
Read 'Political Forum' Each Week Until Nov. Republicans Seek Parole I nl .J. ,,. (.Jack) Johnson 1 'Words Like These' By Attorney Chat·les Jl[. Stokes This < >lumn is writlen with I Let me begin this series by full <''lgn ".r nc p that ito rE'aders · . t "b t t M J h . . paymg n u e o r. Jack o n- !JkewJse n ad the daily press, lis-~ tPn o>er llw air with u.veragP son whose duty it will be to op- nnclE'r" andlng of the issues of pose me in the theories I in_ thP presPnt politieaJ campaign, It tend to present in these columns in a few following weeks. Mr. 504 Peoples Bank Bldg, EL 0807 POLICE BRUTALITY B,· JAMES T. WALKER of Spokane, Wn. A committee from the NAACP For "extraordinary achieve– ment" in bombing our Genna11 enemies-our hero of the Pacific and Prentis Frazier called upon Northwest has been decorated Pollee Chief Kimsey regarding with the Distinguished Flying the violence inflicted by two Cross in Rome, Italy. comprising the president, Fred W. Shorter, Rev. F. W. Penick joy in her usual job as teacher at Sapulpa, Okla. Jack became an Eagle Scout at 115. Scored in First Aid and Johnson's pe,chattt for sharp wit, humor and capacity for discern police officers on Lew King. King 'ng the issues of the day Is \"ell was arrested for drun\:eness and h nown and respected. Howe;:,·, while going up in the jail ele– there being two sides to most vato with two police offkcrs . I Senior Life Saving courses. \Vas regarding the treatment or N I active i11 grade. high school and I think the better had his arm broken. 'l'he Chief had statements from these offi- cers asserting that it was an ac– ride'lt. We may accept their I word that it was an accident, but ' how much violence went on be- groes in taverns ana restaurants. I . He promised that tl1e Prosecutor·~ I office would take any case to court that appeared to be a. clear violation or 1aw. nut he ·read a decision of tho State Supreme Court which undoubtedly be I l:i::; wc.ll known s. rugg!e against discrimination. ~\lr. :\:1inor worlc.:"d on t~H~ de_ fet• e committee in thn famous f::cotlstJOl'O case. 'The '"!'JlumHt.ef' throuc·Ir its wirk was able to bring hcior~ tl.H' A1nerkan :\atiun the mjnsti c£·s and diRcrin:iHation Miss Roberta Suencer Weds Lt. Albert R. Barr First Lt. and 1\lrs. Albert R. Bare were married August 1, at the home of the bride's mother, Maritime Union, and Ferdinand c. Smith, National Sf'rretary ofthe NMU, with Thyra Edwards, :'\egro people. !Iii'. Mi[\or disroverc;i the evils of southern oppr:esg;•m wh·Jn at again on duty. A~ a member of I he llg"P of 10 he w~.s the horri" the National ·Citizen's Political fied withncess at an •. , ·l::Jted Action Committee, 9aptain Mul– lynching at San Antonio, Texas. From th<:n he detenTJinPti to fight for <:quality fo_r all peop!P. l 'ore the arm was accidentally : broken? To an ordinary citizen '.I it seems thnt It ehould he possible 'I for two policemen to keep control , of nne not-so-big eolred man. If clouds what app£«rs to be the intent of the law against discrim– ination. The committee was im– pressed with the necessity of get– ling a state civil rights law likP. that of New York where all kinds j Mrs. Cora i\1. Spen~E'r. ~.lrs. Barr, . In ~ddition to his speech or. the fDrmer !\!ISS Rolw rta Spencer, zac is working on the home r~ont to unify the American peop.e b<'– hind the Roosevelt - Truman ticket. · necessary, why didn't they use handrufl's? of places or public accommoda- 1 ::O:?.:,):':'fi)}~ tion are specified. We shall be I {'/':::::':;'::j('';;"':. The president f NAACP called remiss if we do not press thi~ on Lew King in King County matter. 'fa get sucll a law on our Hospital and got hi~ side of the state's statute book should be n.ttenclect v,cilberforce University Sunday, Oct. S. at the Moore Ferdi,nand C. Smith, as Na– . 01 . . j ThPater, to which the public is tiona! Secretary of the NMU rep– ltl no and st'-'dled X-Ray te"h-, invited, l\<Ir. Minor will broadcast I resents some 100,000 seamen and over statior, KIRO on Satunlil.Y, not only has he fought against Oct. 7, at 4 p. rr, every expression of discriminac is do our part to treate, maintain and Jll rpet n tc in our country the kin 1 of ~ove rn ment that will brin;; th grea:eot good to the grea tC'St n umbcr·. :\Iy opponent story. He ;ays that he was struck, that his arm was pulled up be– hind his bacl{ until he couldn't our primary job b,;tween electio" and tho meeting of the legisla– tu e. Vie regret that Mr~. A r– stand it and he tried to release lene Palya has accepted a posi·– in this forum. writing for the j an1. "these words"' will II ' .. tem'ed to prove the truth RermlJlicrtns, is Attorney C. ,_ a~sertion. lt. Tn the struggle both he and rion that mal':es it impossible fa. Was a star in the officer fell and King broke her to work for the NAACP as basketball, basebail and football his arm. Again we say, the. executive secretary. \Ve regret and tennis, winning many medal~ actual breaking does appear to this although we are glad for and letters. be in- ha'e been an accident, but we her sake that she has be!'n g!'len A member of Bethel 7vlethodist of that ;,,we doubts as to the necessity a responsible position In the u. churrch. He finished grade Rchool Stokes. a rece'lt hut welcome ad– d ilion w S• (tle eiteizenry. A young ma n, w~ll liked ·and highly I<-specte<l. n nll om who I would It is generally known that the t r·auitional adherence of Negroes 1 o the Republic~ n party had its of the violence that preceded the s. o. at Bremerton. Her gain" in Spokane. Attended first year accident. P esents a problem to th€ boarrl. high in Sapulpa, Okla, but com– ThE: impression the board of I Which reminds us that it we are pleted at North Central High, I the ~AACP has of these occn - to keep our office open we shall Spokane. Took pre-medics course rences is one or suspicion that • liave to get financial assistanCl' at Whitworth College and Wash– the or•nce officers use hr more fmm NAACP members. lf Y"" ington State College in Spokane. violence In the jail el~vatm--- wi~h to contribute one, five. ten Graduated and received Doctor and notice hoy, often this hap_ or a hundred dollars to the up· of Naturopathy and Chiropractics d I 1 I . . . · degrees from Westernr States gent to rPgar thP ambition or pens n t 1e e evatm-than IS keep of the office, don't dela~ snc-ce~H of any individual as pa- mg his belief int'l that divine ne<"essary. l sending it in to 504 People's College, Portland, Oregon. be pl'<'Sumpn\Ous indeed to pre-~ gct.esis in the magnificent work sent mysel( ngainst. if this was of the _martyr':d pr ~r.id ~~\t, Abr~hut tlw mcaeuring of abilitv. The ham Lmcoln, 111 re <ogr t .ng th •.t Am<",·ican peopl<> are too lntelli- •"egroes were harPan !1eings an<l not mere chattels, and translat- l"i<lllOilllt to the wel[are or Ame_ document. the ·~l'll ·' ,;paUon Pl·v- . . . . I . . . Became interested in aviation I t . I t.... 1 ~ f fh1s same comuuttee from th~; Rank BUildmg. Ordmary mem- at Multnomah Colleg . P t rica. ~o tlti~ hi not a nlcre con- c ama Ion. n 1 e rn n.,s ( manv b h.. e ln or -~ pPonles. that. a!'t wus done s~ NAACP along with Attornp,y . ers. 1ps are not sufficient sin!'~ I land. It was here he earned - ... h·:n :...t· l t l~o..;~: ~cl o ..· ,t:.u:·tie~'· on ago that 80l'ne ""'legrofls are I &'l'"t.Uk.~~ call .... ..J ut the It Vbt.a:Ut(h" 61 illo-"" vr t..uv .&Lav.~..;,· rn..~~..~1 t..u.eJ:f! his, civilian Pilot's license. I lJnt rather n. contest of principles. g . office and had a conversatlonj goes to the national office. · 'PhP R<•pu!Jlie:n" c¥nne to the >a;. in g. t ~at the .argumfnt of with Deputy Prosecutor Reisling FRED W. SHORTER. Volunteered for 1\ledi~al Cor~s win•. in thi• campaign much like ~manc1pat10n sh~ula no :onger be February or '42. Jomed An· a t·•·iminal, ('OHYict<"d 23 years used In asking Negroes to vote ROOSEVELT AND HIS PUBLIC SERVICE. Corps April '42 with high ratmg. C>.go at tlw bat· of public opinion, the Republican tir.k~t; that the ;Entered Army October '42. i'las now seekinl-{ " pardon ot· J>arole. debt to LinPoln lias '.en paid. Br PRENTJS I. FHc\ZJER in the future. It is· true _that sent to Tuskegee Army Air They hn.ve chosen ror their stan- that it Is no :anger etlqnette !<' there are good points and traits School December, '32. Graduated dal ·d bear ·er, ~rr. Thonras E. "wave Lincol~<'s boues·'-to be Now as we get nearer and _and commissioned 2nd Lt.; re- " in any individual, or any public Dew< y, who, some years ago, colloq 1 ially inc.it.gant but ex- nearer the time when our votes servant, and this is certainly ceive<l his Silver Wings July, '4 ~- nique at E'reedmau·s hospital in Washington, D. C. Mrs. was employed as a clerk in lhe Surgeon General's office in that city. The bride– groom is the son of the late !lev– end and Jl.frs. Felix G. Darr of Tacoma. \VasiL Rf'ver<:-nd Barr tion, but he has also carried the fight to the communities r,f America, inrtuenc!ng and support· ing other progressive orgc.niza- Mrs. Grace W. C.rinsted of lions. Wenatchee, Wash., left for her In 1937, the NMU was recog- j home last Wednesday after a nized as the bargain ~gent by pleasant two weeks visit here 1 the National Labor Relations -'l.C~ with her very good friends, Mr.j of the RooseTelt Administrath'''• and Mrs. Ulifton Morris, of 17 08 · sat down to draw up Its consti- 33rd Ave., and with her son and tntion. The constitution iltarted family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lee out in Article I, as follows. and son Raymond. I\Irs. Grinsted "To unite in one org·mizn.tion. has many friends here and Is regardless or creed, color, sex, always a weicome visitor . (Continued on Page 3) ERSKINE HAWKINS, 20TH CENTURY GABRIEL, AT AUDITORIUM OCT. 14 Erskine Hawkins, "The 20th I October 14 011 1 r 1 . , y, or a persona Century Gabnel, whose famous appearance during their limited OJ"I'IH'Rtr>P has l"tely twen aired L:mr_ . _ ~ ·.r----- - over NBC from Harlem's famous Erskine Hawkins is rapidly_ gaining a reputation as the hot– test trumpet player in the world, and already several critics have rated him along with Louis Arm– strong. Hawkins has perfected a style which has t.ever been heard 011 the trumpet before, because– believe it or not-he triple-ton- proved his n.bility as a lawyer pressivt> -- and the•·eby hope to will decide what party shall take true of Mr. Roosevelt. I do ncif Behind every successful man by conviclillg many racketeers in I gain vit<'s !or 1.1.e Republicau over the affairs of our Govern_ doubt that Nlr. RooseYelt,. out- ~e find a woman. For Jack, the state of NPw York. Mr. 1 pa.rty. . ment for the next four years, it first it was his mother. Then was Presiding ICld,,r of ti 1e A. II(. • gues all notes in the high rego- 1£. Puget Sound Cwrference at ister. d t A l • 1 ·can side the Democratic :Party might later he met the charming Miss Dewey is now faced with the I hcarllly subscribe to the the- becomes our u ·y as me b · d · · t t "d citizens to consider even more e a fair a nllllJS ra or, proYJ - Bernice Williams of Portland, onP time. Lt. !Jarr 1 s station€'d He and his orchestra are com- HercnlPan tasl< of proving his ory which says that any party ing he was surrounded br the t ·l·t 1 b d \VllJ.ch a."ks tile vote of any •mel·- Oregon wh.om he .married in Au- in Seattle witll United ·States ing directly from triumphs on Army Signal Corps, aftpr "ixtpca Broadway and in Ho.llywood. versa 1 1 y as a awyer y e- ., ., right-thinking- supporters: But we gust, '4 3, .whi le home on leave. Th t 1 are convinced that to continue months i11 the Sonth Pacific. He ey s opped a 1 shows In their fending an evt>n greater racket- ican citizen must at all time£ eer-public enemy numbPr one- keep in mind the fact that all the remnant or the onec great American citizens are cnlitied to Nir. Roosevelt and the Democratic Formerly a product of WJiber \Yas a member of the famous first appearance at the New York for another four, year,s force she now carries on at Sam- .l69th Coast Artillery Regiment Paramounte Theatre and turned would be a grave mistak~ tor the uel Houston College, Austin, Tex. of New York City. away crowds at the Savoy Bail- Republican pn.rty. 1\Ir. Dewey, like the a\·erage good lawyN, knows his client's record is bad, ~omes into court using ll!P only technique with even the remotest chan<·e of wi'l– ning a victory, talking about everything unclPr the canopy of heaven except llis client's record. the same equal treatment and that a favor done in the long (Continued ou Page 4) teaching chm:al music while seek- room E ' · H 1 · "II t nation, and the worse possible listing Ll. Rar r was connectPd · rsKme aw nns WI no ing h_er M. A. degree. . 1 tl EFFIE SMITH only feature h 1·s tr t 1 catastrophe for the group o<"lth Wit 1 1e editorial staff of the umpe so os, which 1 al}l identif.ied. For meritorious achievements Amoterdam News of NPw York Savoy Ballroom, "The Home of but the singing of Jimmy Mit- at any other time in the history of the uatlon, and that our coun– try has reached a more exaltecl position of power and preemi– nence than ·wy other nation in the world. '\lr. Dewey, by ir•ftr– ence, claims on behalf of the Republicans, all the social re_ forms enactE'd into legislation since 1937. He sees eye to eye with President Roosevelt in the belief that these reforms What has Mr. Roose·;clt. ·as a Holsclaw was also awarded 1st City. the Happy l!'eet,' comes to the chell as well, when he appears and 2nd Oak Leaf Clusters before The bride was attended by hN :CjiiviiilciJiAiiiiuiid;i;tojirjiiiijuiijnjiriiiiiioiiniiii;Sjiajitjjjujjjrjidjia~y~,:.hjiejir;jeji0;c;to;b;e;r;;l;4;·~D~O;lli;-.'T;'.·;:U;I!;;S;l~T. lllr. Dewey chooses to forget the Harding administration of corruption. topped by the scandal or Tea Pot DomP and t11e de– struction of a perfectly good Democrat, done for the Kegrn · ir· the past? As governor of cNew York State we find no evidence of a Xcgro ·being placed· in an executive position. Of course there were Menial laborers, and Mrs. Roosevelt then as now. spoke of her N"egro servants. But is that nil we want? As President of our !l!atiof!. l\1r. Roosevelt has made some ap- receiving his D. F. C. sister, Mrs. Hugo A. FJdmonson, ~ Although it wus June when he of Tacoma. 1\Ir. Edmond Dahl became first lieutenant, he was berg of this city was the groom's in· the, midst of action over Naples best man. About is guests wiL and the Mediterranean early in nessed the cere~<Jony. Rev. L. R. January after completing advance Hayes, paslo,. of First A.:\1. E. training in· Selfridge Field, Mich. Church. officiated. Lieut. Holsclaw is credited The couple arp making their Amet·ican Navy. He chooses to forgl't the Coolidge administra– tion or high tari[[ and inflation whieh directly led to the stock r ·ru.sh uf 1H29 and the Hoover vcr)•, very good, and that thej- pointments, but what have these with having destroyed two Nazis temporary home 11). Seattle. Messerschmits 109s over Munich .Miss Martha Auderson, Miss airdrome. . He is a member of .Tae 1; 11 eline Gibson Of Tacoma. the· All-Negro, 99th and 33nd Mi•s Jill Houston and Mrs. Laura Fighter group. .Has flown 9-40, Moore, the bride's aunt, assisted should be retained. That's bn- I appointments amounted to? These eu•1se he da;es not say otherwi:>e. seriotJsly than ever before, what · appointees a1·e · mere "stooges,"' a<!ministration of soup kitchens It is this wrner's opinion that the future of o11r nation shall be who have , 10 real voice in direct– :cnd brea<l lines when thP fear or :alse and mr'icious misstate- \Ve have discussed various issues ing the affairs of our Nation. ~tarvalion was !he constant rom- ments of facts "'ill not foot the in this campaign, and I hope They have offices, yes, but they panion :>f ndllions or American America,n people, and for illr. these discussions have at least are iocated outside the inner cltlzPns. He choosl"s not to re- Dewey to win the high office of caused mal'}' of yon to stop a!'d circle, and on the perimeter of member that under a program President, he will have to comf think for yourselves. I affairs they get only "Negro" sponsored by the New Deal, these doser and stick closer to the true Along with party pratrorms, cases which are referred to them. people are better off today than ie,; nes of the campaign. party principles and other Issues. These appoin"tme~ts are what ~; ,, Beverage of Moderation " 0LYMPI4_ BEER 441 Olympia Brewing Company, Olympia, Washington, U.S.A. surely a voter should consider self-t·especting courageous man the nominee himself, what he has would accept. For instance, the done in the past, what he is doing 1 appointment of Judge William now, and what he is likely to do 1 Hastie to a high position in the NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENION, INC. T IS AN EPOCH IN CHURCH .ANNALS B)' REV. JUDSON SWANCY I I am glad to return to my ow.n The National Baptist Conven- mission, Mt. Olivet, 1227 Jack– tion, Inc., the largest organiza- son street, where sen:-ices will be tlon of Negroes in the world, 1 continued as usual. closed its memorable session, 14.- .---,-.------- 000 strong, in the greatest dem- CJ (B d) W l onstratlon of cooperation in his- arence u es tory. n· ·· L A I Many pastors who have for- Ies . In OS nge es. m'lrly confined their activities to Bus West, locaL business man, their church are now a part of received word Thursday <1! the civic and political uplift. More death of his brother Cfaranc·e, religion is being carl'ieci to the better known as "Bud'• West, at hom •. They are becoming lead- the home of his sister, Bertha ers in home development, better Tingle, 1166 41st Place, Los An– tamily life and political freedom. geles. Considering the travel restric_ Clarence had been ailing for ttons and conditions far from more than a year and three or normal it was the greatest Christ- four days ago was ordered to tan demonstration 1 ever saw. his bed, dying Thursday, (Continued on Page 2) in canng for the guests. HEAR 2MEN WHO KEEP 'EM SAILING Captain Hugh Mulzac (S. S. Booker T. Washington) Au.spices Citizens Political Action Committee • Ferdinand Smith (National Secretary, N. M. U.) Auspices Natonal Maritime Union Mt. Zion Baptist Church, 19th and East Madison 8 P. M. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12 Admission Free • Sponsored by Citizens' Committee to Re-elect Roosevelt EARL GEORGE, Chairman l'arl ll!'Ooks P • • 1. Hlnkt• Charles Nichpls Ted )J. !<', J1'lorence Bean )\o ooten James Roy R<"ctor John Caughlan Duster Ulay- Rurton Jam<"s burn :II. C. Hom•)· sudd<• - TI. Sl'ch('fil' H <'Ill'~· W 111·(] .ru(•k ,Johnson 'i"i'"il(ia. .Hnnsen ,Jan1<"s 'l~H.\'IO't' l>c."l <,astle ( '('lc•st <' Brook• )\'ani ('olt•)' G~)l'ge B:till'y r\lhel't DiP1eJ•le Yernon llalcC'r * * _ERSKINE HAWKINS Erskine Hawkins AND HIS FAMOUS ORCHESTRA SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14TH ADJIIISSJON $1.00 PLUS TAX • SEATTLE CIVIC AUDITORIUM • DON•T FORGET.!; THE FALL FASHION SHOW AND DANd£ \, CASA ITALIANA HALL, 1520 SEVENTEENTH A. Mon9ay, October 9th. Time-9:30 to 1 A. M. Sponsored by the Young Matron's Club E. I I '