
PAGE TWO THE NORTHWESI' ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1920 Published Every Friday by Edward I. Robinson, EditOr-Publisher Official Publication of the I.B.P.Q.E. of W. in the Northwest Brotherhood ·of Sleeping Car Porters Entered at the Postoffice, Seattle, Wn., . as Second Glass Matter Office: 306 12th Avenue South, Phone CA. 9779, P. 0. Box 1873 Subscription Rates: By ~a;il In advance_: One year, $2.00; menths, $IJ~5; Three months, 75c Six Deadline for News: Tues. Noon; for Adv.ertising: Wed. Noon Advertising Rates Upon Appllation S. T. McCants, Associate Editor and Advertising Manager Judge Orders Spell For Trial Despite Defense Contention Of No Proof Greenwich, Conn.-With N. A. A. C. P. defense counsel charging that the "State has failed utterly to connect <defendant with this of– fense," Judge William C. Strong denied their motion to dismiss the complaint against a 31 year-old chauffeur, Joseph Spell, whose em– ployer, wealthy Mrs. John T. Stru– bing, charged had raped her four times, near White Plains, N. Y. early on the morning of December 11. Present in Greenwich Town Court, from which the public was barred, were Thurgood Marshall, special counsel for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; and Samuel Friedman of Bridgeport, Conn., who is conducting the defense. The hearing was held after three postponements. Friedman protested the failure of the prosecutor to produce Mrs. Strubing in court. "I earnestly be– lieve," he said, "that Mrs. Stru– bing has no intention of appear– ing in court." He pointed out that 1 the defense, because it had no op– portunity to cross question her, was hampered in its conduct of the case. Assistant Prosecutor Archibald H. Tunick had promised to produce her in court, but it was learned that the socialite and for– mer model, had gone to the home of her parents in Philadelphia, Pa. ~---------------- JUST TO REMIND YOU ----- By E. I. R. CABD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for their wonderful ex– pressions of sympathy and kind– ness during the illness of our beloved one. For the m::my beautiful floral offerings, mute testimony of love and esteem. We wish to thank the Rev. Jack Nelson for loving and con– soling words of good cheer. Especially are we grateful to Mesdames Zelmar Smith, Lil– lian Dixon, Pearl White and Marion Border& ror the music and immortal songs that bore her soul where the rainbow nev– er fades. Roscoe Smith, husband. Mattie Whittaker, mother Carrie Emmerson, aunt Hattie May Norman, niece CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank our many friends for the beautiful floral offerings & kind words of sym– pathy in memory of my beloved father, A. L. Agee. I am grateful to the Rev. L. R. Hayes for his consoling mes– sage of hope. I also wish to thank the sing– er, Mrs. Emma Hancock Chai– ney, for the songs and sweet music that reached my heart, as he hovered to await the bene– diction. Mrs. Helen Agee Boyls, Daughter Good Neighbors J THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE HERE'S MORE ABOUT Rev. Powell j By S. T. McCants Johnson Replies To Houston Challenge (Continued frum Page One} I , FRIENDSIUP I Mr. Webster tells us the word friendship means one attached to (J. A. Jack Johnson ~s a Special is over the entire nation will be Correspondent of the Northwest convinced that they have been mis– Enterprise.) To the editor: I another by affection, regard or esteem. Re: Article by .rua:ge Wm. Hous– After listening to the President's ton-"A challenge to Negro demo– fireside chat Sunday evening which crats," in December 20th issue of was anything but encouraging, the Northwest Enterprise, kindly concerning the long looked for I allow space to print the follow– peace by both Europe and the ing:- led, in regards to Powell's devo– tion to his race. And in attempt– ing to build himself by discrediting Negro leaders, except those who worship at his shrine, and de– nouncing our worthwhile institu– tions; the public will know that he is the 'Biggest Opportunist' that U. S. I must call your attention Judge Hueston brings to our the. Negro race has ever produced; to the remark he made concerning attention a condition which has that he is fickled, unsafe, and his England being our only friend in existed since the close of the civil criticism is destructive; with the Europe. What I would like to war through Republican as well intent to kill others that he may know when did England become as Democratic administrations. shine. He wants to be a 'Hitler.' a friend to these United States or This condition rather than being 1 He wants to be flooded with hun– any other country that she couldn't a challenge only to Negro Demo– rob or own? I think personally crats, is a challenge to all Ameri– that England told the U. S. in no cans regardless of race of poli– uncertain words how much of a tical affiliation. dreds of invitations to speak, as it were, and to be met at the sta– tic;m with a brass band, and 'Hailed.' If he is a man, he will prove his friend she was to this country af- It was within the province of ter we furnished the flower of our the Republican party between the t t th d ascertion concerning the dishon- coun ry o cross e ocean an administrations of Grant d · t th · h'd Bil . an esty of officers of the National wm a war o save e1r I es. - Cleveland, a period of sixt·een t Baptist Convention; but if he is a lions of dollars in cash, food, and years to put an end to the out- t · 1 1 t t th coward, he will howl that he has rna ena s were a so sen o em. rageous treatment accorded Negro been misquoted in the press, or England No Friend I people in the South. The 13th offer some other alibi. If he is not What did England do to show Amendment (1865 had made the able to prove that Adam Powell is the U. S. that she was a friend to Negro a freedman, the 14th th t t· t' 1 h b them? She thumbed her nose at Amendment (1868) had made him 1 . ~t mos kego ~s lCtha' c t~ap pu - ICI y spea er m e en 1re race, us, as much as to say, try and get a citizen and the 15th Amend- d t th d' · th t it. Do you recall the old true say- ment (1870) made him a voter. · an prohve 0 Ide au Itentceb a 1 a · "Ev D h h' man w o wou resor o esm r- mg ery og as 1s day and The incorporation of these amend- ching the character of a dead man, the cats the nights?" You also ments in the Constitution if pro- and endeavor to step on his lifeless remember how England and perly enforced, would have pro- body in order to be accepted as a France through the League of Na- tected the Negro's freedom, citi- man of courage and a modern hero tions. sold Ethiopia down the river, zenship and suffrage against un- is the cheapest of worthless cow– and how she enslaved the Afric- friendly state legislation such as ards and not only a disgrace to the ministry, but a hinderance to the ans, took billions of dollars of now prevails in several Southern gold and diamonds from the labor states. Clearly the Constitution progress of the race · and a curse states that no state can pass a to civilization." of those African natives. Yes through hook and crook she owned just about a ~ of this old globe on which we live. They are more successful in their schemes to get all these earthly honors and rich- es. Day of Reckoning Harten and Powell Battle Broadcasted This Week law violating any clause of it, and clearly the Republican party fail I ed to protect the Negro in the I rights guaranteed him by the Con- One of the Broadcasting Sta– stitution during the years it was tions on the Negro News referred in complete control of the govern- I to Dr. Powell's attack on the late ment. Grant, attempting to give Dr. L. K. Williams and also the some measure of protection, sent troops into the South, but Hayes, upon assuming the Presidency or– dered their withdrawal. From then on, neither party has made any tangible effort to enforce the 15th Amendment in states where the Negro is denid the right to vote. Powell-Harten controversy relative to same; and predicted that Dr. Harten would come our victor, as his match is hard to find. WANTED: THE NAME AND ADDRESS. OF A GENTLEMAN. Anyone qualifying please address the Northwest Enterprise, Box 1873, Seattle, Wash. ~===================~ Now the real Master and owner of all the earth is putting in his claim for what belongs to him and when Hitler, the go-between man gets through with England, and God who said the Earth is mine, and all that dwells in it, collects all that is coming to him, I'll bet dolars to doughnuts I'll have more cash money in my jeans than will be in the world famed unbreak– able Bank of England. Yes, Eng– land must pay and the U. S. with all its aid and sympathy will not be able to save her. It's pay day, and God himself is on the job, col– lecting what is his own. You will also be advised that here in the U. S. a debt of some 300 years of slave labor needs to be paid. It must be paid. What kind of a proposition I am wondering, will be made by those in authority, and those responsible for this debt? No Negro democrat has any re– spect for the Democratic party in the states to which Judge Hueston refers. The answer is, a majority of Negroes have turned to the De– mocratic party in recent years, is first, Roosevelt and the New Deal program which at least seems to offer a fairer chance and a fuller life. Second, in protest of the Re– publican party's lack of protection which at the same time using the Negro as a pontoon bridge merely to carry it across to victory. Dr. Harten's enemies as well as his friends, often admit that he is one of the most sincere and fear– less defenders of the race before the public today. Some years ago, after a trip to the White House, presenting the Negro's cause to the President of the United tSates, Dean Kelly Miller of Howard Uni– versity, told the wr;ter that it Wf!S the most courageaus far-reaching speeches that he had ever heard a man make in defense of the Negro. "A man who is clean both out– side and inside; who neither looks up to the rich nor down to the poor; who can lose without squeal– ing a!l':i win without bragging; who is too brave to lie and too generous to cheat, and who takes his share of the world and lets other people have theirs." .. .. . Do The Best You Can Don't squak if you are asked t9 do more than your white fellow– worke;r, it is no more than you have been doing all the years past. That job you have may be worth it. • * * First Baptist Church of Ken– nydale, Washington. Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15. Rev. Judson Swaney, Pastor and Evangelist, Douglas Annex Apt. 24, Seattle, Washington. Residence phone, CA. 9960. Grace Presbyterian Church, Rev. John R. Harris, Pastor. Sunday School is held at 9:45 a. m.; 11 a. m. Morning Wor– ship; 6 p. m. Young People; 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship. ·-------------------------· ------------------------- just like the black one. But folks is bound to talk.'' foolish Questions Herbert Strong is contented but Instead of asking candidates for he isn't satisfied. .. .. • Hoodlums Still Rule 21st and East Madison Waiting On The Lord The Negro is aware of this great debt owed him, but is patiently waiting for the Master of Earth and skies to fullfil his promise to those who love and trust him. I am just that kind of a so-called fool ,who believes- with all my heart that the Negro will yet en– joy the fruits of his hundreds of years of labor, sacrifices and lives. To youth of the Negro race, I beg, be patient a little longer; there is going to be a change in world affairs. Those of us who for all these years have labored, suffered and died, hoping God office so many nonsensical ques– tions, why not ask them to be your ambassador of good will to the Chamber of Commerce and the Boeing Air Plant to open a way While women residents in the would some day hight all wrongs: Madison district grow more and w e, too, will be known as bro- by which ·employment may be giv- ' d restive under the reign of hoo - thers to Christ and all mankind. en in some of its defense work for !urns on Saturday nights, hoodlums Yes, England must pay after all the government? They have no I hesitancy in comin'g to you for grow restive fearing the loss of the years of greed and graft . Am- your suffrage before election. All their _battle ground, ru:d, apparent- I erica, the so-called Star of Peace ly, Will have none of It. and democracy and a beautiful flag you will get after election is a let- I Late patrons of resorts about of red, white and blue, boasts of ter of regret. * * * 21st and E. Madison should know the democracy it intends to de- FOLKS WILL TALK. Especially their misconduct is a reflection on fend when our shores are invaded. in a case like this: a legitimate business venture, Flag Is Smeared Hookerton, N. C. - In this lit- through no fault of the owner. I wonder if we really have a de- tie backwoods tow:nt was just re- The public has some rights mocracy that we all feel that we vealed one of the strangest freaks which must be respected. On the can die for if need be? I am sure of nature: a colored father and other hand, parents should lend that our most beautiful flag in mother with twins, one a dark- their aid in seeing that their own the world, has stood by and allow– skinned girl and the other an albi- household does not add to public ed the Negro citizens to be lynch– no boy. Though born on Septem· discomfort. ed, murdered, discriminated and ber 5, not one of the 300 towns- When official patience can no burned to death. When this same people knew of it, because of the longer remain a virtue, police flag is threatened, or in trouble parents' fear as to how people court records may make some with other countries, Negro lives would take it. alarming disclosures. Too, sol- are sacrificed to keep her flowing "Me and Livvy are tickled to diers enjoying the freedom of the in the breeze. The Blood of thou– have twins,' 'reported papa Her- city should remember their own sands of Negro men and women bert Strong, 30 year old WPA obligations, lest too many infrac- cry out in agony of the injustice worker, "and the white one don't I tions may curtail their own Iiber- or non-protection of this flag, that make no difference. We love it ties. · allowed them to be lynched, shot, Martha J. Davis, Mgr. Funeral Chapel "In Your Hour of Sorrow'' The Angelus Inc. Funeral Directors - Embalmers Lady Attendant 319-12th Ave. -. . Phone: Pr. 0333 burned and discriminated. There Is No Peace We speak of peace; but please know, that there wil be no peace until these wrongs are righted. No, I can't agree with out Pres– ident that Eng land is our friend. Pauline's Beauty Shop Open evenings by Appointment Specializing in all lines of Beauty Wo.rk 2221 E. Madison PRos. 2811 Res. Phone, Pros. 7502 These factors are further pre– dicated by the fact that the Negro has learned that all the good are not in one party nor all the bad in the other, in the belief by the younger generation that since we must work out our own destiny, we can more effectively destroy the evils of the Democratic party by fighting them from within than from without, and in the knowl– edge that votes are more and more becoming of supreme value and that by the application of more cold blooded logic to the practical affairs of life, we may not always be compelled to scratch the backs of those who will not in return scratch ours. As for Judge Hues– ton's pledge to get every Republi– can member of Congress to sup– port a bill to give the Negro his full rights in the South, while we would like to believe the Judge, we cannot forget the conduct of a number of Republican Senators when the last anti-lynch bill was up for passage. Next Attraction Andy Kirk Watch For New Date They failed to show their friend– ship when we needed it most. And anything we undertake to help them in will only make matters worse for all concerned. It's God's way of doing things; all airplanes, ships and other war materials will not save England. The love of God in the hearts of all people of the earth is the only security against war and dstruction. That goes for all countries, including the U. S., to be on the safe side of the God who created tis all of one blood. We must make him f irst in our lives and then our full duty to all mankind. We must love others as ourselves. "Alway-s remember that the earth and all that dwell in it, is mine,'' said the Lord. Why fret, steal, murder and enslave others, for those things that we can never own? Love to God, a.nd all man– kind is our only hope for peace and contentment here. There is no man of our group 1n New York State who has the re– spect of more Officials from the Magistrate Court to the Gover– nor's Chamber, than Dr. Harten. Whenever he speaks in New York State, on any subject regardless to weather conditions, standing room is always at a premium, and on Sunday, December 29th, when he speaks three times at his own church (Holy Trinity), in Brook– lyn, N. Y., the Church that he has pastored for more than 19 years, there will be a capacity attendance at the three services. It is known, by white and black people, that Harten cannot be bought, and is not an "Uncle Tom," but is a straight and sharpshoot– er in defense of his race. "Powell has started this war, and since he has attacked the lead– ership of the dead, who cannot an– swer for themselves, he should be man enough to meet me, or other– wise acknowledge that he is the biggest faker in the Negro pulpit. He strives in all of his addresses to sway the audience by belittling others. He has jumped on me. I will not run. God has not created a man of whom I am afraid. I have never been the aggressor in any fight, and I have my firlt bat– tle to lose. Adam Powell has never demon– strated his ability in anything ex– cept as a number one, egotistical, windjammer and mud-slinger. The Abyssinian Baptist Church was built and paid for by his father. Adam has never made a mouse trap. Before he endeavors to de– stroy the leadership of men and women who have _,made lasting contributions to the race, let him take his supposed fifteen thousand members and their friends, and es– tablish a department store for Ne– groes in Harlem. And replace those white concerns which receive 95% of their money from the pock– ets of poor Negroes, with stores udner his leadership. Why put forth every effort to destroy the Negro's confidence in institutions which we now have, before we of– fer something which is better? Andy Kirk And His International Band FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1941 J'" \ " y I BASKETBALL - .. • . " ·. ~· . Harlem Globe . Troliel's vs. R. L. Savidge and Alpine Dairy • Civic Auditorium Tuesday, January 7 Admission 60c Seek Removal of White Draft Boa~d Chmn. For Slander Against Negroes New York-Removal of a white local draft board chairman in J a– maica, New York, for makiflg "vi– cious and slanderous' 'statements against Negroes in connection with the appeal of a case involving a Negro draftee who sought de– ferment was asked of Governor Herbert Lehman today by the Na– tional Association for the Ad– vancement of Colored People. The draft official, Edward War– nke, chairman of local board No. 261, in Jamaica, is charged with Church News A.M. E. Zion Hrs. La Force Lelearn, Mission– ary Evangelist, has returned frpm 1 a ten day trip through Oregqn and Washington. While in Oregon, .¥e was guest of Mr. and Mrs. W,m. Barber of Free~ater, Oregon. She also spent a week with the. Rev. and Mrs. D. D. Banks, of Walla Walla, Washington. Rev. La Force Lelearn conducted having sent a memorandum inc.!_ud- the morning and evening service ing the following statements to the at iZon Church in Seattle, Sunday. appeals board in connection with the case of Leon Melvin, who "We therefore respectfully urge sought deferment on the ground that Mr. Warnke be removed as that he had dependents: chairman of local board No. 261 '· "This particular case is com- and from any other position only mon in our particular board. We ' to remove a man who holds an ex– have a large colored population presses such vicious sentiments and there seems to be no regard but also as an object lesson to oth· for mo'ral or financial respansibili- ers who may be inclined to slander ty and some get tired of one wo- I any ra.cial or religious mino,_,·..,•!l'-'..,."--'.__......___""",__._...,. man and then decide they can live I anw part of our national popul-a with someone else . . . tion. "It is the consensus of opinion r--------------, in this board that this type of registrant know very little about 1 the truth. It is our opinion that a I year's military training will do a great deal to straighten this gen– tleman out." In a letter to the Governor, which pointed out that Warnke has shown himself to be unfit to serve on a draft board, the asso– ciation said: "We respectfully submit that any person holding such views and who so gratuitously would slander an entire race is unfit for service in the drafting board of men who may go forth to die for democracy. Under Special Dispensation Puget Sound Lodge Elks No. 109 will receive new members at $3.50 each. Former members may rein– stab>J for $2.50 each. This dispensation will expire March 1, 1941. Be an Elk and join the March of Progress. E. R. Chalney, Ex. Ruler W. E. Vrooman, Sec. Next Attraction Andy Kirk Watch For New Date ro.. Sale ROBINSON'S DRUG STORE: Rea– sonable. Fine Location. 306 • 12th llve. So., Seattle, Washington. CBNTRA.J. LOAN OI'I'ICB • Most Money Loaned on Suits, Luggage, Jewelry all articles of Va.lue. 118 Washington St. UNREDEEMED PLEDGES FOR SALE Phone East 1811 Used RuCJ & Carpet Shop 1103 Jackson Street Rogs all kinds and sizes for every place in the home. VERY CHEAP We clean your Rugs for $1.50 - Cash aRd Carry We exchange and pay cash for your used rugs. We guarantee all rng- cleaning, repairing and dying '----,..-- -"-·-------~1 Gus West, Prop. AD ~nds of Coal and Wood Nigltt and Day Fuel and Express T-ry Our Special Furnate Mix PROMPT SERVICE AND S.!TISFAOTION 1286 Jackson 8. 'I } •'I