Northwest Clarion_1955-12-30

I • Friday, December 30, 1955 Northwest (]arion PUBLlSHED EACH FHIDA Y JJy NORTHWEST CLP,RION PUBLISI:ING CO. 2::26 N. Wi:llam3 A-1e. Telephone P.. T 4-3071 1 :_i] to P. 0. Box 42J! -Zone 8 A:1T:·:r-: .'\. C lX Sr .. Ow-:Jcr-!'•.l':;~:·;:ter t: H ~-:.. .? :32"{ANT, Ad rerti3ir:g Ma:1a:;~r D:)N ALFO?.D, Clrcula±ion Mana:Jer & Reporter EA::·.~r:: MITCHEL. Reporter ----------------------------------------------- C:uapcmelh \ifins Third Scme!h!ng to Mosl Valuable Aw~rd Think Absul NEW YORK - (ANP) - Roy Camoane~la's tremendous come– back to lead the Brooklyn Dodg– ·ers to another penant and their first world series victory has won him the National League's Most Valuable Player Award. The stocky, 34-year-old catcher nosed out Duke Snider, 226 to 221, to bc·come the second player in league history to win the prized award th··ee times. Only Stan Musial, St. Louis outfielder, has accomplished the same feat in the National League. Campanella won the award pre– viously in 1951 and 1953. Thus he joins another outstanding current catcher, Yogi Berra of the New York Yankees, who last week was named the American League's most va!uable player, a!so for the third time. In the voting of the 24 commit– teemen of the Baseba 1 l Vlriters Association of America, Ernie Banks of the Chicago Cubs was a close third with 195 points and Willie Mays of the Giants was fourth with 165. Mays won the award in 1954. • By Warren Hester One of the most valuab'e traitr a person can have is the abilit~ 'o get a'ong well with other<>. fo ::10 matter what an ir.dividt:a bcs l:e must lbe and work witl other people. It is vii al that he b able to understand and be under stood. Certain retarding persona'it: attributes may make this diffi ~ult, but for your advancement 't wou 1 d be worth while to ex amine the weak traits and re– place them with strong and posi– tive ones. You are so sure of your– se!f that you resent being told about fau:ts. If criticized you flare up immediately. To Over– come you,· faults, you should shed your suspicions. Be more sym– pathetic and less critical. Bear in mind that as an analyst and coun– selor, I can only guide your own honest effort. Each person must work out his mode of activity for himself. The thing you should re– member is that in your search for happiness, you cannot copy after someone else, or attempt to adopt a pattern of living for yourself which is not an agreement with your basic nature. Job Bias Case Goes lo High U. S. Courl NEW YORK - For the first time in its history, the New York "tate Commission Againist Dis– ;rimination today was challenged n Supreme Court on its refusal o make a determination of dis– :rimination in employment. Wendell A. Jeanpierre, 32, of 112 W. 49th St., New York City, letitioned the Supreme Court to– lay to annul the dismissal by the State Commission of his com– Jlaint filed with them 11 months ago. " SON'S" Red F·ronl Poultry Markel .Bread Breasted Oven-Ready Turkeys GEESE and DUCKS Mae and Alvin Dawson take the opportunity to express appreciation for past patronage. Best wishes for the Holiday Season ~~>':l "'? Phone AT 2-0474 FLIMEL TURNER Auto -Service 2626 N, Albina AT 8-2252 N. L. NJ.elsen & · Son Jewelers 31 N. Russell St., near Williams AT 7-1614 Official RR Watch Inspector Kattie Says: Be Neighborly Shop Neighborhood Hours 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. ;pent on a house, furniture, a )ick-up truck, Ford and Bukk mtomob!les-all paid for. Davis saici he uncovered the :oney while ciigging in the base l:11t. Happy New Year BOLLIGER 0 THE. ~~~@rn MAN 3334 N. Williams AT 1-1236 THE NORTHWEST CLARION Page Three On Christmas Eve· Popular Sorority :.----- Sponsors Ball '; from the 27th to the 30th of De- guests with her rendition of the cember and Mrs. Plummer plans beautiful, "Tenderly." Many guests were present last Friday night, December 23, at the ;ixth annual Christmas Ball spon– sored by Beta Psi Chapter of !Jelta Sigma Theta Sorority. This lovely formal affair was held in the beautifully decorated Pom– peiian Room ot the C o n g r e s s ' Hotel. Enjoyable music was pro– vided by Frank Elliot and his band. Deltas in true holiday loveli– ness, gathered their mothers and patronesses into a circle at inter– mission and sang the Delta Sweet– heart Song and the National Delta Hymn. Also at this time, pledgees of Beta Psi chapter were intro– duced. to be back in Portland on January The Delta Christmas Ball was 3rd after stopping in Kansas City. enjoyed by all and as usual, set A lovely and talented Delta, I off the holiday festivities with a Miss Betty Jean Duke, favored the . "bang". Lac AWonica Cleaners & Dyers MELVIN THOMPSON AT 4-9862 3632 N. Williams Ave. ATTEHTIOH PARENTS DO YOU HAVE A TALENTED CHILD? Enrollment is now being taken for Talent Developing Classes - Ages 4 tolO For Fur:ther ·Information Con:tact MISS JUANITA REESE OR PHONE AL 3-5945 A pleasant surprise to most Deltas, was a telegram read by 1 Dance Chairman Ellen T. Law, stating tha\ Beta Psi's president, 1 Bernadette Plummer, had been invited to Washington, D. C., by '-============:::;;;;:;;:=:;;;~~~~=:;~:::;=:::=::=-: Grand Chapter of Delta Sigma J- c - c E Theta, to participate in a _Nation~] I J AHUARY LE'ARA Projects and Leadership Insti- tute. This invitation was an out- l·QQo/ 0 A,t. L-WQOL SUITS growth of Beta Psi's outstanding /C ,..... work on its Career Conference last Spring. The Institute is dated VALUES TO $SS. 75 • $3970 WORSTEDS, SHARKSKINS Workman Who Found and FLANNELS , $60,000 Sellles for NO DOW.N PAYMENT One-Third of Tolal CORSICANA, Tex.- (ANP)~ Jackson Davis, 24-year-old plum– ber's helper who found a vacuum bottle containing $60,000 under a Dallas house, has settled out of court for one-third of the amount. The $20,000 th!it Davis gets in– G-. . (ji/A!WiTEEO V4LIJES SlNC£ 1886 /A ~ted ;fot vlfele CC Rl:'~k JRO AN 0 A~D "I' C 0 WH T0 Wti FREE PARKING S~rney's Por~lng Lot or any lo-t In t':~ S"o:·d eod f.'· .,, v·-::; 1:y, ,... r~!'!;l lb~pplr.g at ~;;iiu's cludes $15,000 he has already"""""""'"------------~----------- $250 Down-$575'0 some furniture. Vacant, 2 bedrooms, living room, din· ing rm. kitchen, all on one floor. Hardwood floors, un· finished attic space for 3 rooms. Mrs. Malget AT 4-4095 $500 Dovvn--$7950 :1ear J~ff high, new oil fur; naea, 3 bed rooms, wall to wall rug ln hall and two ~edrooms, go01d condltlon, JOOd loeaUon. / Mrs. Malget AT 4·4095 We Help You With Your Down Payment Madronna Real Eslale AT 8-5261 "TONKIH MOTORS GAVE ME A FABULOUS DEAL!" Says Mrs. Della Cook, 3440 N. Williams Ave.. Portland S1ervice Station Operator "When I started shopping !or a car I never dreamed t could own a beautiful new Mercury so easily until I went to Tonkin Motors! Of all the dealers ... Tonkin made me the best deal by far! 'My Mercury cost no more than I'd pay for a 'little' car that I really wouldn't want! If you're looking for a car-see Tonkin Motors!''- You'll get the same wonderful "Challenge Deal" af Tonkin Motors! Get estimates on your old car from any other three dealers-Tonkin Motors will top the highest bid. TONK. I~~ MOTORS 334 S. E. GRAND AVZNU:S BElmont 2-3108 \ '· " .