. Syk(•s is thl' di. IT'S A BOY Mr. and Mrs. B1•11nic J!dmilton ATTF.l\DED :vJEETING IN ucc• t],., 1» oud J""·cnts of a boundng TACOMA r('c lor of the church choir". Following the rerit;_il a rf'cl·ptirm Tlw- WflS hr>ld nt tlw church honoring \1r Fox. Luhy boy. Grundpnr('nl'>, Mr. nnd Mic;sf'~ lft>lf'1111, Alpho nnd Mrs. Allwrt Morton and Mr. all() rc•<,(•n SNlrcie sp(•nt the we<'k-<>nd in Mrs. !Ierlwt Li,wis. Tucomo, \'Yn., otl<•nding Tlil' Young Y,W.C.A. NOTES PcopJp'<; conv(•ntion of the llou<;c of SUNDAY SCl1OOL OFI•ICIAL Prnyc,. of All Nutiom. They ,·<•ported The• Tri-f club c1ncl Fdo club C('l<· brnted Union Day Thursday, with a dmncl' nnd prngram, April 1 i. IIEHE u wond<·rful time ,ind around twcntyM1·. E. I.. Ev11m. of Yokimn, ,vn., I fi,·e dek•gates were pres<'nt, Di!>l. Superintendent of Sunday ! Miss Loretta Jones of the Tri-F club prl:'sided. Schools in the Puget Sound A.M.E. \"IHGIL FOX PRESENTED IN churches, was n plcasonl ,isitor in ORGAN HECITAL Panel discussion \incl group sini'.ing made up the progrnm. ou1· city ov(•r the week-end. He is muk.ing his official visits of all Sun d1.1y Schools in the dist1·ict. STOIIK SHOWER GIVEN Monday evening the home of Mrs. Guy Holmes was the scene of a stork shower honoring Mrs. Helen Pierccson. Ten guest were present. The honoree received many lovely gifts. Dainly refreshments we1·e served by the hostess assisted by Mesdames Baldwin ond Bell. Mr. Virgil Fox of New York City, organist of the Riverside church in New York was presented Sunday in n matinee ,·ccitnl in the City Auditoriu,;.., sponsored by The First Christian church, This wos the first time the new chimes were heard, which were recently presented to the city by the Oregon chapter American Guild of Organist. Those tok..ing part in the Panf'I ,]jc. cuc;sion, were i\fr. ln·ing Enna of A. F. of L. union; Mr. Joseph Chemis U.O.P.,V.A.-C.I.O union; Miss Melba Conrad, Felo club, and Miss Blanche Casey of Tri-F club. Many good points of the advantages of belonglng to a union were djscussed. Mr. Fox's progrom consisted of Sond le0ders were Miss Cyirini mnster organ pieces. l'relude and "'oods. Mrs. Maggie Morrison, Mrs. Fugue in D. Major, Co~cert Pedal Mable Dunnes, and Miss Loretta Study and Mnnci in brilliant style I Jont's. ENTERTAIN PARENTS brought a storm of applause. Al"° Remarks by Mrs. A. Smith and Mr." and M,·s. Freemon nnd dough- ~e played several encores..H e wns as- Miss McGuire ex-secy. of the y_\,V_ ters Huby and Ine7., of Longview. '-lStf'<l by the three choirs of the C.A. A large number were on hand Wn., were dinner guest Sunday nt church. carol, vesper nnd sanctuary.\ to hear the program also to enjoy the the home of their son and daughter- \Ve were very much surprised and J dinne,·. in-law Mi-. and 1\iJrs. Oliver E. Smith, _____________ I ·============"'I also on hand to see them was young 1; Oliver Smith, Jr., for his share of the food and fun. CHUI\CH ACTIVITIES The Bethelite club met Monday evening, at the home of Mrs. Mary Tumcr, 6535 N.E. Grand Ave. Pastors Aide club met Tuesday evening, at the home of Mrs. Jone C. Lipscomb, 1051 Denver Ct., Vanport. ENTERTAIN O.M.E. CLUB Mrs.Ann Shepherd was hostess Thursday evening to the O.M.E. club. OFF TO TIIE WINDY CITY M,-. Lee Shepherd and son Arthm left Sunday evening for Chicago. Ill.. on business. They plnn to be away c1bout tv,.oo weeks. BABY CONTEST CLOSED The Young Ladies Auxiliary closc-d their Baby Conte!>t last Friday evening. Avril 25. The first pn;ie a silver spoon and fork. won by lillle Patricia Ann Bradford. Second prize a dress, won by little Elaine "'ilrnn. President of the Auxiliary is ;\Irs. J\Jinnie Bell-Johnson. M1·. Munay Hill, 1·c1ired railroad man and owner of se,·ernl apoi·t• menlS in Tulsil, Okin., is a visitor in PO!·tlilnd, ns house guest of his brother, l\lrs. E. Shelton llill and family. In <Hldition to the apa,·tmcnts the Oklahomn gentleman owns a ranch out near Keystone, Okla. He plans to spend o week or ten days in and around hcl'e. ;:md then will go to Los Angeles, Calif.. to visit relatives nnd friends. IN THI,'. HOSPITAL Mr. Adam N. Brown 011 Cant('ll bcin St., is, and has been for over a week. 11 patient in the Provident hospital. ,ve wish him a speedy recovery. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT NEW MEYER HOTEL N.W. 4th & Glisan MODERN CONVENIENTLY LOCATED ALBERT DENNIS Manager Phone ATwater 7987 OREGON FRATERNAL ASSOCIATION A Place Wh-c:r-e You Meet Your Prienda. You Are Alway1 Wt/com~. 1412 N. William, Av... Why Worry? CONSULT SHELBY, Gifted Psychic Tells names, dates, true facts without asking questions. No matter what your hope, fear or trouble may be, this lady can and will help you. Soti5foction or No Charge ARE YOU UNHAPPY? Consult Mrs. Gray Gifted P5ychic Tells Names, Dates and Facts on All Affairs. Units Sep• :u;ated. 1537 S.W. THIRD AVE. Phone ATwater 0431 READINGS DAILY 1014 S. W. Jefferson I ,__________J l' e;======-1 FOR -{;;_ c!'? t:: .Aiother 'J :bay BE PRETTIER-~-- ~-~~~THAN EVER Your Beauty Technician Is An Expert on Hair Makeup Let Her Add Lustrous Highlights to Your Hair A Tint, a Bleach or Just a Rinse Will Give the Color Effect Best Suited to You See The Di~play of Our Door Pri:z.c Gift to the "CLARION FASHION SHOW" At Our Cosmetic Bar CHARLENE'S BEAUTY BOX 1409 N. Williams Ave. VE 9025 Vanport Shoe Hospital EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING While You Wail Service Satisfaction Gu.uantl~NI Shops Located at Centers l and 41 Vanport, Orc-gon Mae's Dinette UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT We Serve First Class Foods Prompt Service We Deliver Phone VE 9824 We Serve - 24 Hours Daily BARBECUED RIBS AND CHICKEN HOME COOKED FOOD SATISFACTORY SERVICE PRIVATE DINING ROOM MAY BE RESERVED Phone VE 9824 LUOllE TAYLOR, Proprietor SYLVESTER MARSHALL, Mauag~r ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED CAROLYN LILLIAN DAYES Mr. and Mrs. J. Herman Daves of KnoxviUe Tenn., announce the engagement of their daughter, Carolyn Lillian, to John Edward Reinhardt. Both are graduate studcnU at the University of Wisconsin. Miu Daves, a 1946 graduate of Howard University, is studying for a master's degree in sociology and Mr. Reinh.an:h is working toward the Ph. D. dergee in English. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward V. Reinhardt of Knoxville. When visiting Spokane Spokane's Only Colored Hotel Dormitory Annex Rates to Railroad Men KAREN HOTEL W. 7 Riverside Ave., Spokan~ Regular Baths, Showers Strictly Modern K. WORKCUFF, Proprietor Telephone Riverside 9463 I \IL:\.JBI:RSIIIP DAY TE.<\S I Mrs. \-Valla<P £. C:nrson gt nl'rc1I :V1<·mfx·nhip TN15 v,<'r<· h<·ld Thur rh,iinn,1n of tl11• 0<cac.ion Chainn(>n day April 2t ,,t Cf>ntr-r Y,W.C.A.; ! r,f thr- diHl•rcnt cr-ntns wen'. f.A·ntral, St. fohn'i C,•ntn anti ill tJw William,; Mr. HPrbnt Nr>l<;on. and 1'--lrs. J. W. ""''- c<-ntPr. Ingf'rsoll; St. John<1 r,·nt,!r. :\.1rs. f .. Mh c1·nt1-r h,,Jrl a ,-,h()rt pr,1gTam J,1m~ 1-Iockr·y ,,nrl \\'illiam.s a-nter, and s,·nl'd ti•a and cor,kil>S durinJ the Mr~. Corn Minor <1n<l :\.Jrs. F.... \V. lif)ur:,. of 3 t,, -5 P.i\1 Smith. Ernph;_i~i'> wen• m;HI~ on mr,mb.. "hip in tlH• Y \V.C.A during thi month. On Sunday ,,ftf'nl(J(m May 1-, from 3 to 6 thr> Tri-r• <lub i-. i.J)Qnsoring a Silvf"r Tea ut thP C:•ntr,1! Y \V.C.A .... ........ • •lOUR ARMl C O O D J O B • SPECIAll'f • MA'f &El : lOU A ............. . VETERANS of the Army, Navy, Marines or Coast Guard who had six or more months of service in certain specialties, may he eligible for good, steady jobs at good pay in non-commissioned grades in the new Regular Army. Qualified men mu.st be 18 to 34 mclusive and must have been discharged on or after May 12, 1945. The Army gives you new higher pay and many other advantages hard to heat anywhere. In adclition to the specialties listed here, there are many more for which you may be eligible. Ask about them at your U. S. Army Recruiting Station. * * * Bring botli your diu:borg,. certilicol• artd your «c~ Nstory (WD.A.G.O. Form 100 -leporl of s.porv1;o,,). 614 S. W. 11th Ave. MOS059 Fo,eman, Con.slnld'lon , .. Phaanadsf 229 Mad.l«d Equlpmn.t Malnt.nanc.9 Tedank.Jon 275 Cloul:ftcotlo• Spedolist 348 P.ts CJerit 409 Medical Tkhnlcln 514 Radar Cnwman {Du~.-d Set) 623 finance TYPl.....a..-k 624 fJna.ncaCl.tc 616 Akplllln• lndrvrn.,it Mechank 747 Alra-aftMKhaak 750 Alrplone Molnhnaaa TKhnldon A COOO JOB FOR YOU U.S.Army CHOOSE THIS FIN£ PROFESSION HOWi Portland, Oregon FREE Saturday May 3rd - 7 p.m. to 9p.m. Grand Opening Launder-rite SELF SERVICE LAUNDRY YOU DO IT TO YOUR OWN SATISFACTION GRAND PRE-VIEW SHOWING OPEN HOUSE EVENT FREE LAUNDERING!! FREE PRIZES!! EIGHT NEW THOR AUTOMATIC WASHERS LARGE NEW TUMBLER DRIER IRONS AND MANGLE COME ONE --- COME ALL SEE PORTLAND'S NEWEST AND MOST MODERN SELF SERVICE LAUNDRY 2518 N. WILLIAMS AVE.