Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 9 No. 2 | Summer 1987 (Portland) /// Issue 34 of 41 /// Master# 34 of 73

SUMMER 1987 / t i l F L f e VZo-Editors David Milholland Lenny Dee Associate Editors Jim Blashfield, Paul Loeb Washington State Coordinator Judy Hines Bevis Art Director David Milholland Designer Tim Braun Guest Designers Candace Bieneman, Laura DI Trapani Contributing Artists John Callahan, David C. Kane, Stephen Leflar, Carel Moiseiwitsch, Lee Mueller, Paul Ollswang, Pander Bros., Jana Rekosh, Robert Williamson, Matt Wuerker Contributing Photographer Laura Di Trapani Account Representatives—Oregon Dru Duniway, Rhonda Kennedy Account Representative— Washington Sandra Ferguson Ad Production Stacey Fletcher, Qualitype Robert Williamson Typesetting Harrison Typesetting, Inc., Lee Emmett, Marmilmar, Qualitype Camerawork Laura Di Trapani, Craftsman Lithoplate, Inc., Pacific Color Plate Cover Photographer Michael Seidl Cover Separations Portland Prep Center, Inc. Printing Tualatin-Yamhill Press Office Assistant Michele Hunt Intern Lianne Hirabayashi Thanks Judy & Stew Albert, Dave Ball, Randy Clark, Helen DeMichiel, Jeannine Edelblut, Maria Kahn, Craig Karp, Paul Krassner, Deborah Levin, Peggy Lindquist, David Madson, Julie Mancini, Theresa Marquez, Melissa Marsland, Doug Milholland, Kevin Mulligan, Julie Phillips, Sherry Prowda, Jeremy Rice, Julie Ristau, Missy Stewart, Jim Styskel, Sandy Wallsmith, John Wanberg, The Clinton 500 Volunteer needed for Portland CSQ office. Please call 222-6039. ON THE COVER ;f a M t Artist Jana Rekosh, a frequent CSQcon- tributor, lives in Seattle. Her recent ’5^: work, “ The Traveler’s Tango,” has just f-Jr- been up at Ravenwood’s. Portrait by Lee f j K Mueller of Seattle. ---------■ • The Clinton St. Quarterly is published in • j Oregon, Washington and National e d i- ! t tions by CSQ—A Project of Out of the ! Ashes Press. Oregon address: P.O. Box i 3588, P o r tland , OR 97208 —(503) I 222-6039. Washington address: 1520 I Western Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101— | (206) 682-2404. Unless o the rw ise j noted, all contents copyright ®1987 I Clinton St. Quarterly. Farewell to Arms Control-^ Mark Sommer & Gordon Feller W Taking the initiative back from the experts—a process to defuse tension and make peace the priority. Far from Vietnam— । Sharon Lynn Pugh | ‘ J A look at some of our newest set- t ie r s—a r t as a re f le c t io n o f cu ltu res coping w ith extreme change. Fidelio Sleeps— Paul Ollswang For conspiracy theorists fevet^ where—scratch only when you know the players. ^ 7 o o d Germans—a phrase w ith powerful resonance this summer of Klaus Barbie, Robert McFarlane and Ollie North. “ I was just following orders” is the timeless rationalization for involvements ranging from the criminal to the abhorrent. From our distance, i t ’s easy to imagine ourselves righteously standing up to denounce them, or refraining from pv tic ipa ting at the very least. Yet only 4L years after Auschwitz and less then 20 since My Lai, individuals are still found to perpetrate behavior no culture could consider civilized. And more times than not, they look just like the boy next door. The Good Germans responded to a disorderly world of rampant inflation, shortages and incipient chaos with a government that will horrify humanity as long as history exists. Ordinary c itizens looked the other way while millions of their people were exterm inated. Here, the far right has plans for branding AIDS victims, selling off our national patrimony, e lim ina ting reproductive rights and rewriting history and science from a “ moral” point of view. We should not forget that these positions, once isolated on the fringe, have entered the political mainstream in a very brief time. Our way of life has long been dependent on a worldwide apparatus of re0 . . GisternachtfLast Night)— Pander Bros. / I J Our travel feature to a rarely seen nightspot—don’t visit unless you can take the heat. Forgotten—Ross Evan * 1 West / / The War to End Wars remem- bered, lest we forget. Bearing Witness— Doug Marx Poet Carolyn Forche reveals ner sources—of vision, political ins igh t and a non-e thnocen tric world-view. pression and imminent extinction. The Contra forces in Central America and the bomb are business as usual here. It ’s our tax money and elected officials who keep them rolling, not just a few bad presidents and their avid henchmen. Yes we’ve had our bananas, and kept much of Latin America under our thumb in the process. And the sweat shops of the Far East we underwrite politically, from Seoul to Singapore, keep us clothed and running. The sun is now rising over Japan, flush with capital from our years of foo t loo se consumerism . But th is young U.S.A., an empire for less than a century, is loathe to yield up the mantle of power. So we cling to the elusive hope that good times are “ just around the corner.” They aren’t all that bad ye t, fo r most. We’ re exho rted to tighten things up a bit, use our Yankee ingenuity and stop buying all those damn imports, at least those things that are still made here. Oh yeah, and figh t the Commies too. We want it every which way, and like the restless adolescent we most resemble, find it hard to come to grips with painful choices. Presidential candidates from the middle to the far right are buzzing with “ visions" of a renewed U.S., even as we abruptly surge into first place in the ranks of the world’s debtors. It's not KA Sexuality, the Neighbor Lady and the Fam ily^) f y BobSawatzki 11 j What to do when your Hfe becomes an item from the National Enquirer. Col. Ollie—Matt The firs t Docucomic takes yod behind closed doors and inside the shredder. Fawn’s hairdresser doesn’t know this much. Callahan Unbottled— John Callahan A fitting sequel to Paralyzed for Life—alcoholism from the inside out. clear that any other nation has the combination of economic power, military depth or sheer chutzpah to outflank us completely. World power will instead become increasingly frag ­ mented, which seems only logical as we approach the millenium. The future is truly up for grabs. That leaves us in the interregnum, sitting in limbo. This nation needs to examine carefully its next few steps. We're in over our heads in the Middle East where the Reagan presidency has been pitiful when not frightening. In our own Central American back yard our policies have finally resulted in U.S. casualties, and threaten worse. And though impeachment seems the logical extension of developments in Washington, the upshot is George Bush. Good Americans have traditionally made it through with creative schizophrenia, willing to countenance unethical, contradictory behavior if the overall package looks and feels good, especially in the pocketbook. We’ve had our tradition of civil liberties and a largely free press, at least at home, to fo res ta ll potential despots. Those rights are only guaranteed by practice, however, and we must struggle to amplify and defend them, or we’ ll never know what hit us when they’re gone. DM Clinton St. Quarterly— Summer, 1987 3