Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 2 No. 2 | Summer 1980 (Portland) Issue 6 of 41 /// Master# 6 of 73

CLINTON ST. QUARTERLY WAR FASHIONS RETRO RUNG DEATH the SKIES fireproof Air-Raid Clothing blow fa sh io n a b ly a t £ h e a dnd y e t p rov ide pro tec tion in ; tired and ye P . i s demonthe face o a c o s tume de - s e a te d bv M rs F ran c e s Kuskm of signed by M I t i s m a d e of 1 New Y o rk C * m b l i n g k haki, f r i eb ne dr e mre ad te f r i i r ae l pr r°o , omd u insp te o an dt t I process. S 1J C ^ i n t e d hood hang - g j | I of skirt, and a p o i n t e r s I ing from th e sb d o w n | for vision whe p ro tec t- g over the head , c P T h e n On - ing the face and y b g h t i n ■ inflammable g a r ’ guards weight and easy to mputn on,n g d. a r y , ■ The blouse has pockets ■ bombs. ! * k i n w h ich a re m - ■ fron t and back m t e r _i n ch I se r ted plastic p o r g a n s n ■ thick, p ro tec ting th S from flying objects. Installation of mach ine guns on fire trucks for anti-aircraft work when not fighting flames is an experiment of the Boston fire department men! bw U. S. housing Above, on air-raid .Heber being s.ud.e official*. {[F irewood still S g h th of th e w o r ld s power. MAY, 1941 Employees lose respect fo r a company that fails to provide their comfort Tw RY ee k w o ip n i n h g a rs y h o , ur c he h a a p n ds p ap si e x r d to a w ys e l a s or awkward, unsanitary roller towels — and maybe you, too, would grumble. Towel service is just one of those small, but important courtesies—such as proper air and lighting—that help build up the goodwill of your employees. That’s why you’ll find clothlike Scot- Tissue Towels in the washrooms of large, well-run organizations such as R.C.A. Victor Co., Inc., National Lead Co. and Campbell Soup Co. ScotTissue Towels are made of "thirsty fibre’’. . . an amazing cellulose product that drinks up moisture 12 times as fast as ordinary paper towels. They feel soft and pliant as a linen towel. Yet they’re so strong and tough in texture they won’t crumble or go to pieces . . . even when they’re wet. And they cost less, too—because one is enough to dry the hands—instead of three or four. Write for free trial carton. Scott Paper Company, Chester, Pennsylvania. Is you r washroom breeding S c o tT is s u e To uue l s - really dry!