Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 6 No. 1 | Spring 1984 (Portland) /// Issue 21 of 41 /// Master# 21 of 73

,I ·· The Natural Fibre Store 10 am - 6 pm Mon - Fri 1 1 am - 6 pm Sat GRAPHICS brochures letterheads i l lustrations advertisements W I T H P R E S E N C E Cheryl Reed 342-5068: wkdys. 345-0942: wknds., eves. ·� . • · Al ' · • '�, �-- - · .. . � " ... r r- \ 1--- \, �- �� / - ,. . .... ,, . ' ·' .. . " ,· ··· · .. .. � = -- r --- ·- .. " - l a n te r n s • s h ade s shoj i l amps fflr :r = . <. EUGENE TRADI NG CO. 651 E . 1 3, Eugene, OR 97401 (503) 344-7006 �or results ClJou·l l be cproudof aroW �t I ly ! orga.n_1c_a__ OPE��L(.NPAY.S Take A Bagel Along Better yet, take a dozen. Bagels are great for all outdoor activities. They're durable, lightweight, water repellent, and nutritionally sound. And. by gosh, they taste great! DOWN TO EARTH canh�_! many organic fert i l izers • natural pest controls • soi l pH tests avai lable 50 E. -1 1 th, Eugene, OR 97401 �i======= (503) :3,44-6357 , ., . ._... Open 7 Days A Week, 7:30-7:00 2435 Hilyard, Eugene 484-1 142 .. 'I' " - -� ;·�·, ��· '" · >J r . ., (. ., > Eugene's \Veekly featuring: --· ... . ,:;:, -, � __..F� .., 11. I= .=;.,.a - - -� . �-=:----: - -. � -- :::._---1-- _ ___.....-: �--- . ....__ i-, 7 - -- ; I �(!uality (:rafts • Great Food • Free E11tertain111c11t Euch Suturday - April thm Ikccmbcr - -· - • - -;. '� - - L - �- 1-1 llvwi)ila�- ,.._ .,J l. AY - - - - - �-- -------- ., " '