Portland Challenger_1952-11-14

"tj H. . Speaker Talks On Intergroup School Work ~(3 By Joy Brock Miss Gertrude Noar, an expert on intergroup education, was guest speaker to the educatil:mal committee of the Urban league. She was asked to speak on two :main topics, "Philosophy of In– tergroup Education" and "The "Role of Community Organiza– tions in Assiisting the Public School to Im!>rove Intergroup Relations." "Cultural pluralism means that teachers must learn more about the makeup of our American so– ciety in order to understand chil– dren as individuals." were Miss Noar's opening words. She said we cannot teach children as though they were all alike. We :must know differences that chil– dren bring with them from so– ciety. She further stated that teach– ers must know about anthropol– S>gy and the facts about racial eoncepts. The knowledge of sim– jlarities and differences in reli– gion is also important. Miss Noar stressed that when the teacher accepts everybody, she sets the pattern for the chil– dren. They learn whom to accept and reject from attitudes of teachers. Parents Ha.ve Role Too many people refute the ••Modern Educational Program," without having the initiative to find out the facts, she stated. Parents have a role to see what kind of teaching her child is re– ceiving. Non-parents have a role too, knowing what goes on in schools and not to critize blindly. Committees interested should Vol. L No. 15 Portland. Oregon. Friday. November 14. 1952 PRICE 10 CENTS Portland Couple Relive Wedding Day During 25th Anniversary Celebration This nostoJgic scene brought back old memories 1o Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Green. 908 N. E. Occident street. Included in their 25th wedding anniversary celebration were. left to right. Rev. J. J. Clow, Bern– ard Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Green, Mrs. Bernard Friday and Mrs. Sandy Stewart. By Katherine Bogle ''bridegroom" and "bride." Mrs. present as a guest at the origin- To be counted among the sll- Green wore a white crepe gown al ceremony 25 years ago in San ver-wedded couples are Mr. and :md her corsage was of carna- Antonio, came up on this oc– Mrs. Andrew s. Green who eel- tions. casion from her present home in ebrated their silver wedding an- Mrs Clarence Crowe was so- I Oakland to offer her felicitations . · 1 · t ·t th ff · once again to the Greens. mversary on Saturday evenmg, o1s a e a a1r. l know the answer& to critics of October 18. The reception table, lovely in j :m~dern education, Miss No a r About 50 friends called at the I its snowy white and silver ap- PI pomted. out. . Green residence to congratulate P?intments, had for its center- ummer She 1 evealed that many pet- 1 h . d t b t h ]Jlece a wn:e-uered weudmg t:ake. • IS e sons schooled by traditional ed- t e pan· an d toh .e pre!:i~n w en Receiving guests were Mrs Zack · h . d they renewe e1r marnage vows · ucahonal met ods are convmce f R J J Cl M d Phillips and Mrs. R. Boles. Pour- In .Political Try th t h t 1 · b d - 11 be ore ev. . . ow. r. an a t e way o earn IS Y n , B d Fr"d tt d d th ing were Mrs Cora Minor and b . . · 1 Mrs. ernar 1 ay a en e e · S ppo t rs of Herman C Plum p history, by hstenmg to ec- . Mrs. C 1Y de White. Assisting u r e . . - tures, by teachers, and by read- Sk h about the rooms were Mesdames mer, Portland realtor, who ran ing textbooks and answering Knife irmis es Irving Allen, Willie Weber, Je- for the House of Representatives questions. S~e further stated that rome Myers, John Evans, L. C. on the November 4 Oregon ballot, our generatiOn was not brought Gel No Prolesls Mickels, Charles Walker, Willie expressed 0 encourag~ment _over up to understand social action. . d W M the showmg of their cand1date Hopkms an anzer yers. . h" f - 1 t · t Nobody was supposed to do any- Three men and one wom~m S d St t h despite Is ai ure o wm a sea thing were injured by weapons in sep- Mrs. an ,Y ewar ' w 0 was 1 in the Oregon legislature. Recommends Book Rrate altercations over the past They felt that Plummer could Through. modern education the week end. In three cases there Oregon Gridder have made a better showing if child is able to visit and see his were no arrests or chargs pre· the national trend hadn't been commuity in actio n, not just ferred. Gef Friars' Bid toward "cleaning up the Demo- through books. It becomes more Van R. Harper, 32, 1510 NE 1st cratic mess" in Washington. They realistic to him and has more avenue, was wounded in front Emmett Williams, stellar first point to the fact that only two meaning. This, she said, is real cf Art's Barbecue, 1461 N. Wil- string guard of the Webfoot foot- Democrats made the House of education which enables every Jiams avenue. He was shot ball team, has been tapped for I Representatives in Oregon. child to learn. She concluded by through the shoulder by Arthur membership to the Friars, Uni- mentioning an exciting book, J. Etheridge, special patrolman, versity of Oregon senior honor Even though this was Plum– "f'hildren Object," by Sarah Hol- who told police that Harper at- student society. Williams was on" · ror's first crack at Oregon pol- brook, which she urged interest- ~empted to stab him after having of seven students selected i~ thE: cs, he managed to garner more d · t d t ta d" h th" ek votes than some of the past, more e persons, 0 rea · an argument inside the restaur- ou s n mg onor IS we · Miss Noar is presently the Ed- From Chicigo, Illinois, Williams widely-known candidates. This · t h th <'.nt. fact his supporters viewed with ucational Consultant w I e Harper was held on $ 3000 bail r.as attended the university for Anti-Defamation league of New o.nd charged with assault with a thre e years. Besides playing foot- signif~cance. York City. She has had wide ex- dangerous weapon Sunday morn- ball he is also active in other Plummer expressed his appre– perience as a teacher op the pub- ing after the altercation. He, how- extra-curricular activities and i~ ciation to the people for the en– He school and college le~els. She ever, denied having any fight c1ssistant counselor of his dorm1- thusiasm and support he re– has been a school principal and. with Etheridge and said he didn't tory hall. ceived while campaigning in a education specialist in some of know why the officer shot him. Last spring Williams was <;e- telephone message to the Port- the nation's top intregroup and H d L Ge t 25 2836 lected for membership to Phi Ep- land Challenger. He is undecided h 1 t o k h owar 0 n ry, ' uman re a ~ons wor s ops. N;.E. Rodney avenue, suffered silon Kappa, physical education o.s to whether he will run for The meetm~ w~s t~eldS l~si face and shoulder lacerations dur- honorary, and elected secretary. office in 1954. "It depends on the Thursday evemng m. e. ocia Jng a set-to in front of Nance's Among other qualifications the ~ituation two years from now," hall Hawthorne buIld 1 n g at B b P"t 31 N E Ch Friars select members on the ba- stated Plummer. W ' . t h" h h 1 der ar ecue I , . . erry ashmg on Ig sc oo , un 1 • • sis of scholastic achievement and the di·recti"on of Nathan Burk- court. Identity _of the assailant Unofficial Oregon Journal tab- t d t d G t extra-curricular activity. One ham Educati·onal chairman. was no e ermme . . en ry was ulations show Plummer with 88,- t t d S d · t h other Negro, Bobby Reynolds. ' rea e un ay mornmg a t e 128 votes and places him 19th C arenceCountee Gets Sales Post New to the sales staff of Cohn Brothers furniture company is Clarence Countee, 206 N. Skid– more. Countee is working out of the stores' Union avenue branch. He formerly worked for the Tualatin Country club in Tuala– tin, Ore. The husband of Mrs. Pauline f d was selected for Friar member- Emanuel hospital. He pre erre in a field of 26 candidates. In h ship in 1945. no c arges. order to gain a seat in the Ore- R~spon.sible . fo~ ~he slashing ---- gon state legislature the candi- c·f hiS Wife, Birdie, IS Joseph J. Mann-Allen Wed date had to place among the Pevy, 49, 2521 S.W. 2nd avenue. I first 13 aspirants. Mrs. Pevy was treated at St. Vin- Miss Billy Jean Allen, daughter (ent's hospital Saturday evening. of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Allen, lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllll No complaint was signed. 1802 N. E. Hancock street, became To our subscribers: Margaret Danials, 5932 N. Fes- Mrs. Kenny Wendall Mann, in If you are not getting your r senden street, was identified by a wedding ceremony before a per, please notify us immediat., police as being the knife assail_- Vancouver justice of the peace lly! Thank you. ant of Azor L. McElroy, 34 4043 November 7. p • 1 d Ch 11 . ' . or. an a enger N. Hmght avenue, Sunday. Stab- Mann IS the youngest son of 3 00 N W"ll" A . M dM E tM f 3 • Ilatns ve. Countee, has has lived in Port- bed m the leg, McElroy was r. an rs. rnes ann, or- 4092 ]and more than ten years and is treated at the Emanuel hospital. merly of Portland but now of MU active in many civic activities. No charges were preferred. Bremerton, Washington. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ii E Zion's ~ew Minister Arrives Here Here in Portland to take over the pastorate of the AME Z1o.n church at 2007 N. Williams ave– nue is the Rev. J. M. Roberts. He brings with him his wife Evelyn and 5-month-old son Frank from· , ,- Palo Alto, Ce~lif. t Rev. Roberts takes over tho vacancy left by James F. Smith. who is now a minister :in Asheville, N. C. Rev. Roberts preached '!:tjs' first sermon when he was only 16 years old. He was born in Cedar Creek, Texas, and graduated from St. Johns Industrial Institute in A~ts­ tin, Texas. He later attended Vir– ginia Union university in Rieh~ mond, Va. :Returns to School Prior to his post at Palo Alto, Rev. Roberts held pastorates .in Lima, Fresno, Sacramento and San Jose, C·l:f. While in Calii– ,,rnia he took post graduate work :<t San Jose State college. Follow– ing this work he was assigned t~ Russellville. Ky. Mrs. Roberts was active in Palo Alto as the first vice-president of the Palo Alto Council o:f Church Women and served :>.s secretary of the Palto Alto Lea– gue of \Vomen Voters. She was born in Paris, Ky., and ~raduated from Kentucky State college at Frankfort. In college she majored in history. Here 14. Years The Rev. J. F Smith h&.d served in Portland at the AM:E; 1 Zion for 14 years. He is current– ly the mini~ter of St. Lt kf·~· AME church in As'heville, N. C. He took over the pastor's du ie' of this church July 27. He took special training at Lewis and Clark college in pur– ouit of a degree The Rev. H. Pi Langford d Palo Alto took his place until tb() arrival of Rev. J. M. Roberts. Otto Rutherford · j Explains NAACP At the regular monthly forum cf the Friendship House, 3Sl0 N. Williams avenue, Monday evening, Otto Rutherford, pres– ident of _the local NAACP was guest speaker. A bout 15 persons were present. - Rutherford outlined the history of the local NAACP chapter aml :=xplained the organization and purpose of the civic group. In describing the place of tl1e group in carrying on the fight for minority rights, the president explained that while the Urban League was primarily concerned with employment problems, the NAACP was more generally fol' civil rights. In a lively question and answer session following the address, many interesting facts concern– ;ng the activities of the local chapter were brought out. Rutherford emphasized that fact that the local NAACP chap– ter neEeds mo:re "embers. b" J :(,~ . Ill o<> ~ :(," ~ ""-$> .J,.Ill :(,flJ y '!>' C) ~0 o/ '\>" ~ r.,• v C) ;." ~ OJ. ~ ~ ~ ~"-) ~q;, .:. 34 66, PL&R CO ~0~ J. S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 816. Portland, Oregon L--------'~