Portland Challenger_1952-11-14

t - .. Page Four PORTLAND CHALLENGER Friday, October 31, 1951 1!---···:···:·················----J Jeff's Eddie Phillips Garners All-City L_~e~l~~?-~~--~~t~- \~,~!~~!L~~~~ 0 2!.!~!!~o~,,!!t~~~~ .. E~~d~~n~,?a~ MT. OLIVET BAPTIST ALL NATIONS NAZARENE from Jefferson high school, earned Dallas, Texas. He is the son of the school. He may choose Lewis Dr. J. J. Clow 116 NE Schuyler INTER-DENOMINATIONAL a spot on the coveted 1952 Port- Mr. and Mrs. Earl McDonald, 3937 and Clark, however. Following the regular morning Rev. E. L. Jackson land high school football all-city N. E. 9th avenue. Phillips now joins the ranks of services Sunday, November 16, 313 NE Failing team. The strong, scrappy guard As to further education, Phil- such ex-Jefferson football immor- there will be an annual dinner in is a senior and was tabbed as one lips is undecided. He plans to go tals as Bobby Reynolds, Emery honor of the older members of At th~ir new location for just of the best guards in the state by Barnes, Bob Robinson, Dick Stan- the church. At 7:30 p.m. Lauren three Sundays, this new inter- ardent prep football followers. ton and Frank Fair. Sykes will give an organ recital denomination church is in the The Jefferson senior received I to be followed by a coffee hour. process of achieving complete or- 13 points from coaches and sports All are invited to attend. ganization. Prior to this the parish writers-one from the Oregonian MT. SINAI COMMUNITY carried on its church function in and one from the Oregon Journal INTER-RACIAL their parsonage located at Mon- -in the Portland area. :Rev. M. c. Cheek 4550 NE Going roe street and Rodney avenue. Phillips came to Portland eight About 200 people attended the Regular Sunday services are years ago and attended school in evening dedication services of conducted at 3 p.m. Reverend Vanport, the war time housing this new inter-racial, inter-de- Jackson plans to inaugurate a project that wes inundated on nominational church Sunday, No- Sunday school service beginning Memorial Day, 1948. He graduat– vember 2. Under the direction of about December 7. These classes ed from Highland elementary Reverend L. R. Kibler, master of will be taught at 2 p.m. school. EDDIE PHILLIPS ceremonies, the program featured several speakers. They were: J. 'Alton Page, Reverend Olin G. Dasher, David Myers, Peter Gan– tenbein, Mrs. Emil Cohen, Rev– erend Jesse L. Boyd, Mrs. Myron Knudsen and Edwin C. Berry. There were remarks by the -church pastor, Reverend M. C. 'Too Much Lonnie Harris' As Sandes Top Frat, 12-D BY TED BURGER doing his bit to garner first downs. Prepper ma:kes city 11 Willie Thurman Gets Year's Time It was nip and 'tuck all the way when the Benny's F'rat House and Sande Court touch Shepherd Outstanding Willie Thurman, 86 N. E. Til- Cheek, and a presentation of the football sevens clashed on th~ For the Sande seven Shepherd lamook street, was sentenced to was outstanding on the receiv- one year in jail Wednesday for mg end while reliable Lonnie bilking a used car salesman out Harris got off some really good of $25 October 16. church history by Mrs. Cheek. The benediction was delivered by Reverend Kibler. Mrs. Cheek announces that the new church is sponsoring a baby popularity contest with the co– operation of church auxiliary or– ganizations. Church workers will sell tickets for the babies who are entered in the contest. Final judging will take place at the church December 14. All are welcome. BETHEL A.M.E. METHODIST Dr. J. L. Boyd 316 N. McMillen The pastor announces that the church has planned a night Sun– .day school for children and adults as well. First of these programs will be held Sunday evening, No– vember 23. Tentatively to be scheduled for just once a year, the pastor announces that if there is sufficient demand the program will be staged more often. All is activity as Bethel is get– ling a "facelifting." The pastor and some male members are busy painting the church and parson– age and also roofing a part of the church. Working on a pay-as-you– go basis the voluntary project is expecte_d to save considerably. ALLEN TEMPLE C.M.E. Rev. L. R. Kibler Parishoners announce that "we are stressing the fact that we are :::trivmg to let our light so shine that Christ may be seen in our everyday life; organizations are working to the fullest extent." The Reverend and Mrs. Kibler are now at home in the new par– sonage. The couple moved in last week. Thursday evening the Steward– esses' Board 1 had a bazaar at the church. Thursday, November 27, the Trustees will sponsor a turkey dinner at the parsonage, N. E. 8th and Hancock. Plates will be one dollar. Friday, November 28, Youth day, a special evening program will be given by the church youth. November 30 at 8 p.m. the Mis– sionary society will have a "pew rally" at 2 p.m. There will be a Grand style show Friday, December 12, at 8 p.m. at which refreshments will be served. The show will be in the interest of a special rally to be held December 28. e Thorough Eye Examinations e Latest Style Prames e Continuous Vision Lenses e TV and Night Driving Lenses e Speedy Service Buckman turf Sunday, November 2. Benny's Frat House bowed to a 12-0 final count after fight– ing all the way against a supe– rior Sande passing attack. First scratch on the scoreboard came midway in the first half when Sande receiver Art Shep– herd extemporaneously remodel– ed a passing scheme winding up way in the clear in a corner of the end zone to takP the golden ball from alert passer Lonnie Harris. Harris was again on the throw– in~ end when Nick Fazzolari took a 35-yarder at the end of the first half for another Sande 6. Both conversions failed. Ground AUack Sharp Benny's boys featured a sharp running attack with the aid of Ben Mozely who showed himself to be pretty clever and a real competitor. Smokey Overton, overworked Benny quarterback, also put in some nifty running be– sides lots of passng. Jim "Bikini" Buzier,. Benny lineman, outshined everyone on defense as he spent most of the e~fternoon in the Sande secondary plaguing the passing of Lonnie Harris. Sharp air and generally passes. Bob Herndon, on the After hearing the dealer's story, bench during part of the season, Stanley W. Carlson of Arrow showed real speed. Once almost Auto Sales, 2904 N. E. Union getting away on a run, Herndon avenue, of . how Thurman tool!: also caught one 40 yard pass. the money from him under the One highlight of the game came · t f b · h' . pre ense o uymg 1m a case when Shepherd mtercepted an f h' k J d J h S M o w IS ey. u ge o n ur- Overton pass and returned th~' . ·. b 11 50 d d . h d- ch1son found Thurman gu1lty of a yar s urmg t e secon . h lf A th h L a misdemeanor charge of larceny a . no er came w en on- by bailee. nie Harris elected to "run" on a broken-up pass play. The usually The dealer confessed that he made the alleged deal, hoping stationery Sande passer also re- to sell a car to Thurman. Accord– turned an interception for 3::J ing to him, Thurman took the yards. money and never retnrned. Line scrimmage was heavv throughout and some good pass defense was shown by both teams. It was the superior pas;;– ing attack of the Sande seven that made the difference. FOR RENT-Bed sitting room for two with kitchen priviledges. Call EM 0071. 3128 S. E. Tibbetts street. SEMLER'S Sporting Goods Photo Equipment 500 S. W. 3rd 8c Washington AT 4565 Tillamook Luncheonette We Cater to Special Parties and Banquets Seafoods and Steaks 10 N. E. Tillamook MU 9526 JOHNNIE'S Paints and Wallpaper Painting & Paper l}.anging "Courteous Service to All" 21 NE Broadway MU 3713 low temperature prevailing, Bu- ~~=============:::; r---------------. zier, nevertheless, continually crashed the Sande line wearing only a sweat shirt, shorts and football shoes. Shining also was Loomis Har– ris, Sande receiver, who caught short ones all through the game JJ WALKER Broker Home of Week 4515 N. Gantenbein Large living room, dining room, very modern kitchen with nook. Lovely entrance hall. T h r e e bedrooms .and bath. Oil heat, automatic hot water, 50x100 lot with garage on alley. Only 7500 with $2000 down. Call Nye UK 1633 eve– nings. Pain I by Jennings WE Do Own Work Terms 6 to 36 months Call after 7 p.m. 1702 106 N. Monroe PUBLIC ENGAGEMENTS !'ibns for Sale - !'11ms DeYelope4 Baltzegar' s Photos With or Without Appointment 9 N.E. Halsey St. EM 0979 The New Paul's Paradise Dining Room Regular Dinners Short Orders Mallie Johnson Caterer Ph. MU. 9109 19 N. Russell Neighborhood Shopping Center Open from 6:30 A.M. to 2:00 A.M. Daily F'ood Service 2115 N. Williams TU 4666 Hotel Anderson "Northwest's Finest Hotel Clean Rooms Good Beds Rates $1.50 up Transients Rates for Service Men 2272 N. Interstate MU 9903 Arthur A. Cox, Licensed Mortician With: Visitors to City Guests at Dinner Here visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lawson Jones. 123 N. Mc– Millan street, is Mrs. Mary Mc– Dowell of Lexington, Ky. She plans to remain in Portland after the Thanskgiving holidays. Along with Mrs. Irma Jackson of St. Louis, Mo., who is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Thelma Burnett, 1326 N. Benton avenue, Mrs. McDowell was the dinner guests of Mrs. Olandus Webb Sunday. F. L. Turner Motor Repairs and Tune-Ups 2626 N. Albina Guaranteed Work Services in Real Estate Herman C. Plummer and Co. 2752 N. Williams GA 7763 Blue Ribbon Barbecue JUST OPENED Service 24 Hours Home Cooked Meals Ollie Epps, Prop. 2017 N. Williams Bozeman's Chevron Station Vancouver at Lombard Complete line of accessories Gas, Tires, Oil & Batteries STAN JORDAN Sub Dealer and Manager Wilson Shirt Shop Has "Gauchos" Cotton Turtle Necks Sweaters only $2.50 Ctton or Washable Wool Cotton or washable oolgauchos $2.95 to $5.95 SMART MEN'S WEAR Wilson's Shirt Shop Broadway at Alder The Zeller Funeral Chapel con ~ ider· e cn·dit adapted to ~·our indi \'idual needs OPEN 9 to 6 Daily .•• Mondays Downtown to 9 P.M. Williams Ave. At Stanton St. Day or Night TRinity 1155