Clinton St. Quarterly Vol. 8 No. 3 Fall 1986

OF I f you really want a second opinion... PORTLAND NATUROPATHIC CLINIC 255 -7355 11231 SE MARKET PORTLAND, OREGON The Teaching Clinic of the National College of Naturopathic Medicine. Hawthorne Auto Clinic.lnc. Mechan ica l serv ice and repa ir of im po rt and domestic cars and l ig h t t r u c k s F IAT and P eugeo t s p e c ia l is ts appointments P 4 o 3 rt 0 la 7 n S d . , E O . H re a g w o t n h o 9 r 7 n 2 e 15 234-2119 THE HAGGLE S HOP FINE FURNITURE ANTIQUE COLLECTABLES 15%-20% off most merchandise SPECIALIST IN ORIGINAL ART PRINTS (PARRISH. ARMSTRONG. ADVERTISING & CALENDAR ART. ETC.) OPEN MON 12-4 TUES-FRI 10-5:30 SAT 11-5 3 7 3 4 SE HAWTHORNE PORTLAND 2 32 -0167 P EOPLE’ S A Natural Food Store. A wide selection of natural, healthy groceries at surprisingly low prices. 0 The freshest produce 0 Herbs & Vitamins O Natural body care products 0 N.W. wines & imported beer 0 Imported and domestic cheeses. 0 Deli & Bulk foods Monday - Saturday, 10am to 8pm; Sunday, noon to 7pm 3029 SE 21st (1 block north of Powell), Bus #9 , 232-9051. W O M E N W I T H H E A R T rtwnN t-M r* DAY & EVENING CLASSES IN INDONESIAN KUNG FU & MODERN ARNIS FOR WOMEN, MEN & CHILDREN 1 5 1 5 S . E . 3 7 t h A V E N U E P O R T L A N D , O R E G O N 9 7 2 1 4 5 0 3 - 2 3 1 - 1 9 9 9 >WHEOLDHOMESTEAD O MARKET&GALLERY r'P 4121 S.E. WOODSTOCK BOULEVARD Portland Tradition Since 1972 Clinton St. Quarterly 13