Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 6 No. 3 Fall 1984 (Portland)

a b o u t i q u e llfi S. W 2nd. C orvallis.O R BIRKENSTOCKS DONT FIT LIKE SHOES. THEY DONT FIT LIKE SANDALS.THEY FIT LIKE FOOTPRINTS. 1i £ h t h o u s e natural lends .!!.-> S.W. 3rd .Corvallis.OR SALON ONE ELEVEN Sat 8amEUGENE "TASTE OFF'' WINNERS ... BEST BURGERS & OMELETTES STUFFED BAKED POTATOES, BEER, WINE AND MORE ... M-F Sun 9-5 in Eugene’s 5th St. Public Market 683-8196 .Hamburner Terry5 downstairs fancy's COMPLIMENTING NATURE Don't be fooled. Most other yogurts contain gelatin, stabilizers, preservatives or flavor extenders At \A \< 'i S. we make our yogurt with milk, nonfat milk powder. I Acidophilus. S. Thermophilus, I.. Bujgaricus cultures and honey. There is no honey in our I.I.HVI AT YOGURT.' however. The fruit we use with NANCY'S YOGURT is qualilv fruit purchased from Northwest farms with just a bit of honey blended in during the brief cooking process. Nothing else is added, because Nature doesn't need it and neither do you. Y ancy s Cultured TJalnj CProduits Springfield C/eameiij Jm. CANNON DEACH BOOK COMPANY P.O. Box 634 132 North Hemlock Cannon Beach, OR 97110 (503) 436-1301 928-0111 Corner of 1st &Lyon, Downtown Albany -BY APPOINTMENT ONLYUAIHYDAY CACTU/ ®5P^L/T. (505)485-8® “Flowers of Distinction” • Eugene’s largest selection of flowers from around the world • Flowering and foliage plants • Bonsai • Contemporary vases — .. -I Clinton St. Quarterly 37