
PAGE TWO THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1944 THE NORTHWEST ENfERPRISE Established 11120 'East Madi~on ,___QO .... N'-T -MI-SS-TH_IS_E-XC-UR-SIO-N~-I EAST MADISON GALA BOAT CRUISE AND PICNIC B~~~ ~:,~:,~:,~ .h, Shopping Distract Published Wednesdays by The Northwest Publishing Company Official Publication of the I. B. P. 0. E. of W. in the Northwest Brotherhood o! Sleeping Car Parters; Owls Club, Inc. Entered at the Postoffice, Seattle, Wn., as Second Ola8s Matter Olfice U62V 2 Jackson St., 4; Ph El 9787. P. 0. Box 1873 - 11 Subscription Rates: By :Mail in advance: One year, $2.00; Six SUNDAY - AUGUST 13TH are learning to swim at Central YMCA on Tuesday and Wednes– day at 11 a. m. We are anxious Sponsored by uso Industrial Service No. 2 and for more boys to attend. Those who have gone are James Wayne, Port Orchard USO Gerald Tymony, Merle Prim, Le- and Andrew Ratcliffe, and Ches- GENEVA B. MILLER Broker--~otary ~bUc Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1916 E. Madison Pr 7050 Evenings, Pr 2&38 Madison Drug Co. 22nd and E. Madison Eaat 9623 Drugs, Prel!crlptlons, Cosmetics, Toilet Articles Fountain, Soft Drinks, Candies Downtown Prloes Ice Cream and Sherbets Pints 25c; quarts UOc Race Hair Specials Race Papers For Sale Open Daily 10 a.m. to 12 midnight monthe, $1.25; Three months, 75c E. I. OOBINSON, Ed1tc.r-Pnbllsher Deadline for News: Tues. Noon; tor Advertising Tues. 6 P. l\1. THE PUBLIC Is. INVITED on White, Billy Chatters, Dickie ter and Charlie Johnson. There ''-:============~ Bring extra lunch for a serviceman. Seattleites will leave on 7 :00 Bremerton ferry and connect with the excursion boat. Tickets may be obtained at- is no charge for the boys. Bring l"' BREMERTON NOTES Official Representative Northwest Enterpri~ JAS. T. WALKER, 3801 6th Phone 2778-W Important: Social Clubs, Organizations. News Must Be in by Sunday P. M. Please Cooperate llRE:\IERTO~ CHURCHTS March 30 inclusive. Sinclair Community Church, Rev.a J. R. Lewis, pastor. Sunday Do you like to swim? Join school 9; 45; services 11:30 and the classes each Saturday morn– S p. m. ing 10 to 11:15, YMCA, 1st at Ebenezer AME Church, Rev. Washington St. Chester W. Cooper, .pastor. Sun– day school, 9; 4 5, preaching 11 and 8 p. m. U)UAL WJi:EKLY CALENDAR Bremerton will have two state liquor stores. Opening of the see– ond store at 627 Callow Ave. N., Choral Rehearsal Mondays at was set for the first week in 7:30 p. m., 221 Washington St. August. Hours from noon to 10 Industrial Girls' Sewing Club, p. m., same as the downtowa Tuesdays at 8 p. m., 221 We.sh- Burwell St. store on Fridays ant! ington St. Saturdays. Under the new reg Home Maker's Club, Wednes- ulation whi<:h became effe<·rige days 8 p. m., Sinclair Community August 1, naval personnel jn the Center. district are permitted to purchase Mens' Industrial Club, Thurs- package liquor at any time the days 8 p. m., 221 ·washington. stores or authorized agencies are Movies for young and old. Sin- open. Such purchases in the past elair Community Center, Satur- were limited to both Army and days, 2:30 p. m. Navy personnel between. 5 and H o'clock in the evening. Bremerton schools will again USO Industrial Services No. 2; USO Industrial Services No. 1, Navy Yard Recreation Office, Port Orchard USO, Dick Fulton, West End Dormitory B', Barber Shop, Dormitory No. 1, Bremerton, Wash.; Colman Service Club, in Seattle ROUND TRIP TICKETS $1.75, Tax Included Games, Music, Thrills and Fun Galore Southern Barbecue will be Plentiful SPECIAL- Famous Raba Donna to Entertain on Trip And Picnic Grounds, Feats of Magic, Mind Reading Also games on Boat and at the Picnic Grounds Youth Games Committee-Mrs. Elwood T. Greer, Mrs. Thomas Woods, Mrs. Stepney Holmes, Mr. Perry Washington Adult Games Committee-Mr. Napier, Dwight Smith, Joseph Powe Please Purchase Tickets NOW! Tickets Going Fast Supply Practically G"one! Tickets purchased in Seattle will be honored by ferry officials on regular Bremerton ferries. Excursion ferry departs from Bremerton at 9: 15 towel. On Friday, August 4th, the Torch-Y and Girl Reserves had a bike ride at Green Lake. About 30 young people attended. They brought their lunche·3 and ate them under the stars. Adt;lt leaders were Mrs. Louise Phelps. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gayton and Miss Juanit.'t Valley and John Copeland. The boys and girls will visit the fmperial Candy Company on Thursday, August 10. They will meet at the YWCA at 12:30 p.m. Leon White, Edward Kemp, Henry and Chester Johnson and Merle Prim are going to Camp Lion this week. The Torch-Y and GR's are planning a scavenger hunt fOi' Friday, August 11. RRRVTCE 1\fFJ~'S f'LUB FLASH! EXTRA! We will haYe the Whidby Island orchestra Sat-~ special attraction for JVH <tnd urday, August 12. This is on~ we T10pe that we will hav<:' our usual response. Our dates for next week are- - Fort Lewis Sunday, AugusL 1::. The busses will leave at 4:30 :>. m. The trip to Sand Point will be made Friday August 18. The busses will leave at 8 p. m. expects to take a new pastorate ADELPIU APARTMENTS A. Palatial Home for Particular R~ople ULTRAMODERN In EVery ·~pecit Oveyloo~g LakeW~n Apartments Reasonable 230-32 23M Ave. ~o. Ca. lr791 J. A. "Jack" Johnson Douglas Apartments Wllere It Is «ilon,venlent and Homelike Ne\Wy Renovated-Steam Hea.t Hot watm--Tah~pnone Laundry Room BENTS REDU()ED Furnished and Ulifurnished Apart,m(\Dts Bents $10 and Up Dr. F. B. Cooper, Mgr. lU Wh Ave. No. EASt 961'7 Chandler Fuel Co. Express--Moving and . Storage--Ice Honeysuckles Recreation ARTHUR HEAD, Mgr. CARD TABLES, POOL and SOFT DRINKS Phone EAst 9994 2030 East Madison Street ·--------------------------------------·------ The Evelyn Inn 2229 East Madison Street MEALS AT ALL HOURS SHORT ORDERS AT ALL TIMES OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY- We Solicit Your Tratie OUR SPECIALTY - SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN ~~. T. D;lwson, Prop. - Rose M. Simth, Mgr. - FOR WOOD - COAL - POULTRY Call ED S. JOHNSON ope1i their doors Wednesday, Regular meeting Bremerton morning service and also at the September 6, states Supt. Stanley Branch NAACP beginning Aug. evening session. we are happy E. Wynstra. The school year w11112o to be held each month there- to have a vacation Bible school end next June 6. Christmas •a- after. Meeting place the 20th for our youngsters, because we cation will run from Dec. 23 to at Salvation Army Hall 238 Bur- felt it Is both morale building Jan. 2., inclusive and Easter va- well St., 3; 4 5 p. m. Executive as well as Interesting, Rev. J. Harris Resigns Post in the near future. Office Phone East 4282 His resignation is effective im- 2226 East Madison St. Fresh Chickens and Rabbits as You Like Them CA 9953 cation will be from March 26 to meeting one hour before the reg- Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Taylor are Ending a 14-year pastorate, the Rev. John R. Harris has re– signed as minister o fGrace Presbyterian (Negro) Church, h was announced by tile Rev. Dr. Mortimer M. Stocker, Synod pres– Ident. mseddiately, bnt he will rond ,Jet I Seattle, Wash. I 2200 East Madison Street, Seattle 2 un ay morning servier•s for t.he , --...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=======::;..! nevxt few weeks until the chUirh 1 • M ._... R ... l: .. lY .. I ... lS-.G--"\\'A--R·B-O-~-D-S-W ..I ...LL,.....B..,..R•I•N•G-Hil\-..•1... H•O•ME---S-O•O ...... NE•R-- ular meeting. Annual meetin6 to proud parents Of a tine baby !Joy, be held November 19th. Mother and baby are doing f!ne F-F-F 430 work is ;<>organized, he said. Interracial eeting 1:-----------------------. The congregation will appoint a pulpit committee to work witl: The August meeting of the the synodical of[ice to obtain a Christian Friends for Racial ---- We are sorry Mr. Adams Is SPORTS back in the hospital with pneu- Faster Friendlier Farth&- BLUE & GOLD TAXI The Harlem Globetrotters base- monia after having been out such ball team yielded to Bremerton a short time with the same ail– Navy Yard Rec. dub Friday night ment.• The minister's action Ntme as successor, a surprise at a special congrega- tional meeting last Monday night. \ All special delivery letters He explained that he felt tbat lettm·s should b~ sent to 66:.! y, a change was needed for boch ,Jackson St., Zone 4, and not to congrega tlon and himself and he l'ostoffice box. SAY: "FOUR TIDRTY" l'1·ompt, Courteou,s 24-Hour SERVICE in the last half of the ninth in- Mr11. Walter Williams Is bn.~k ning, after a nip and tuck tus- from Galveston, Tex. after a vi~it sle, giving in to a 4-3 trimming. with her mother. Stand at 128 1st St. East Port Orchard Rev. C. W. Williams preached a soul stirring sermon at the HERE'S THE PLACE TO DINE OUT-- DELicious GOLDEN FRIED CHICKEN SERVED TO YOUR TASTE • SANDWICHES • BEER • SOFT DRINKS Open Nightly -- Fast, Courteous Service THE l'UBLIC is the boss in Diclc Gt"Cens• Place. We want to do all possible to give you what you want the way you want it. GREEN 'S CAFE SINCLAIR HEIGHTS GILJ EDGE CLEANERS SEneca 9450 -:- 611 Jackson St. THREE-DAY SERVICE Expert Cleaning and Finishing Repairing that Satisfies. Hat-Cleaned & Blocked Ladies' Alterations by Experienced Dressmaker PROMPT ANB COURTEOUS ATTENTION Ethel's Beauty Shoppe ·Hair Styling Our Specialty 657 JACKSON ST. PHONE MAIN 8893 OPEN 9 A.M. TO 7P.M. THE ANGELWS, Inc. Embalmers, Funeral Ituneral Directors 319 v2th Ave. Chapel Lady Attendant Martha Davis, Manager PR. 0333 Seattle, Wash. ·---------------------------- Masters Alfred Jenkins and Charles Weaver are the carriers for thls paper. Please have your nickle ready when they bring it. Sunday school 9:45. Morning wo,rshlp, 11; evening worship at 7:45. Mrs. Myrtle Fulton of Bur– lington, Ia., is visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Fulton. ~!t:e,on. IJ PINE ST. 1a~A! •. Mr. Leonard Johnson, frpm Hefling, Ala., rendered a beauti– ful selection Sunday night. Open Evenings UntillO P~ M. F~ts -- Vegetables PRICES ALWAYS RIGHT Groceries Phone MA. 1826 Mr. and Mrs. Welch enter·· talned a group of friends in their home last Wednesday evenin~. I Refreshments were served and I games were played. WOMEN'S DAY LKJHTENS 1811/~HT.lN$ TANNED, DARK P~!§~!!tional Baptist 1-------------- Church, 120 21st Ave. I Jam Session Every Mon- 1 Sunday, August 13 will mark, day Night-At Black and annual Woman's Day at Insti-l Tan, 404% 12th Ave. So. tutional Baptist Church. 1 Guest speaker for the 11 a. m. ;-:----:-----------; service wlll be Mrs. Mary B. Far– quaharson, former state senator, who will bring a message on the MT. OLIVET BAPTIST MISSION 1227 Jackson St. theme ''Woman's Part In the Fu- Morning Worship, 11 a. m. ture Life or the Nation." Mrs. Evening service, 7; 30 p. m. M. B. Purnell will read a paper .Midweek Prayer Service embracing the same subject. Spe- Every Wednesday, 7; 30 p·. m. clal music by the choir, under direction of Miss Rita Rees, wlll be rendered at each service dur-' 1 • lng the day. ALL CHURCHES INVITED I Mrs. F. Benjamin Davis of Mt.l Zion Baptist Church will speak at the 3 o'clock hour and rep- 1 resentatives from the sister churches of the city will appear on the program. I OOMl\lUNITY SONG The evening service will take the form of a Community Sing, in which everyone will be invited to join. Groups and individuals will render inspiring selections. Your favorite selection will be rendered on request. DINNER A home cooked dinner will be served, making It possiblo ro·r members and friends to spend me "MY House shall be called The House of Prayer." -l>fntt. 21; 13 REV. JUD~N SWANeY 1\finister Evangelist Spiritual Advice and Prayer 2107 E. James St., Apt. 24 By Appointment Call EA. 7135 ~------------~--J Church ol God in Christ 42·1 21st A V<l. Rev. L. I<.:. Tolliver, P'l.~tcr Residenc.:l phone E-'>St 24.i1 Rev. El. D. Elison. Asst Pastor ffivangellst Fl Tolliver, Pianist WANTED Girls who can sing & dance day at the church. The public CaD G aJd Wells I is invited to come and bring a/ er friend. The Observance, whlcll Is an annual affair is sponsored EA 6499 after 5 P. M. by the Womens' Auxiliary of the I church. The pastor, Dr. F. W. ;=============;;;.;, Penick and the secretary, Mrs.j Pearl Kaiser, will be on hand to extesd the hand of welcome to all who come. Dr. F. B. Cooper DENTIST Ofllce: El. SM'f; Bee. Ea. 8888 HoUJ'II: 9 to 1 li.Jid 2 to 3 Suite sa-a Emptre Bn'"'"te 8econk1 11BCJ HadJIIOD Private Loans $25 to $500 to cle{Ul up all thoee amJ.o~r ~ue bUI8 &lid to llua.uee yom- per!IOnal neals. No Puljllclty-No Delay Strictly Confidential A. D. Anderson and Ce. Under~~D 200 McDow&ll Bldk. 1831 S!d Oppoelte Poet Oll1ce I l • JOIN THE CROWDS DANCING Tonight and Every Night Two Big Floor Shows SONNY BOY Featuring his Chair Act TWO NEW AOTS EVERY WEEK FROI\1 SHOW BOAT ANn JOHN Q. PUBLJC RIZAL CLUB 605% KING ST. Reservations-EL. 9149 Equality and Fellowship of Re- conciliation will be held jointly at the First Swedish Baptist TAVERN OF GOOD CHEER • Church, corner of Ninth and Pine Streets, Tuesday evening, August 15, at 7:30 o'clock. Featured at this meeting will b"e addresses I by Rev. Robert B. Shaw on ''The Christian Basis for Racial Equal– ity" and by Samuel Holcenberg of the B'nai Brith on ''The Place of Minorities i~ our American Scene." Where Particular People Drink Their Wine and Beer JOHNNIE CAMPBELL 1315 Yesler Way SEATTLE CHURCHES First A. M. E. tlmrcll Between Pike and Pim', 14th Ave. Dr. L. R. Ra~·e~, l'l!stor Sunday school, ll: 45. Pro::ach!ng 11 and 8; Christian ElndeaYor, 7 J.l. ru.; .Midweek prayer service, Vt·d ne.dt! a.y, ~ o'click, l\lount Zion na.ptlst 16:~4 lllth 1\ vcluc PRospect 04-14 Rev. Benj. Davis, ·l'nstor Sunday school, 9:45. Preaching 11 :tnd 8: Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m.; Midweek prayer service, Wednesday, 8 o'elick. G,u.'\ce Po·e~bytet•ian Cllnt'Ch Hcv. John R. llai'l'is, Pustor :>uuday School is held at 9: 4b a. m.; 11 a.m. :-lonling Vior~hlp; 6 p.m. Y<>tll>; Pcop·e; 7 .30 p, m. ~}vPning \\Tor.~h! 1 ). Full Gospel Pentecostal Temple lGtb & F., Fir Bishop ll~. I~. 1\forl'i~, Pa.qtor Sunday School 10 a. m. Morn– worship 11 a. m., Bible Class 7 p, m. Evening service 8 p. m. Evan– gel istic services Tne3day 8 p. m., J]lder and Sister F. J. Adams in chal'ge. 'fhursdays 8 p. m., Elder ::tnd Sister J. H. Young in charge. You are invited to attend these sel'vlrPs a hea•·ty welcome awaits l'<'ople's Institutional Bbptlst Church 120 21st Avenue HONEST GROCERY 1235 Jackson St. CAp. 9897 Has a Complete Line of Finest - Staple Groceries Fresh Fish Fresh Chickens Fresh Fruits Beer Mixers ~ t'-l VISIT OUR STORE INSPECT OUR STOCK ::=: Norman A. West, Proprietor THE ATLAS CAFE Phone EL. 9101 414 Maynard OUR SPECIALS-- Chops, Steaks, Chicken and Turkey Dinners ~~ Waffles BAR-B-Q SPECIALISTS HOSPITALITY - DISTINCTIVE AltVIOSPHERE THERESA ADAIR Props. First A M EChurch J.. R. Hayes, Pastor Sunday, August 13 at 7:30 p, m., we are having a special ser-, vice dedicating the Smith pipe' LONNIE HOLIDAY It Is Good to OWN YOUR HOME Pastor Rev. F. W. Penick, D. D. organ in our church. The public :!502 20th Avenue South Churcb Phone PRos. 1·700 Residence, PRos. 4131 Sunday School 9; 4 5 a. m. 1\Iorning Worship 11:00 a.m. gvening Worship 8; 00 p. m. 1\lid·Week Prayer Service, Wed· nP sctay evening 8; 00 o'clock. is invited to share in this service and witness the realization_ of t~e l ' ' dream of many. We believe tt \ SUBGRBAN HOl\IESI'I'ES to be the first real pipe organ I HAI,F-ROURLY BUS SERVICE installed in a church of our group I VIE\V OF 1\:ENT VALI,EY this side or San Francisco. First I AME feels highly honored to 1 have this distinction. Whoever Will Builrl Unit Honse at Low Cost Woman's Aux. Meettng every 1st aud 3rd Wednesday afternoon has made any contribution to ~h~ accomplishment, know we do ap– Sunday preclate it. 2 ; 30. Mis3ionary Day, 3rd :t(tNnoon 3 o'clock.' Bargain of the Week The public is ii.<vited to all ser- vices. Ebenezer A.M.lU. ZliOn Clnn•C'h 23rd and E. Olive St. Rev. Frederick Blythewood, Pastor 9:46 a. m.--Sunday School. 11:00 a. m,-Sermon. 4:00 p. m.-Vesper Hour. 8; 00 P. m .-Sermon. Wednesday, 8; 00 p.m.-Prayer se\'vlce. August 13 is the last Sunday 1 . before the Puget Sound Annual conference convenes. Your con-~ ference claims ( $3 each) are ex– pected this date. The pastor will preach at the 11 o'clock service. Dr. C. R. Edgehlll, the presiding 1 elder, will give the dedicatory ad- I dress at 7; 30 p. m. The choir has planned a mpst interesting program for this service. Come and be with us that day. L. R. Hayes. Pastor. PINE modern bungalow, East l\ladison Uistrlct, $3,000. - 'l'ernts. • EAST HILL REALTY HAROJ,D HOLil<'lJi:LD, Broker l'JA 4497 330 23rd Ave. No. Hours 10 to 5