OBP_NW-Clarion_1947-May 5_v1_no33

PAG6TWO THE NORTI-lWEST CLARION AND PACIFIC DISPATCH Mon..dny, May 26, 1947 THESE PORTLAND ADVERTISERS APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE AFTER HOURS, By 'The Owr• To those who scan this column and n•ad the ,ariow: itl'lll"- noting initi,1ls and n:-mad,:,;.., , ou may thi.nk tlwm fri,olou.-;. non.-.;n<:ical and detriment.ii to your ideas and idt.•a}<:; hem ever, lilt• the fabk, of old told in days gone by. if you "ill hut read bc1ll'ath and bt•· twct•n dw line,; ,ou "ill SN' the hiddl'n moral tlrnt i·-. ~Uftf:t'<.h>d or wh.id1 is attemptt>d to bt"' shown. At times they may appc-ar farl'tiow;---at otht•r times frank-----011e thing: )OU will note that only tho,t• things of Cl publir na tun~ appear-lill• life buoys upon a lt>mpestuous <.ea. "anrn1g: otht•N "ho may c-'.'lml' upon tl1(' !'-Cl'lli.' to not makt.. the same mistakt'. Tht•rc i~ no de-.trC' The lt'ld_v \,ith the honry hnir wns Softball S,-ason Starts frnnl.. ,md r.1ir with h('rSl'lf aflL'r the Eighh't'n softhnll l('fllllS will swing nnidt'.' in 1,1st ''l't.'l..·::: i<:<:ut'.' nbout ht'.'r into nction in the fourlh North C('n public cmnlmt und , ii(' lanp1,1g('. tr,11 Y h-ngm•s st,1rting Thm·sduy Sh<.' told ,.omt.' 0f ht'r fril'nds thut slw April 2 k Tht.' gnmcs will h.:- plnycd frlt ,1shnnu-..l nnd wn" going to st,1y 011 th(' school dinmonds nnd all will in for a ft.'" dny<:. nnd th('n shc W,lS st,H"l nt 6:00 P.i\l. on thc dntcs sd1etl g0in~ to str.iighlt'll up ,md fly rig-ht uled. Tll(' teams nrt.• di\'idt.'d ,h fol Tlwt\ the tickt•t rml It's a ~ood littlt' lows: -.ummcr .· activilit·'"· Three <:t.11nmer lSnturdoy, Jum' 7. nt I_0:00 A.l\l., with cmnp,; will hl' OpC'n to boyi: of tl11.' i\li-. llorold Blcylhmg ns gcncrnl hr,\llch n<, follows: Cnmp Col\111" for rlinirmnn. There will bc trnck ond younger boys 9 to 12 years of ngi.". II field c,·cu l'>. swi11rn1i11f'. softbnll Jum' 16-21: Cnmp l\lcchan. PionC'l'l° gomes, mnrbh• tournnmC'nl 1-111d n Section. for internll'dinte<, 12-15 yen,,! 'r('Mlll"l' hunt. Ln,;t year LhC' Eliot Jr. of flgl'; oud C:unp i\ lechun. \Vood-1 lli-Y dub (9th gr,1dC') .'~Oil the j)L'II crnft s~--cllon. for boy:- 1 'J and older. nnnt in th(' S{'nior Div,,.1011. !::11:~;l:1~i~1 1:t~~1~:';~s'\~\\t'1~:0~!:~"\1 ::;;: 1 Lott Death ... trngic occ 111-rl'.'n CC'. B(•rry slated qui<.•tly, "Ju](' wn<: not only 0 11 ex• cellent ro-workt•r. b11t lw WAS 111y fr il'nd.'' I le continued, "The life> of one> of the most promising- young Americnn<. ha<: heC'u token. There is no person in the country who \ind a more promisinp; fu1LU"C'. The IMS to his fomily. friends. 1111d Urbnn Lc,1gul' n10Vl'IIH'nl is p;renl indeed, hut tlH' mo~l scriou<, loss is to the t·o1111tll•ss tl10u<:1nul of pcrsons he n'1·1t1i11\y wo111d lwv~ helped if lw rould luwc livt•d n uormnl Splm. dt.'ai--and ~·ou b,l\'t' st,n Ct! ;1wny from A l..t'nguc thost.' pl,tct's just ,h you :-1:1id. ''°(' are BL',1ch Jr. Hi-Y. Eliot .Jr. l--11 Y. Highproud that you hn,t.' gut" t'nough to land Jr ITi-Y. and \\oocllnwn Jr. II1 •·nrnkt• ronft,~sions" And ,lrt.' "ii ling Y. of p8'.'{'nts for trips. pirnics. hikC's find I (Continued from page I) cnmprng. plicnn t". He is ron<.idcrC'd by 11.11io11al , ns ,n,11 fl'> lorn\ fluthoritit.'s fl<: one of thC' nn1io11's top indu,;;ti·inl n'lfltions to ni.tkC' anwnd,-\\'t_-.. ,1n' for you B I .C'ag-ue: Knmcd_1 Pan·11ts ,'1t!1·t "\ou ,.m hL' dignifit.,d nnd lowly \Yoodlawn Jr 1--hY. Cl'ntrnl ;\ktho A nll't'tng of Kennedy J1·. lli-Y when YOU chOO-.;t'. You h,nl' too Jll<lllY di~l Jr H1-Y. Eliot Tigt'l'"· Eliot dub part'lll" was held al the homt'.' of frit·nd~ to h,nt" tlwm humilinh'd nnd Glohl" Trotters. Tighlnnd Jr lli-Y. i\lr. and l\Irs. Gc-orgt••.i\loorC' to plan gnt.'\t.'cl to St.'l' YtlU rlowning: in publir ,md Kt"nm'Cly Jr Hi-Y for -.;ummcl' itctivitit•s. an induction .\Ion' 1w,t limt.'. \\'t• hn(i ln do,;e C League: nnd a pnrent and son gathering. :\nrth Central l Boartl \kt•1 .. Portl.md. On•g:011 Two Ill'"" ntt'n1ht'1-::: wt'r(' elt'Ctt.•d to the '.\'orth cl'lltrril Y\IC.-\ boMd .\[allorv hcnut' Christion Jr H1-Y, Tho~l' pr<'.;,ent Wt'l'l' i\lr nnd i\[r;;, Hiµ:hl.md Grn-Y. nnrl Woodlawn Gnt- Gt-orge \Toon". i\Ir~. I.eonord Okel!. Y i\ lr. II N. Butterfit.'itl and i\li· D l.t•aguC' Harol<l Do'"i"'. \"t'rnon Gra-Y. Eliot Grn-Y. \\"ood IJ\\11 Gra Y. Ft•nrwood Gra-Y. and Softball R,·su/rs Edwin C. l3erry. pnid Lott thl' hig-hP'-l possihlL' tribu1e wlll'n , he :,;a id unC"q_ui,·ocnllv. "Lott wos lhl• ht•st l ndustri11 \ Hclatiom 111,111 in tin• l'nitt'd Stalt'"· 111• horl in tt" ll ig('nce . cournge. integrity, rind detC'nnination -a rnrl' combination. \Ye st'it·ctl'.'d Lott through 1111tio11al competition rmd thought ~o highly of him tl1nt w(' wnited nine months for hi" re· Remember C I a r i o n Fashion show - Benson High, Sunday, May 11. to offond an:--·onl'- If Your uamC' apJ-lt'drs in thi°!' column----don·t hldntP us of mnnagt',.._ at thl' .\pril lll('('ting Boise Grn-Y Fir,t start of thl• J9+i Softball lc,1sc from tlw aimy." "'c will c,·en- -blame YOUI"$elf. hdd at tht> branch April 16. :\Ir. SeMon \\.ls mnde Inst Thursday with tunlly fill his position. hut I hold no J. D. MORRIS Ye,;.. Shortv was tht.·re, the old s.1.:-,·- Robl·ll Xeal. a,sociale p.-i~tnr of tht' Tliot Pap.-r Dril'c six teams swinFfing into action in tht• hope of filling his shoes.'' \•Vhen ing. "Look. oul. follows.. Short:r ma~· \falltlr:r A\'C'llU(' 'tlrni-ch .:rnd Dr. Tht.' Gra-Y. Jr. Hi-Y and Torch B L.:•agm•. All othC'1· leagues will H,;;ked hi" PL'rsonal fcding about thC' Is n friend or Lhe Negro people. \-Ve recommend him to you when• ever vou buy or sell your home. h1g ,~:;~c~l'ifzi·i0 1~ s~~~re,:~~ 81 sa~w come when j·ou are gon,,:· came tniC'. .\lim•r Patt0n. print"ipal of tht' ""ood- Y Club, of the Eliot district are com• h,Wt.' tlwn· mitial gtun(',; this w('('k. l Xow tlle real ~horty. who j.;, ~1 :;:::~b:l:_nt'ntary school Wl'rt' tht• ne" :~n~o:fsetl~l::~d~fT~:;~ t; 1 •: ;,~:r:\~'~:·: \\"~~~:: 11 n~-~~ ~/~\lows: scores or homes to the colored people. with tlte cue stick ac-cusi."i his chirk In addition lo th!? "l'icction of ne\, Fund and for athlctic equipment at I Cmtri-11 .\lelhodi,t of being too frie nd l:r wi th Slwrt_l· board membt•rs the hranrh J;1undwd the sch01.ll for the dub nctiYitit'<:. "hilt' he i:-- not there.'' he didn't qop it, "'arid Youth Funrl c-amp,1ig11 to .\tr. Chari('" Duk('. vice-president I Kennedy Jr_ Hi-Y ~; 0!t\:i:.. ta~:. h: 1~/i~~re:;~n~h~: raise iL" share of tlie Portland Y:'\ICA of the North Cl"ntral Y_·s l\h'n Club Eliot Globt' Trottl•r-; take thost· otlwr thin~ that he ga"e riuota of $61.000.00 :\Ir-. ""illiam i~ rhe ,1dult chairma11 111 charge or her Bolliger is chairman of the ,campaign arranging storage _space and del.iver)' I Hi.ghla,~d Ji-. Hi-Y and l.,; assisted b:r Dr. 0€':\'onal l!n- of the papers. Eddie Butler. Jr. ts the Eho1 T1g-C'rs \j 30 12 See J. D. t"-Iorrls with Frank L. ·McGuire "America's Largest Home Seller°' AT 7171 328 :S.\\' . \\'nshln,::t.ou, I'ort.lnntl, Oro. Take it eas_:, Shorty-You play blark thank and ::\h. Paul .\ckerman. All boys· chairman in charge of the di·i,·e-1 · ball prcttJ,· regular $0 if :•iou are he-- hoard members and Y.\ICA laYmen Any persons who ha,·e ncwspapen Third . \m'.1wJ Sports' Spree hind Lhe 8 ball-Ju:;l don't scratch- are also ..,haring in tl1c drive or magaz.ines are n-,ked to call the The Third Annunl Sport,;" Spree Just call up Shorty. and you two .l\orlh Central Yi\ICA. at GA l5i8 · for Gra•Y anrl Jr. Hi-Y dubs will be WEATHER STRIPPING Short}•s talk mailer,; o•er-::\Iaybe Ping Pong Tournament H,,:ld to ha,·e boys call and get them. Boys hC'ld agai11 at Portland l'ni,·er->lly you can come to some mutual agree- O'"er '.'.:!O hoys i·cprc-$enting si, Gra• vtill al,-o call from doo lo door for .1.:====-- ROCK WOOL INSULATION -0mcnt. In the meantime what are you y and Jr. Hi-Y clubs took part in a papt>rs during the dri\'t'. going to do with the ring '.\'OU took ping pong tournament held Satur- Bo_n· H ·ork Commill,:e from your girl friend? day April 19. at the :\'orth Central The .l\orth Central '·y·· Boys· One certain Cat ju~t can't keep out Branch y office. A lot of enthusiasm \York Committee held its regular was ,,.:hown at the tournament and April meeting on Thursday. April of this column. Each week he pulls many close matches were played. 24 at the branch office. with Dr. a new Slunt. This week he had sign!t The results are a.:. follows: 6th ~Iiner Patton. president. presiding. painted and hung in differtnt parts Grade tournament-Roose,elt Jones I Sub-committee chairmen 111 four of town ad..,-ertising a show. he en- f th El G · l b fi gages professional talent and had o e io. t ra-\ c u ~,·as irsl fields were appointed as follows: ;\ lrs. himseU billed a,; Impersonator for Donald Po" ers of the Eliot Globe Thomas Adams. School Cooperation; Frank Sm. alra. Trotters "as second. and ~Iaurice ::\lr. John Griffith. Leadership TrainRoofing All Kinds-All Color-s Sidipg Insulated Brick, Asbestos, Cedar Shakes, Flameproofed Painting and Decoralitrg Priced Righl-3 Year$ to Pay COLUMBIA MATERIALS co. I Kow this Cat had not ieCUred any 0dvis of the £!jot Tigers won third! ing: ::\lr. £,·erett Lisle. Leadership mu,;ic whaten'>r no:- had any contract place. Th.:- winners of lhe Jw1ior I Recruitment. :\Ir. H. N. Butterfield. 57 N. E. Broad"'·ay WE 3382 ,,1th the talent that ht> had asked to High t_oum~ment were: Fung ,Yee o£ I Metropolitan Boys· ''brk Committee '--------=====.J appear nor mad.,-. an:-,~ ~rrang,·ments the- Eliot T~gers ~r_,;L Booker faylor repr~entati,·e. t- , .., to Y them of the Eliot Tigers sec~nd _and l .\lrs. Adam,; report~ on plans for P8. Smokev O\"erton of tl1e £hot 'Tigers 1 How.ever"'' shouJJn·t he surprisecL I was third. Rudolph Li,·in,::~.m wd,' -------- , he clauncd. to have been a fasluon first in the High School division. Bu- Dr. FRED Palmers plate m Chicago a.ml rlrt•... ,;,_,d accord- ford Jones "'<"Cond. and Jnel ""il,;;on • 111 ~ to the !-tyle_ chart. . was third. First place winn~r'> reOn_ om•_ occasion he appeared m a n•iYed two candy bar,. while '>t.'Conrl LIGHTENS durk SKIN _certam rnght s!'°t a, .'.\1.C_---<lre:-~ed : and third place m11JJ•.•r,; ft"Ceived a Loosens BLACKHEADS .• m a Tuxedo suit and we.anng wh1tt> 'har l'ach. I u .. .,..,.,."di.... c,■d. ;,hoe-.. and thought that he was drcs.-.- .\Ir. H. N. Butterfiel<l. club leader wtfi):.544.JiJ•l+Ji(?(rjf.iM ed. lam up. If Frank Smc1tra knew I of the KenedY Jr. Hi-Y club and ---- that tlus Cat was P\'m msinuatin~ Charle; Schwab. pre,;idt>nt of the Jeff ?LONEL '!. HEARTS tl1at he wa~ g: 11n~ to mir>t>i·,;onut~ _ , . Lonely. If so, Joan the New Glory h' _ _ 1 er-on Torch l dub officiated at tlw Oub and have sweethearu and pen rm. he -would ban• hm1 mcarcr-r- toun1am1 nt. pals everywhere. Details frtt and ated. This Cat really gds by \'1th all letters confidential. Address murder- "bat nc\\ one art' :-,·ou go The New Glory Colored Oub, Box in~ to pull nr-,t wt.>t•I.. F.? 588, Bridgeport, Conn. J I I Attention , Please! I Make It a Must Date WHEN? Sunday, May 11 (Mother's Day), 3 P.M. WHERE? Benson High School 546 N. E. 12th Ave. WHY? THE CLARIO~'S FIRST ANNUAL FASHION SHOW AND STYLE REVIEW • The Portland Urban League will be the recipient of a donation • Jefferson High School Choir will sing • Several beautiful and useful door prizes will be given free to persons in the audience Phone TRini1y 7511 Martin Henderson Upholstering, Refinishing, Fur• niture Repairing - Your Home or My Shop. FREE ESTIMATES 2042 N. Gantenbein PortJand Men, Women Over 40 Don't ·Be Weak, Old Feel Peppy, Years Younger TakeO.b-n, CootalnatoDicolten neGded after .W-b7 bod.lea weak.old ,olel.7 became l&ak,.. ~~~~~'t~ao"'p;~,.~~ Joc'':rf~t:U ,;:1t1~=.~tml. In Portland, Or~, at Owl Drug Storn &: Fred Meyer Drug Sto~. MYSTERIOUS BILLY SMITH A place where you alway, find cold beer and a hearty welcome. We ,ell Chili, Hot Dogs and Hamburgen. LITTLE BILLY & BIG BILLY Corner Cherry Court and Wheeler We are now open from 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. We Appreciate Your Patronage RUSSELL RADIO SHOP BEOC & FAIR RECORD SHOP We Guarantee All Phonograph and Radio Work Ciry.Wide Pick-Up 6 N. E. Russell TR 8064 Only Negro Denllsl In Portland Tr,uupar•nl D•ntal Plate,-X-R47 DK. VICKEU Dr. C. R. Vickers 1471 N. I. Wllllom1 Cl. Phone VI 4208 Equipped to Handle Your PRINTING , Prompt, ettlclent service on all types or prlnllng. Phone Oak GroYe 3•9461 or TUudo 1666 WESTERN PRESS Printers or The ClaMon &: Dispatch Jennings Lodge, Oregon BASEBALL SHOES OATS BALLS MITTS Avaifablc Now In Limited Quantltlet1 Clarence Comstock's EVER READ JIARDWARJ,; 4106 S. E. Division St. J Phone EA 6742 Portland 2, Ore. L •-•-..,~ .... ,.J ,~ Let U, Clean Your Clothes Block Your Hat., 819 N. Rwsell MRS. BEATRICE REED Lady Attendant Certificates of Guarantee With Each Job! -OComplete modern facilities .... a thoughtful, kindly S('rvicc of beauty and dignity ... within every family's budget. NO DOWN PAYMENT Holman & Lutz ----~I UP TO TI-tREE YEARS TO PAY FREE ESTIMATES COLONIAL --0-- Mortuary Worth W. Caldwell, President Sandy Blvd. at E. 14th Telephone EAst 4111 Portland Metal Weatherstrip Co. 2215 S. W. 1st Ave. BR 4212 ----~------ '-------------' NOTICE JOB PRINTING by the CLARION / Placards Hand Bills Menus Business Cards Letterheads Invitations Small Magazines Call MUrdock 3071 or VErmont 9025 Office 2736 N. E. Rodney Fitzural Beaver, Printer JUST ARRIVED BEAUTIFUL WALNUT BEDROOM SUITES Regular $209.95 Value With Springs and Mattress Special $169.50 While They Last Russell Furniture & Appliance Co. 2607 N. E. Union near Russell, Portlnnd 12, Or{'gon TUxedo l.210 Open Evenings Till 9 o'Clock r==..,...,.=..,-m:,i:o:,i:o:ro·..,-,:,;,:o:o:o:o,m:,.oi:r.cr..:r.cr.o I VIDAN'S ~ Complete Food Center ~ 606 N. E. Broadway MUrdock 9785 @ Open Daily and Sunday $, 9 A. M. till 10 P. M. ~ REMEMBER: 606 N. E. Broadway, Ponland, Ore. ~ ~ ...o:rop-,:r,:o:,m:r.crm:o:o:r.cr.cr=c=.==