Clinton St. Quarterly Vol. 8 No. 3 Fall 1986

Address The Northwest’s Hottest Band and Paper combine for the media merger of the decade. For only $16 you can get the fabulous sounds of the Crazy 8’s latest album, Nervous In Suburbia, and two scintillating years of Clinton St. BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID PORTLAND, OR Permit No. 2211 Quarterly delivered to your doorstep. Yes, it’s too good a deal to pass up! TO: Name -____________________________ _______________________ C ity________________________ State____________ Z ip___ SEND (me □ them □ ) THE ALBUM FROM: Name______________________________________________ Address____________________________________________ C ity________________________ State____________ Z ip ___ SEND $16 TO: CSQ, P.O. Box 3588, PORTLAND, OR 97208