
PAGE FOUR THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1944 SHOP AT THE SOUTH END SHOPPING DISTRICT OF SEATTLE BON .ROB ·DRUGS THE PERSONALIZED SERVICE STORE Corner 14th and Yesler CA. 5330 Godefroy HAIR DYE $1.2S EXOTIC Toilet Waters By Dorsey $2.00 Repel Mosqu.itos with Gold Medal Mos· quito Repellent LOTIOY, 35c Use Bon-Rob Athlete Foot Lotion for Itching, Crack– ing, Eczema-like Scaling, Water Blisters on the Feet and Hands - SOc and $1.00 Bon-Rob Hygienic Powder A cooling– Deodorant Astringent VAGINAl, DOUCHE SOc When You Think Drugs Think 01 Bon-Rob Dmgs Comer of 14th and Yessler CA. 5330 WE DELIVER 7th and Jackson St. ELiot 7166 Victory Chinese Florist 1b 1b SAY IT WITH FLOWKRS From Our Pink, Rosy, Red-Cheeked Floral Display BUDS OR FULL BLOOM The SEAGULLTAVIRN Ice Cold Beer, Wines, Soft Drinks, Bottled Beer To Take Heme You are alway3 welcome at the SEAGULL 678 Jackson St. Chester Danks, Prop. SE 9467 PACIFIC MARKET 1805 Jackson Street Full Line of Quality Groceries, Fresh Meats and Poultry Fresh Fruits and Vegetables-Beer t¥Id Wine Owned and Operated by Chinese Ph. Ca. 9618 HOTEL IDAHO Steam :-Ieat - Hot & Cold Water in Every Room Miss Birdie Morris, Prop. Phone SE. 98S7 505 Jackson St. Seattle, Wash. THE ORILI Q U.lillN BIRDIES' CHILI PARLOR We Feature Soda Fountain Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes Tobaccos Candies 410 Maynard Avenue SE 9956 KAY'S lOc STORE ON THE CORNER OF 12TH and JACKSON Heavy 10-quart Galvanized Pails 98c KEMTONE Miracle wall finish, Qt. 98c $2.98 Per Gallon CURTAIN RODS, EACH IOc STEEL_ FRYING PANS, EACH 39c METAL DUST PANS FOR 29c ENAMELED DRIP COFFEE MAKERS........................98c 6-Cup Size MEN'S WORK SOX, Per Pair........................ 15c Remember··· IT PAYS TO SHOP AT KAYS New Store Hours 9:30 to 7 p. m. Sat. to 8 p. m. PRospect 5392 1201 Jackson Street WHEN IT'S POOL OR BILLIARDS CIGARS OR CIGARETTES Say New C. C. Billiard Parlors NEW MANAGEMENT NEW EQUIPMENT AND DECORATIONS 415 Maynard Avenue OLYMPUS HOT-EL, 413 Maynal'd EMEL APTS., 14th and Main PHONE SE.· 9419 Phone EL. 1555 .JACKSON BEVERAGE STORE 707 Jackson St., Seattle BEER, WINE, MIXERS, MALT, HOPS ·-------------------- RICHFIEL SERVICE STATION GAS LUBRICATION, EVERY SERVICE Car Washing and Simonizing Phone CA. 9703 BEE'S 1{ BAR-B-Q Special Boiled Dinners Open Day and Night EAT.-.- CURB SERVICE SPECIALIZING IN • Chicken • Pork • Lamb • Link Sausage • Pork Spareribs 1237 Jackson St. -IN PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS Kirk and Norris New Elliott Cafe FINEST QUALITY FOODS AND SERVICE 1203 Jackson Street V 1 Ruth Clytus, Willie May Barse, Operators RUTH G. WHITESIDE, Proprietor I ~I ----------------- S Ruth's Beauty Saloa 1 Hairdyeing and Facials a Specialty Hours 9 A. M. to 7 P. M. T 502 Main St• MAin 998() MORE - SHORTER !Ish closer relations with Negro· - Continued from Front Pa.:e _! farmers, tenant farmers and experience in presiding at forums sharecroppers. County branches your delegate was impressed by of tbe NAACP should be estab– the intelligence, the ability to \!shed In farm areas. There ask pertinent questions and the should be a continuation and de– wealth of Information sbown by velopment or Farm Security As– the delegates. One felt that the sociation. NAACP will not rest uotil full 6 POLITICAL ACTIVITY: Bishop's Pharmacy PRESCRIPTIONS- DRUGS- FOUNTAIN Full Line of Toilet Articles Race. Papers and Magazines Northwest Enterpri'se and Pacific Coast Negro Directory For Sa~e 507 JACKSON ST. SEATTLE, WASH. Phone MAin 9496 MA. 8859 Prop. w. A. Green 711 laue Street HOTIL GRBBN Ai>&•~tmeuts, ~J: .. ansieut and Housekeeping Rooru11 Steam Heat, Hoj; and Cold Water, Showers Jack Schacher's Grocery FULL LINE OF QUALITY GROCERIES CIGARS, CIGARETTES, SOFT DRINKS Open Evenings Northwest Enterprise for Sale SOVTBPARK POULTRY CO. 1528 Pike Place l'lyen 3 lol' $1.ZS ADd Up Colol'ed Roasdng Chickens········3Sc lb. Roasting Hens 40~ Colored Fryers 4S~ Cut Up Chickens······.. ZBc lb.; Z Fol' SSe··· 1 SHANKS SUPREME BAR-8-Q I "Where a Sandwich Is a Meal" We Specialize in~- BAR·B-Q SPARERIBS r---------------------------;Jjustlce Ill accorded the N"egro in 1944 ELECTIONS-This caused the armed forces' of his country. the greatest and most heated dis- 1 e BEE-F e PORK Phone SEneca 9073 PACiriC CAll "Meals Southern Style" 417 Maynard Ave. Seattle~ Wasil. YOU ARE WELCOME! Progressive Cloihi.ng Exchange TAILORING AWn ALTERATIONS We Buy and Sell Anyiblng of Value Cleaning and pressing of all kinds; Finest Used Suits for Sale . F. D. Wright 79 Yesler Way Seattle, Wash. 2. EDUCATION-This area is cussion. Many delegates bad I perhaps the most important, cer- come to the conference feeling tainly on a losg time ba-sis if that the executive secretary, Wal– not immediately. The confer-ence ter White, had shown partiality demanded not only the ellmlna· to President Roosevelt, if not to tion or segregation, but also the the Democratic party. A few equality in training and oppor- were afraid that he would try tunity for advancement In ad- to swing the NAACP to support ministrative fields . There must the President for a fourth term. be equal salaries for Negroes as Others hoped that he would. Your e CHICKEN 316 12th Ave. So. Phone EA. 9784 Under New Management • The Swan Beautv Salon for whites for the same type of delegate noticed that the pro– work. Text books and other cur- gram was loaded In that direc– clcula material must re·rrect the tlon. For example, James B. true American philosophy of de- Carey of the CIO made a thinly mocracy. The con[erence recog- veiled plea for support for Mr. nized that this is a long, difficult I Roosevelt. Captain Grant Rey– task, especially in the South, and nolds aroused resentment in his will demand the devotion and speech along the same line. The persistence of true Americans for delegates were determind not to I.!;;;;:;;;;:;======================_.=~ a good many years. There must depart from the historic non– RITA REESE, MANAGER EARL'S SERVICE STATION, 1200 MAIN.STREET . Fender, Body Work, Simonizing, Tire Repairing. ALL WORK GUARANTEED " Haul 'em in and Drive 'em out" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u~~ ..liiTiliililiiJiliiJiliiTiTiililiiTiliiTiTiiTiliiTiliifiliiliTiililiiTifiiTiliiTiTiililiiTiTiiTiliiTiliiliifiiliThliliilllt.. IOWA CAFE 662 Jackson Street Under Elks Club WE SPECIALIZE IN FRIED CHICKEN - JffiCY STEAKS ALL PRICES BELOW CEILING '•J!~~~~~m~~ii!*H!~~~~~~~~~H;HG¥.~~~~~~, •i'!'i'FiiTiliiTiTiiTiJiiTiTiiTiTit I • riTiliililiir.TiiTiTi D I iTiTiir.Ti1 • I aiTiliiTiJiiliTiil'itii'J'iTo Phone East 1811 1236 Jackson St. All Kinds of Coal and Wood Night and Day Fuel and Express Try Our Special Furnace Mix PROI\'IPT SERVICE AND SA'JliSFACTION Denni& Abraham, Prop. be no letup, in season and out of partisan philosophy of the Asso– se.ason . elation. The resolu lion, which 3. HOUSING. -Your delegate was, If I recall correctly, unanl– was appointed on ·the sub-com- mously adopted, expressed that mittee ror housing, and was able idea. to make a contribution to this Walter White, himself, put at problem regarding the reconv!'r- rest all doubts along that ltne slon of private housing. This when, in a great speech before aspect must be specially watcher! . 25 ,000 In Washington Park, he HAIR STYLING - MANICURE SPECIALISTS Visit at Your Own Convenience. No Apt. Necessary Open 9 a. m.- 7:30p.m. 674 Jackson MA 9398 The conference demanded that ii\· denounced the Republicans for a Drew was pres ented · with th ) a vita l part in the affairs of public housiog agencies make weasel-worded platform and then Spingarn Medal for his work O;l state, and rightly so. We ne~d commitments to local groups that warned the Democrats that un- blood plasma. A great mome1, t th e Church now, especially at restrict occupancy on the basis less they did better they could was Dr. Drew's Introduction or 1 this time, to point out the way of race and that additional land "kiss. the votes of the Negroes his mother as the one that had to a better world, a world that areas be made available for oc- goodbye." As we know, the De· been his great Inspiration. Waf- r e cognizes the brotherhood or cupancy by Negroes. Areas with mocratlc platform Is even worse ter White delivered one of the man, as well as the Fatherhood r estrictive covenants shall be de- than the Republican. The NAA. greatest addresses of his liCe. of God. The Church should help clared non-transferrable as land CP ce rtainly must engage in po- us to select thea dminlstrators, acquire d under urban re-develop- lltical action but it mu!t be ab- MORE _ FRAZIER the right ones for public serv- ment laws. This latter Is very solutely non-partisan. One obvi- ice. Any Church leader or mln- (Continued from Page 1) important in view of post-war ous thing the Association must do ister who feels he is too sacred urban planning. Is to educate its membership as community a fter careful and in· or too good to participate In the 4. LABOR AND EMPLOY- to their political rights and to telligent consideratioo , should be political life that affects his peo- MENT - Among the demands exercise those rights. able to tell very readily on whom ple, In my opinion, is ndt a true made lu this area were the en- 7. FEDERAL AND S'I'ATE they can depend for wise an!T and tried leader. A true and actment of federal legislation to LEGISLATION _ Enactment of courageous leadership, a leader- tried leader is coscerned about m ake the Fair Employment Prar- federal anti-lynchiog laws and of s~lp t~at _Is ml.lltant and that everything that may help or hlu· tlce Committee permanent. Tt Wagner-Murray-Dingall social se-1 will mamtatn a hlgh moral stand- der his followers In their living was suggested that the NAACP curlty bill. Enactment of fed-~ ard. a Christian life. People haYe work with other liberal organ!- eral legislation banning all types The time also is ripe for the faith in ministers and In Churches zatlons, such as liberal labor of segregation and discrlmisatlori training of our youth for vocal because they have been so taught unions, for full employment In against Negroes and other minor~ as well as active participation In and because of the great power post-war America. It was rec- ty groups. u was suggested tbat the great world of tomorrow. The they wield. I hope tbe Church ognized that the struggle Of the I the legal staff of the NAACP disgraceful riots in Chicago, De- leadership will wake up and Negro es Is .bound up with the draft a suitable bill for eactment troit, and now in Philadelphia, practice what It preaches. A struggle of all workers for full by state legislatures. This latter forces us to consider the need 1 true and tried leader is filled employment. . Increased facilities is something we of the state of for a closer knit organization with the spirit of the mlnLstry for the training of workers, In- Washington must get before our among Negroes so that he may and will use hlms!'\f unselfishly eluding Negroes , was urged. A legislature. our regional office more effectively defend his rights in the service of his people. And program of upgrading and ad~ is preparisg to do this. in the economic and political such a leader neYer sntfers for justing of Negroe~ In industry, Other resolutions referred to I world. _If the Negro fails now, lack of advanta ges for himselr. and of education in labor rela- the need for training of youth , under these conditions. he h'.>s Now let us get together during tions was advocated. Outlawing · for peace based on equality of little to look forward to in the this politica l campaign ror tbe or labor unions that refuse mem- races and on NAACP organiza- post-war world. selection Of our community man- bersbip was advocated and would tlon. Regarding the latter it was At a time like this we ought to be possible by state legislation the unanimous opinion tha t h elp be able to look for some of this agers, our state manager-s, and denying status by unions that should be given by the National leadership from our churches and our national managers. We noed discriminated on the basis of race. .office for the employment of paid from our ministers. The minis- managers who will administer for 5. AGRICULTURE-It was felt workers in the branches. This ter of today, If ] 1 e is to measure the good of the people that they that the NAACP needs to estab- will be worked out by the com- up to today's r equirements for might gain what has been pre- mlttee. true Christian leadership, should J)ared for and rightfully due HELP WANT,ED Chambermaids WantAld • be more devout' St ronger intel- them. Our greatest need today Is The most exciting meeting was the great mass meeting held In lectually and spirit ually, and be for a militant, co~rageous, true Washington Park on the closing actively Interested in every phase 'I and tried leadershiP. d I h f Or ll.fe that effects his parishion- Next week I shall speak aboll t Sun ay when, n t e presence o 26,000 J)eOJ)le, Dr. Charles R . er s . The Church used to play county and precinct organizations.