Clinton St. Quarterly Vol. 8 No. 3 Fall 1986

new market village • 54 sw 2nd -228-1693 • open daily 10am-6pm ★ THE BEST DOUGH IN TOWN ★ PLENTY OF RICH N’ SPICY HOMEMADE SAUCE ★ 100% WHOLE MILK MOZZARELLA CHEESE ★ ONLY THE FRESHEST PRODUCE ★ THE FINEST MEATS AND SEAFOOD Home of the “SERIOUS” Pizza HANDSPUN PIZZA FEATURES: Now Open Sundays! OVERCOATS-TUXEDOS-ZOOT SUITS-OLD MOTORCYCLE and BOMBER JACKETS'ART O DECO GOWNS-CHI CHI HATS-VINTAGF WESTERN WEAR-GREAT COSTUME GEMS OLD MEXICAN STERLING & MUCH MUCH MORE — OPEN AFTERNOONS CO CONGRESSMAN RON WYDEN BANANAS? "WE DON'T NEED NO STINKEEN' BANANAS!" Vfe need walls; the big, blank, empty kind. You know the kind we mean; dull, ugly, faded, peeling walls. The kind we need to paint and paint with huge strokes of color and craziness. No, they won't be signs: ugh! or roses: bleech! They'll be landmarks, recognizable from anywhere. Vfe've done them for little companies and big companies, for TV and for ourselves, and we can do one for you. So the next time you see bananas, remember, we don't paint bananas anymore— we are bananas! 503-248-9157 PORTLAND ■SEATTLE • AND THE WHOLE WIDE WIDE WORLD HE GETS RESULTS Paid for and authorized by the Wyden for Congress Committee, Tom Feirerra, Treasurer. Vote YES on Measure 8 to STOP Mandatory Local Measured Phone Service Local Measured Service means you pay for each and every local phone call like it was a long distance call: by the minute, time of day, and how far away you call. Mandatory local measured service means you have no choice. You would be forced to take measured phone service. Oregonians for Affordable Phone Service a project of OSPIRG and the National Federation of Independent Business 019 S.W. Arthur, Portland, OR 97201 222-0968 Ad space donated by Clinton Street Quarterly Clinton St. Quarterly