Clinton St. Quarterly Vol. 12 No. 1 Spring 1990

'jo^A »V They are haunted by a deep sense of worthlessness... you'*' c h lc K e * Coir < LoA t t t d - ifc , bleu L^^Q) a -PloOV ? *|0U A. Weight gain ...and are willing to endure humiliations no self-respecting person would stand for. Some of Low Self-Esteem Cafe's patrons came to it later in life due to unfortunate circumstances. E. Leprosy F. Death G. Even undeath Whatever the reasons, the victim’s existence is a living hell. This is the tragedy of low self- esteem. Repeated attempts are made to raise their low selfesteem. Most start traditionally: i IT! O.K. K . 0 ^ uo n r * LookiNG O^T FoR A. Self-help books (A V4 ITME“aeSip IcoKbj Din 0? PoSrtWE B. Psychotherapy j ’A -to C. Special diets D. Religion Lord, A.4 t k . HeA Clinton St.—Spring 1990 19