Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 6 No. 1 | Spring 1984 (Portland) /// Issue 21 of 41 /// Master# 21 of 73

tLLtN'& tLOWhQ CAQT CORNER of 2 1 st & NW KEARNEY flowers for IOV( A��AI08i. PQOM.% W[DDINC8i AND INflRMATlr.8i Boulonnieres and Corsal',es made lo order 224-04 1 4 9oocf boo.ks, cozy rooms, .. ·· ''fel wship, salisfaclion "of!he bel ancla cerlain ,-..-. yaiefy anclyrace of behavior. " AN N E ' S GU EST HO U S E 2482 N .W. MARSHALL ST. PORTLAND , OR EGON 972 1 0 ( 503 ) 227-4440 FRUIT SPREADS Organically grown inthe Pacific Northwest spot DANCEWEAR COMPLETE DANCE & EXERCISE FASHIONS • leotards ·• tights • shoes for tap, jazz , bal let • leg warmers • cover-ups 1 21 6 NW 2 1 st Avenue 224-4084 Eastside - Stites Center Bui ld i ng 1 7925 NE Gl isan 661 -6325 Open Monday-Saturday For REAL ESTATE matters in Portland's most livable neighborhood call DAN VOLKMER "Mr. NW Portland" 225-1 1 1 5 Tfie RealtpGrouJJ � 2078 NWEverett Portland, OR 97209 L� _,.,/_' ._'. . " £, A. 1-· . % ,. f' ·-: -:r. ,· , . �, , ., ,,,, , L , , A fc1;,· -,,, - - · . �- - � _,/ _· ;f�\, - -- ,\" ,. , ' , - I o · / . � & � , ; ' ,/ �� \¼· �w�";,:�" L l :NDA dE:NK I :NS , LM T 1 133 N. W. 21st Portland, OR 97209 224-8536 By appointment SANDERS & DI XON LAWYE RS NORTHWEST PORTLAND at EIGHTEENTH & HOYT The Fi rm Concentrates i n Fi nancial Counse l i ng (Chapter Thi rteen Debt Adjustment Plans and Chapter Seven Bankruptcy), Smal l Busi ness, Real Estate, Fami ly Law, Personal I njury and I nsu ranee matters. (503) 242-1440 1727 NW Hoyt 11'1. The Clinic On 2 1 st of Anderson & Gunn, P.C. LIMITED TO SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES 1 2 1 6 NW 2 1 st Portland, OR 97209 503-226-6678 Appointments Preferred 1 2 Noon - 7:30 p.m.. Tues - Fri. 1 0:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. . Saturday Clinton St. Quarterly 27 --- -, . �- _.G I \ f 1 I,;; ' \