
PAGE TWO THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1944 THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE Established 11120 P 1 cas c n o t e Tltanksgiviu~ comE's on Nov. 23 this year, al– though your calendar states Nov. 3 0. You'd bettor check if in doubt as to the a uthenticity of this statement. Ul•l:JiLlJjJ 1 East Madison Shopping · Distract PubJished Wednesdays by The Northwest Publishing Company QUiclal Publication of the L B . P . 0 . E. of W. in the Northwest Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters; Owls Club, Inc. 6..,l•'• '-ltll,. lrtJI•,..rwl.- G-.p GENEVA B. MILLER llllltel'ed at the POIStoftlce, Seattle, Wn., a.'l Second Class Matter omce 662Yz Jackson St., 4; Ph E l 9787. P . 0. Box 1873 - 11 Subsoriptlon Rates: By Mall In advance: One year, $2.00; Six Don't forget all Christmas OaiT One IJ PINE 1/,!•T ,...., presents for Gi s over~eas must Store! • t 111 ,A..., be mailed by Oct. 15. Brief in- 0 E • U . 110 p M Broker-Notary Public scriptions inside a re permitt ed. pen Verungs . Db • • Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p . m. moatha, $1.25; Three months, 75c E . I . ROBINSON, Edit&r-Publish er B_reakab le articles, please wr a p in crushed newspa pers. Cotto'l Fruits - v~ - Greeerles 1916 E. Madison packing is o. K. Soft candy, PRIOES ALWAYs BidBT Phone MA. 1826 Pr 7050 Evenings, Pr 2838 Deadline for News: Tues. Noon; for Adve1·tising Tues. 6 P. l\1. fresh fruits, cookles not !Jassable. :::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=: ··============~ ~~~~~ids, mat~hes. inflaroabl E'S a rf' SID'S DINING ROOM--------------. :1' BREMERTON NOTES Mrs. Dick Turpin a nd t he chief will leave Oct. 8 for a n extended tour to the East on business a nd pleasure combined. 'rhey will In– clude Chicago in their stops and then back via Los Angeles. Official Representative Northwest Enterprise JAS. T. WALKER, 3801 6th Phone 2778-W Important: Social Clubs, Organizations. News Must Be in by Sunday P. M. Please Cooperate \Ve extend our best wishes !or BREMERTON CHURCHES I NVITE YOU AND YOUR CHJU)HEN a grand trip and <'arly r E>tnrn . Mrs. Eunice Simmons leaves TO SUNDAY SCHOOJ, the city to join her husband i" California. Ebenezer AME Church, Rev. th ose N-- we can't serve thPm to sea duty_ We h ope them a He will soon r eturn Everett P. Williams, pastor. Sunday school 9 : 30 ; morning wor~hip 11; Christian Endeavor 7; evening cervice 8 ; praye r meetlng WPdl.esd sys at ~ o'clock . Ninth and Park In downtown Bremerton. Sinclair Community Cnllrct., Rev . George Hunt, acting pastor. Sunday school 9 : 4 fi ; se vires 11 : 30 and 8. East Port Orchard, Rev. C. W. Williams, pastor. Sunday school 9 : 45 , services 11 and 7:45. in h ere-" " I wbn' t do it," she cut in. "Th ose Negr·ues are fighting tor t he same th ing ~ny bt•othel'S and sweeth eart are fighting for; be– fore I tell them that I'll quit fil'St." 'Veil-s he doesn't work therP a ny more.. Ed. Note: This valiant young lady has been personally thmi;E>:l for he demacra!ic stand in our pleasant second h oneymoo n. Mrs. Wal ker's brother . who is at sea, tells u s it takes months to receive gifts and the like. Whether it's because th ey a r e a colored <:ontingent or not t he fact remains the same. I appeal to every Negro to please think of these poor boys th a t are out in these God.forsaken h oles. The boys are lonesome, please se n<l them a box and books to read. ca use. They don't care if they are We a r e sorry to know it cost week's. this month's or last her job. However, she says she year's. doesn't care about that kind of "'Ve come across books a year job and we uon't car for that old and nearly read the writing kind Of democrat. off of them. We find all of It interesting," states G. I . A•len. Church schools at Upper View Ridge, 9:45 ; the Church 9:45 ; Sheridan School, 9 : 30 ; Eastpark Hall 9 : 30. REGISTRATION DRIVE 11; eve- CITY WIDE TJiiS WEEK Morning worship at ning worship 7:30. Yon know things Youth groups (junior, junior high and high school) 6 : 30. Prayer meeting Wednesdays a t 7 : 30. Pastor, Rev. Willis Loa r. Specializing in CHICKEN DINNERS ... FRENCH FRIED AND SOUTHERN STYLE - ALSO Delicious Chili Made from a Famoua Call for Reservations 2330 E. Madison Old for Mexican Recipe Special Parties CApitol 9864 Hear R0 BERT MI N0 R Natloenal VIce President Oommunlst Political Association Associate Editor Daily Worker, on 'WHAT'S AHEAD FOR AMERICA' ~IOORE THF.ATRE Sunday Octlober 8 Admission, Me 1932 2nd Ave. 7:43p.m. Incl. Tax t,~at., Oct. 7th. (Paid Adv.) VOTER-REGISTRY DEADLINE OCT. 21 Vote r registration books at t he Coun ty-City Building will remain open for new registrations and precinct transfers through Octo· ber 21, City Comptroller W. C. Thomas announced tod ay, last day o! the special city-wide reg- ADELPHI APARTMENTS A Palatial Home for Particular People ULTRA MODERN In Every Respect Overlooking Lake Washington Apartments Reasonable 280-82 23rd Ave. No. Ca. 1'791 J. A. "Jack" Johnson Chandler Fuel Oo. Express-Moving and Storage-lee Office Phone East 4:282 2226 East Madison St. Seattle, Wash. Douglas Apartments Wllere It Is Convenient and Homelike Newly Renovated-Steam Heat Heft Water-Telephone Laundry Room BENlJ.'S REDUCED Furnished and Unfurnished Apartments Bents .10 and Up Dr. F. B. Cooper, Mgr. lU 24th Ave. No. EAst 981'7 Madison D..ug Co. 22nd and E. Madison East 8621 Drugs, PrescJ:iptloDll, Cosmetics, ToUet Articles Fountain, Soft Drinks, Calldlet1 Downtown Prices I ce Cream and Sherbets Pints 25c; quarts uOc Race Hair Specials Race Papel'8 For Sale Open Daily 10 a . m. to 12 midnig-ht Honeysuckles Recreation ARTHUR HEAD, Mgr. CARD TABLES, POOL and SOFT DRINKS Phone EAst 9994 2030 East Madison Street C. M. STOKES ATTORNEY AT LAW 527 People's Bank Bldg. T61':8 ~OJ'IIT£ e uoqdata.L Second a t Pike Street JOIN THE NAACP NOW! VOTE FOR ••• HOMER •.JONES STATE TREASURER (Republican) Jl. l'olmer Au/lfGnt Srate Treasurer, r...... urer of Kltsap County and Clry T,...,su,..,r of B,.,.rlon COMPETENT and EXPERIENCED UNSUNG HEBO Spe~hl boolhs can be found on happening here In Bremer ton so downtown streets, also one in fast we j ust can' t poss ibly get each housing project. RemembPr em all down. Whe never there is that your duly as an American is something doing in your neigh– to vote. lle sure to get regis- borhood or you have something tered and vote. Get your neigh- on your chest, drop me a line bors to do the same. To preted or give me a ring. we will be central registration bureau in the Istration campaign, •--------------: Five colored soldiers entered your wnges, your hours of labor, glad to run it in t he curreP t a certain cafe at Pasco, 'Vash. and seated themselves for ser v– ice. your dignity as hum:.n• being anCI your rights as American ci1irens, wou l\1US'r regi&ter and you MUST MOTE. week's edition. Does that sound li ke a bribe? \Ve don't think so. After all. this is the voice of th e people. The waitress (white) servcit them water and proceeded to take their orders. Kitsap County·~ united War EAST PORT ORCHARn NEWS She was Immediately called aside by the manager . " Can't Fund Dr ive to raise $1106,750 By MRS. ADA .BEST you read?" he asked. ...... .......... "Why?" .. "Sure I can read," she r eplied. wil L be la unched Oct. 9 through People are manirestl ng mo e Oct. 23, inclusive. l!'ach employe interest in the ~h urch se rvice is asked to give half a day's pay. here. Rev. Wiliiam preached t wo "Why?" "Don't you see that sign?" "Yes, I see it. 'Vhat of it?' ' "That sign says we cater t ,, - white .rtrade only, and we m -:>:m Just that, You will have to tetl The _N_· W. Enterprise urges grand sermons ~un day an d pla ns every cttlzen, regardless of race, are under way fo r a chorus a nd color or cr eed, ot give more than I we would be happy to h a ve all they had plam:e~ to give: R:- who a re int~rested in singing. member, as a CttJzen we a1e ex- , Mr. and M s. J ames P etty have pected t o give freely, Don't shirk ha d as their guest for th e last -your duty. three mo n t h s Mrs. P etty's -----------------~--------~ mother, Mrs. Ida White of I HEALTHY Hearne, Texas, and Mrs. P etty's The Immutable Law DYNAMIC MIND BODY son, Cpl. Herman Lesl!e J ackson Camp Sutton, Nor th Caro lin~. spent a week v isi ting them. Mrs. White left last Monday eve ning of Cause and Effect JOHN K. LARREMORE, Mp. D. DRUGLESS THERAPY Tel. PR 9627 Hours 10 t o 8 by appointment 1214 Washington Street Seattle 44 -:- Washington for Los Ange les, Cali f. On h er rlepa ture the church shower ed her with some beautiful gifts. Mrs. White will be missed so m uch. Cpl. J ackson left also last Monday evening. Miss Ethel Jean Carter, da ugh– ter of l\1rs. Dorence Welch has 1 returned after an extended visit !.....--------------------------• in Louisiana and Californ ia, GILT EDGE CLEANERS SEneca 9450 ·:· 611 Jackson St. THREE-DAY SERVICE Expert Cleaning and Finishing Repairing that Satisfies. Hats Cleaned & Blocke d Ladies' Alterations by Experienced Dressmaker PROMPT AND COURTEOUS ATTENTION Ethel's Beauty Shop·pe Hair Styling Our Specialty 657 JACKSON ST. PHONE MAIN 8893 OPEN 9A. M. TO 7P. M. THE ANGELUS, Inc. Embalmers, Funeral Funeral Directors 319 11.2th Ave. Chapel Lady Attenda nt Martha Dav is, Manager PR. 0333 Seattle, Wash. Mrs. Corri ne Nelson of St. Louis is visiting her s on, M . L \V. Carue. We hope Mr s. Nel– son will lil'e our community and stay with us because we do need people like Mrs. Nelson. day party. Games were played and refrPsllments served t o a fltlmber of guests. ::llORE-QUR S.'U.UTE (Continued from Pa ge 1) P-47 and P-51 Mustangs with the ~5th Army Air Force. Altho ugh Booker T. H igh of Sapulpa claims him to be their own, he iR known by Spokane old timers as strictly a Washing- ton product. Th is week we salute tst Lieut. Jack Daniel Holscaw, of Spokane, \\'ash., a home town boy who made gdod. Lt. Holsclaw is found to be very modest about his a ccom– plishments, is kind, considera te; bas a pleasing personality. He has never given his parents one iota of disciplinary worries. He is a great believer in prayor which acco unts for h is success in ~afe returns from bombing mis– sions. 'Vc join his mother i n her prayers for his contlnttf,d suc– cess; though he is now ten:po nnily ~~rounded in his duties as headquarters operation otriceJ', in charge of his sq.; ad ron, k nowing his preference for flyin g, we a r e looking forward t o his retu r n to I the air in our contest witb th (l ---- ------------- ---------...! Japanese enemy. Since a substantial number of citizens of the State of Washington are serving their Country either in Military Units or Defense Plants, this information is presented to assist (1) Members of the Armed Forces in voting the absentee WAR VOTERS 6 BALLOT, and (2) civilians at home who, because of business, working hours or travel– ing conditions, expect to be absent from their election precincts on the day of the election-or because .illness or physical disability can not appear in person to vote and consequently must cast an Absentee Ballot. CliP THIS AND SEND TO YOUR . HOW MEMBERS Of 7HE ARMED FORCES VOTE The 'War Time Eledions and Voting" law provides that MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES DO NOT HAVE TO BE REGISTERED VOTERS IN ORDER TO CAST THE ABSENTEE WAR VOTERS' BALLOT. The affidavit they sign at the time of voting is considered as registration for that election. However the state constitutional require– ments as to age and residence must be recognized. Every person (either in the service or civilian} voting the State of Washington ballot must be at least 21 years of age on the day of the eledion (November 7th, 1944), and must have resided in the state one year, county 90 days and city or precind 30 days. For War Voters this residence means prior to entering military services. The "War Time Elections and Voting" law was passed for the benefit of all members of the armed forces wherever they may be. These include: WACS, WAVES, SPARS, etc. Any officer or member of a crew of a merchant vessel documented under the laws of the United States and serving outside the territorial limits of the United States. BElLE REEVES, Secreta;y of Stale OLYMPIA, WASIIINGTON SERVICEMAN OR WOMAN ------··-..·-----..·--------.............................1944 Date Being a member of the armed forces, or auxiliary branch thereof, or otherwise a war voter, and desiring to vote in the coming state-wide elections, I hereby apply for an official absent War Voters' ballot. I understand that I do not have to be a registered voter and that the affidavit I sign on the absentee ballot envelope will constitute temporary registration. My legal residence (address before entering the military service) in the State of Washington, Is.................... _ ..................................................................................-...............in the city or town of.........- .........................._..................., (Number &nd Street) and my voting precinct, to the best of my knowledge is.......................-..................................................................------- (PreciDct Name or Number) I desire that the ballot be sent to me at the following address:......................................._ ............._ ........- ........... (Print Name cd Serial Number Hero for Po1hin Iden1ilic::ation) (Write your u•ual Sip.at\ll'o Here) (THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY THE VOTER) Any citizen of the State of Washington sojourning outside the territorial limits of the United States. Example: Salvation Army or Red Cross worker, civilians employed in Alaska, Canada or Hawaii, .etc. Any discharged veteran who has not been out of the service l\lng enough in order to register and vote as a civilian. IF YOU WISH TO VOTE AN ABSENTEE BAllOT CliP THIS AND SEND TO YOUR REGISTRATION OFFICER HOW CIVILIANS AT HOME VOTE AN ABSENTEE BALLOT Send this application to your city clerk If your votinc precinct is within the city limits or to your county auditor if your vo>tin11 precinct io in a rural precinct. . APPLICATION OF ABSENT VOTER I hereby otate that I am a currently registered 'I'Oter in the county of.........................................................., State of Washington, my lqol realdence being............................................................................................................ (Street ud Number, or Rural Route) (City or Town) •nd my voting precinct to the best of my knowledge ill................................................................................................ (If po~t.lble 611 ill precinct name or nuwber) and am entitled to vole 11 the General Election to be held therein 'on the 7th day of November, 1944: That (Strike out either Paragraph No. 1 or Paragraph No. ~ below) . . (1) I shall be absent from my precinct and upable to vote m the usual way on the day of sa•d electwn. (2) I am so incapacitated that I cannot attend at the polls and vote in the usual way at said election, my incapacity being, in manner as follow1............. ············-··· .. ·-··································· .......... - ............ ·-··· -·-·-·····- .. ··········· .. ·-··--··--·-···-·-·--· .. -···- -··--·--rr;;;;;·;;·~--~;;·;;;··;;s~i;;··i~;"~:~j··-···-·--- ..a,... APPROYKD aY ATI'OaMIEY 8KUaAL • • • t • The civilian who is a citizen of the State of Washington and residing within the United States MUST FIRST BE A REGISTERED VOTER BE~ORE HE IS ELIGIBLE TO CAST AN ABSENTEE BALLOT. This is one of the most important differences between servicemen voting and civilians voting the absentee ballot. (Last day to regisler is October 21st.) YOUR APPLICATION MAY BE MADE TODAY! Use the form marked "Application of Absentee Voter." All you do is fill out, sign and mail! It's as easy as that! Mail to your city clerk if you vote in a city precinct or to your county auditor if you vote in a rural precinct. In order to facil itate your voting, public spirited organizations and the various labor unions will see that notaries public are ovailable. We suggest defense workers contact their lead men, foreman or shop steward for information on this. Please remember that your ballot must be marked and affi– davit executed not later than the day of the election (November 7, 1944). Furthermore, your absentee ballot must be in the mails not later than election day. Should you wish additional application blanks or other vot– ing information do not hesitate to write my office. BELLE REEVES, Secretary of Stole, Olympia, Washington