
Rev. Powell, Windjammer, Mudslinger, Says Rev. Dro Harten Defender of Dead The Rev. Thomas S. Harten speak against these things is that challenges to debate Rev. Adam C. their own character and integrity Powell, Jr. to prove his aspersion; are not unquestionable. I have the said National Baptist Convention, goods on them," he shouted. "I've U. S. A., Inc., will give the Rev. the goods on them from down in Adam Powell five thousand dollars, Texas to New York City. The min- VOL. 21 NO. 1 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1941 PRICE: 5c Per Copy if he can prove that the late Dr. isters who are calling me intem- .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;::;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;oo;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-. L. K. Williams was responsible for perate and unchristian are just Harlem Globe Trotters-Community Leag. Vie For Basketball Title Jan. 7. Uneasy lies tne nead that wears a crown doesn't mean a thing to the Harlem Globe Trotters bas– ketball team. Though they have fallen asleep in the midst of a game-the danger sensed has fur– nished some of the most spectacu– lar plays ever witnessed on a hard– wood floor. The Harlemites not only thrill the public with brilliant and dra– matic situations in the course of the game, but their legerdemain baffles their opponents as well as amazing the spectators. The thrills and excitement in basketball has in a short space of time, made it top all sports in at– tendance. Seattle is one of the great centers of basketball in America. Its rise in the basketball world didn't just happen, but came I through the untiring efforts of such public spirited lovers of the game as President Bill Milligan,: Secretary Mel Dagget and Man– ager-Directors Stan Leith, George Willoughby, Bill Milligan, Bill Murphy and Steve Antoncich, all I of the Community League. It is these men who are responsible for the newly laid floor in the Civic 1 Auditorium and the new and per- f!m~1'-'!:lm'r...,.,~""'":'~f'm\'7':'.,_77~ manent home of the Community League. The.se men, leaders of the Com– munity League, are responsible for this tournament. The Globe Trot– ters for the first half will be op– posed by the H. L. Savidge team, leaders of the league and the AI- ...._~ ........._._ -"'j}ili~Datfy-f!tlffitet-l-e-for tfl1PrlO.~crn:·H lf ·"·· half. With such an array of op– position, the public is assured wit– nessing perhaps the finest basket- 1 ball game of the season. Because the Globe Troters are profession– als and the locals retain their Am– ateur standing, this tournament is in the exhibition class. I The Harlem Globe Troters ex-1 hibit the scalps of such teams as the Chicago Bruins, New York Renaissance, Washington and oth– ers. However, a poll of the Savidge and Alpine teams indicates their intention to send the Harlemites out of town, shorn of their con– ceit. The team will play at the Civic ! ·Auditorium Tuesday, January 7 \ and again on January 20. ----------------------------- The Harlem Globe Troters, sec- ond only to Joe Louis, are the greatest ambassadors of Good Will in America. Let us give them a I real welcome. The admission is only 60c. Next Attraction Andy Kirk Watch For New Date the death of Auditor Edward Pier- .talking. They are afraid to do Mt. Zion Begins CIO Unionists Demand Tuskegee Reviews son in 1930. anything else." M h New York City - Dr. Harten Likening those who have attack- spl .rtual Campat·gn IStiAmson D.eet .T .emt. 19,tl Lynch Record states that "Powell will be given a ed him to 'Rats' Powell boasted, ':1! reward of one thousand dollars in "I will have them scurrying back ll rmy lSCriiDIDa lOll cash if he can point out the thief, to the holes from whence they Climaxing 11 months striving to build a gigantic spiritual and mor– al structure in Seattle, Rev. Foun– tain W. Penick, pastor of Mt. Zion Baptist church, 19th and East Madison, mobilized every spiritual and moral force of the church for Washington, Jan., (CNA)-Se– cretary of War, Henry L. Stimson this week had before him a writ- Tuskegee sends the following in- or a single man or woman holding came, before I am through with formation concerning lynchings a high office in the National Bap- them." ten demand for an immediate con- for the year 19.40..According to j tist Convention who. is stealing Attack Fearless-Fighting Parson the reports compiled m the Depart- from the denominatton, or has Then he turned his poisonous ment of records and Research, knowledge of the fact, but whose spleen upon the fearless fighting ference with a delegation repre– senting Local 471 of the United Cafeteria Employees (CIO) to pro– test the rejection by the Air Corps of a Negro member of the union who sought to volunteer in the Ar– my. there were 4 persons lynched in character is such that he is a vic- 1940. This is 1 more than the num- tim of 'lockjaw,' which he referred parson, the Rev. Dr. Thomas S. Harten, one of the vice-presidents blitzkreig of Rev. Penick has issued a call for volunteers to combat the evil forces of darkness. Under the ban- This rejection, said the union's letter, "brings very boldly before ber 3 for the year 1939, 2 less than the number 6 for the year 1938, and 4 less than the number 8 for each of the years 1937 and 1936. One of the persons lynched was taken from the jail; 1 was shot ner of the visionary eagle of old, the prophet Isaiah, "Here am I, Send Me," followers of Christ are urged to join the crusade. A Great Gospel Feast at Mt. Zion Sadie Martin of Chicago, Ill., one of the most renowned gospel singers in the country, winner of souls, will lead the message in song. The amiable and dynamic us the matter of discrimination in to death in jail. the armed forces of our country." Negro Heads CIO "Our concern with this matter," wrote the local, "goes beyond the question of just this individual, since it raises the whole problem Cleveland, Jan., (CNA)-The whether democracy can be defend- virility of CIO union democracy ed when the government itself re- .was proved again this week with sorts to such undmocratic methods the election of a Negro worker as and policies. Morris Brown Wins Steel Bowl Title president of the United Auto Wor- kers Local 486, one of Cleveland's biggest and most militant local unions. The new president is Jos– eph Jackson. to on Sunday." of the National Baptist Conven- The Rev. Mr. Harten stated: "If tion, and pastor of the Holy Trin– Adam Powell accepts, he will send I ity Baptist Church of Brooklyn, him the names of twenty thou- N. Y., who had differed with Dr. sand people who will pack ·the Powell in his atack at the Rev. Dr. Madison Square Garden or the L. K. Williams. And Dr. Harten Golden Gate Auditorium for the also made a speech at the Decem– debate. The loser of the debate ber Board Meeting in Louisville, will pay for the Madison Square Kentucky, and along with others, Garden or Auditorium." demanded that steps be taken to It appeared in one of New York's bring Rev. Powell to task. weeklies and other papers that Last week, the Rev. Dr. Harten Powell stated in his sermon, Dec. answered .the Rev. Adam Powell 15th, "I know that when the next in a most befitting manner. It is President of the National Baptist reported that he received hundreds Convention in September take.s of- of messages of congratulation, and fice, I will have him so scared that many came from Powell's closest I bet he won't do any stealing for friends, who termed him as the the first three or four months at very "incarnation of egotism." least. There are certain ministers The Rev. Harten declared, "I who are upholding dishonesty in am positive that when the debate Birmingham, Ala., Thursday, Jan. 2-Morris Brown of Atlanta claimed the national Negro foot– ball championship today after a post-season victory over Wilber– force University. Morris Brown's smoothly func- high places. The reason they can't (Continued on Page Two) tioning and highly-geared machine slashed out a 19 to 3 triumph over the Midwest champions in the in– augural Steel Bowl game yester– day. The President Has Spoken In plain, blunt words, he told us the armed bullies of Europe and Asia have marked us for slaughter. Many times :ii:i!Wi!:iil l in the history of the United States, it has stood on the brink Rev. Emmett B. Reed of Spokane will lead the call for the Army of the Lord. Sunday January 26 Nat'l Defense Day Association Organizes Nation-wide Drive for Jobs, and Abolition of Discrimination in National Defense New York-A call to its mem- bers an dthe American public throughout the country to galvan– ize public opinion in their com– munities to concrete action against the segregation and discrimination against Negroes in the Army, Na– vy and Air Corps, and the barring of Negroes, adult and youth, from jobs in national defense industries was announced her toeday by the National Association for the Ad- vancement of Colored People. The campaign, according to as– sociation officials, will culminate in the elebration of "National De- 1 of disaster, even though it was "conceived in liberty." Many years have passed since those words were uttered by the founders of our Republic. Abraham Lincoln reiterated them at Gettysburg. Franklin D. Roosevelt reincarnates them in his greatest utterance since he became the only man to serve three terms as our president. The world is warring today to determine whether this democracy or any democracy shall long endure. England, the only other great democracy, with its back to the wall, is fighting for its very existence. If she Ltils, we too may fail. If not by force of arms, by slow economic strangulation. In all matters of defense for the preservation of ·our government, there should be no difference of opinion between the President and the nation. If it is necessary for the United States to go to the aid of England, furnishing them with am– munitions of war, men and money, in order to,save ourselves, we should willingly go with every resource at our command. If this democracy of ours is worth saving at all, the only way to save it today is to be ready and willing to fight for it and die for it. Our melting pot is a strange mixture. Millions of immi– grants of this country have never learned the true value of democracy. Thousands of them question and openly oppose it. We Americans have enjoyed our freedom so long we take it as a matter ofcourse and attach no ordinary value to it. Our elections are growing bitter. We no longer concede the same rights and privileges to others we demand for our– selves. We will have to go back to the founders of our gov– ernment and gain from them a new inspiration and learn anew the meaning of the Declaration of Independence. The founders of our government were united. They knew there could be no freedom where there was no unity. There will never again be unity in this country unless we learn more tolerance. fense Day" on Sunday, January 2 6, when mass meetings will be If we value our democracy, if we value our liberty, if held in key cities throughout the we value our right to live our lives without dictation or in– country. National groups includ- terference, we must be ready to sacrifice our lives for it, else ing church, welfare, fraternal, so- it is not worthwhile. If it is worthwhile and England, the cia! and labor organizations that other last surviving exponent, fighting for its very existence, have worked with the Association fails, then we alone must take up arms testing whether our in the fight to pass the anti-lynch vaunted freedom and liberty shall live or perish. bill will be asked to cooperate in the campaign, the announcement If England's democracy fails, if democracy in the United said. The Association urged its States fails, they fail because they are themselves no longer members to work out community democratic. Abraham Lincoln's new birth of freedom, "gov– plans for calling upon ministers ernment of the people, by the people, for the people," must to set aside a part of their sunday be tempered with tolerance as it was intended by the found– services on January 26 for the ers of this democracy, or this democracy must perish from voicing of protests against discri- mination under the national de- the earth. fense program. The plan calls for Negroes in the United States should never give up their flooding Congress with post cards, fight for every right guaranteed by the constitution. But letters and telegrams, urging the I every Negro in the United States should gladly sacrifice his abolition of all discrimination in i life twice over rather than await the coming of Hitler and the country's armed forces and I his bloody gang either by force of arms or economic stran- the opening up of job opportuni- . ' . . ties to Negroes in defense industry gulabon, should they .wm m E~rope. . . in the skilled as well as unskilled We urge the President to giVe every possible a1d to Eng- occupations. I land, without or with war. NAACP Asks Justice Department To Stop Terror in Memphis I Job Parley Puts Bosses On Spot Milwaukee, Jan., (CNA)-May- New York-United States At- when he attended a public confer- 1 or Zeidler squirmed and twisted torney General Robert Jackson ence of progressive organizatoins was asked today by the National called to protest a job ban against Association for the Advancement Negro worker'S and to demand that of Colored People to bring the Jim Crow barriers in the defense forces of the Justice Department industries be abolished. to bear in an investigation of the Sponsored by the Milwaukee open terror being meted out to Council of the American Youth Negroes in Memphis Tennessee, by Congress and the Milwaukee Ur– politicians and the local police ban League, the conference greet– force of Memphis. d with greatest enthusiasm the de– The complete telegram signed by Walter White and sent to Jack– son today by the association fol- lows: claration of Harold Cristoffel head of the Milwaukee Countu CIO Council, that "we need to organ– ize a mass campaign to solve this problem successfully." "The National Association for The mayor and leading indus– the Advancement of Colored Peo- trialists were given special invi– ple protests vigorously against ab- tations to attend the conference, rogation of freedom of press by but beyond oratory their contri– Chief of Police of Memphis, Ten- butoins were slight. nessee, who has ca~led in two Ne- Zeidler, a flourish and fanfare gro editors and threatened them if politician, waited until the conf-er– they did not print the kind of news ence hall was filled before mak– matter and editorials to which he ing his own carefully staged en– could give his approval regarding trance. With a fine flurry he general racial situations in the swept into the room through doors United States. According to wide- swung suddenly wide and his face ly circulated news stories Negro seemed all teeth as he smiled mag– business men in Memphis are be- nificently. It was very impressive. ing harrassed by police and a score But the trade unionists and job– of more prominent Memphis Negro less workers present were not citizens have been threatened with moved. The sweep and swirl of being driven out of town. A the mayor had left them cold. threat of machine gun warfare They wanted results. is said to have been made by Po– lice Chief Boyle. It is alleged that this entire situation has grown out of the fact that some Mem– phis Negro citizens in the last election chose to support the can– didate not favored by the politi– cal boss Ed Crump. We believe the situation is grave and calls for immediate investigation f!Jid vig– orous action by the Department of Justice in all its phases particular– ly the threat against the ,freedom of the press." White Aircraft Men Hit Jim Crow Industry Los Angeles, Jan. (CNA)-Jim Crow policies in the "aircraft and national defense industries" were roundly condemned here this week by the Vultee aircraft unit, Local 683, CIO United Auto Workers. The union adopted a resolution vowing to "do all in its power to break the anti-labor, racial discri- ruination in the aircraft and nat– ional defense industries." And at the same time, it pro– tested the fact that there are no more than half a dozen Negroes now working in all of the Southern California aircraft plants employ– ing more than 60,()00 workers to– day. The .Local also adopted a reso– lution "apologizing to the Negro people for the exclusion of several Negro members and their guests at the Local's recent dance. The re– solution stated that the barring of Negroes from the dance was "in direct contradiction to the na– tional CIO policy of no discrimin– ation because of race, color, creed, nationality or political affiliation." GLOBE TROTTERS VS. SAVIDGE-ALPINE, CIVIC AUDITORIUM, JANUARY 7 I '\