Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 2 No. 2 | Summer 1980 (Portland) Issue 6 of 41 /// Master# 6 of 73

CLINTON ST. QUARTERLY TH E C LI NTO N ST. QU ARTE RLY vol- 2, no. 2 the t id y p a p e r summer 1980 Contents A Hitchcock Tribute Steve Blackburn............................ 2 Cold War Fashions Jim Blashf ie ld............................... 4 The Dream Dies Hard Lenny Dee. . ................................. 5 An Encounter Harold Schwamm........................ 8 Gay Rights Come Home Carlin Chrisman........................... 9 A Volcano Story, Lori P e r r y .............. 12 Family Home Night Dana Hoyle...................... . . ......... 14 An Uncertain Fortune David Milholland.......................... 15 Masters of War Norman Solomon ........................ 18 Cold War Comix, David C e lsi............ 20 Genocide, Enrico Martignoni.............. 21 The Worms Turn Shelly MacLeod.............. 22 Ash Hiss, Joe U ris................................ 23 Our Creamy Nougat Center Jim Blashfield................................ 24 Wet Whistle, Walt C urtis.................... 26 The Death of Jim Loney Steve Wallin................................. 28 Voodoo, Sex and Chicken Michael Goodwin . . . . ............... 29 In Transit, Katherine D u n n ................ 35 W N A , A tty F itzpatrick...................... 39 Musical Newts Michael A de lshe im...................... 40 The Desnos Letters BobDesnos................................... 42 The Clinton St. Quarterly is published free to the public by Clinton St. Center for the Arts, Inc., 2522 S.E. Clinton St., Portland, OR. © Clinton St. Quarterly 1980 S ta f f Hot Tips from Fat Lips Editors Emeritus: Eric Edwards Joe Uris Bev Walton Co-Editors: Lenny Dee Joel Weinstein Design & Production: Joel Weinstein Kim Honer Eric Edwards Proofreaders: Steve Cackley Teresa Marquez A d Sales: David Milholland Kathy Livingston Lenny Dee Contributing Artists: Steve Blackburn Jim Blashfield Jan Ross Tom Kramer Isaac Shamsud-Din Harold Schwamm Nan Wyldie Eric Edwards Dana Hoyle Steve Sandstrom Alan Brewster David Celsi Barry Curtis Frank Poliat Kim Honer Bob Gardiner THE BOZO FACTOR Welllll, you were starting to feel pretty sharp there. That upstart Ron Wyden kicked old Bob Duncan right in the pants. The Cadillac- Fairview behemoth developed a bad case of the willies and skedaddled, hooted out of town by people who love this city. What seemed to many like the biggest roadblock to a sensible education plan for Portland’s schools and the least likely to change — the tenure of Robert Blanchard — suddenly evaporated. Best of all, Portland’s most wretched months, that dark and lunatic time of living like slugs in a bog, was giving way to the glorious renewal of spring. Pret-ty sassy. Enter the Bozo factor. You remember Bozo, the big red-head with the paddle-ball nose, the blue pantaloons, the air-horn. What an unpredictable nut! His sense of humor might have been Rotarian, but watch out! Savoring those first spring rays? Blooie! A ton of ash that fills your snoot, wrecks your car, gooses city-hall hysteria and makes you literally pray for rain. The Bozo factor. Who would’ve ever thought?! Appreciating those victories at the polls? Bam! Sock! A Reagan to the midsection, a Carter to the groin. A left and a right to the political process! Omigod, the Bozo factor. Think you’ve got racism licked? Lick again. Underneath that sweet scoop of Terminated Superintendent is a rancid blend of Bob Hazen, Charlie Davis and Assorted Big Guns who’ve threatened a well-organized, well-heeled campaign to unseat the Board members who voted Blanchard out. (Sort of reminds you of the days of Seventy when some of those same fatcats organized to keep PSU open during the university strike. Remember Kent State? Remember the Vietnam War?) It iust goes to show that every silver lining has a cloud, every day has its dog, into every life a little shitrain must fall, beware the Ides of Bozo. Fighting the Bozo factor is akin to complaining about Mt. St. Helens (what one Oregonian letter writer recently called “ volcaneurosis” ), so are we complaining? No...this is more a warning against smugness, a call for vigilance. Other Cadillac- Fairviews loom on the city’s skyline. The “ choices” in November seem largely like faint passings of gas even more than echoes. Our recent triumphs teach us that organization and persistence do not cancel the Bozo factor altogether, but they hose it down, sweep it into the gutter, flush it into the sewers for now. — J.W. Comic by Tom Kramer Editorial Cartoon by Jan Ross 3