Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 10 No. 3 | Fall-Winter 1988 (Portland) /// Issue 39 of 41 /// Master# 39 of 73

M FIRST JOB By John Callahan ®1988, John Callahan I went to work in the local mental hospital. I felt as if I was in an LSD flashback. After graduating from high school. The first day on the ward shocked and bewildered me. Both my co-worker Todd and I looked up to our charge aide, Morton Crookshank. The ward M.D. was Dr. Fryer who was always intoxicated and was assisted by Nurse Veatch. As Psychiatric Aides 1, Todd and I were responsible for supervising the patients. I got to like some o f them: 22 Clinton St. Quarterly—Fall/Winter 1988