
PAGE TWO THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1941 DR. WILLIAM J. THOMPKINS EAGLE AUDITORIUM AUGUST 21 THE NORTHW'EST ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1920 Published Every Friday by Edward I. R()binson, Editor-Publisher Official Publication of the I.B.P.O.E. of W. in the Northwest Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porter.s Entered at the Postoffice, Seattle, Wn., as Second Class Matter Office: 306 12th Avenue South, Plhone CA. 9779, P. 0. Box 1873 Subscription Rates: By Mail in advfl.nce: One year, $2.00; months, $1.25; Three m(}nths, 75c Six Deadline for News: Tues. Noon; for Adv_ertiSing: Wed. Noon Advertising Rates Upoo Application S. T. McCants, Associate Editor and Advertising Manager HERE'S MORE ABOUT Dr. Thompkins (Contln\.100: rrom Page One) lion. Dr. Thompkins is a graduate of the Lincoln University of Mis– souri, the University of Colorado and the Howard University School of Medicine. He received his med- ical Degree from Howard Univers– ity and served his internship at Freedmen's Ho.spital in Washing- Letters To The Editor Mr. E. I. Robinson, Editor The Northwest Enterprise Dear Mr. Hoblnson I want to thank you very much for your letter in regard to the confirmation of the Chief of Po– lice. I was very glad to read the , Churches More About Elks Convention I American Miss Maxine Pitter First A. M. E. Church, Rev. L. (Continued from Page one) By Harold Holifield I To Study In New York R. Hayes, Pastor. 9:30 a. m . Sun- held each year on the Monday Washington D. C., where his of- City councilman, James Scavat- Miss Maxine Inez Pitter, daugh- day school; II a. m., preaching; evening following the formal open- ficial headquarters are maintained, to, has gone on record as rapping ter of Mr. and Mm. Edward Pitter 6:30 p. m. ACE League; 7:30 p.m. 1 ing of the Grand Lodge. Each con- has grown with the years, having the practice of discrimination at of 1532 24th Avenue, will leave preaching. testant, receives $100 and the win- served longer than any other three public parks. He was acting may- Seattle Wednesday, August 13th The Sunday has completed pre- ner in the grand contest $150 for 1 grand exalted rulers, surviving all or of the city for a day during the for New York City where she will parations for the grand union pic- expenses. All contestants, how- opposition, organized or sporadic. recent bit of playfulness in the enter Lincoln Hospital, training nic at Woodland park, August 14. ever receive scholarships as their He is also grand patriarch of the city government. The management school for nurses, September 2nd. Th~ Rt. Rev. Bishop. John E. G. reward for victory in the regional ! daughters. of the new swimming pool at Lin- Miss Pitter graduated in Sociology dehvered the mornmg ser~on., contests. I He is generally regarded as a coln park had been practising dis- at the University of Washington in Many. ~ut of state and Washmg- In all the Elks have distributed, "masterly fraternal builder and crimination. Mr. Scavatto said for June, 1941 and received her B. A. ton VISitors attended the service. or obligated themselves to distri- leader," and has been called the them to s top such un-American degree. She gives much credit for St. Philip's Episcopal Church bute, close to $200,000 in the high- "greatest student of Negro psy- practices. It is not discouraging her success so far to the Com- 227-28 Avenue North er education of Negro boys and chology among more than 13,000,- to know that we have a friend in munity ·Scholarship in 1938. She is · H 1 .,.;rls. 000 or his compatriots in the ·Coun- the council. a member of Delta Sigma Theta Rev. Raymond David o mes, o• Pastor The Civil Liberties League, it is try. He is yet under 60 years, with Sorority and states that her am- ! Sunday, August 10 . 2 p. m.- declared, has 'awakened the broth- a gracious wife, who is a helpmate Cool Comfort In August bition is t o become a Social SeT- Vespers and sermon, "T-he Valley 1 ers of the deep South to a sense in the home and in the Order, and vice Nurse Supervisor. of the Shadow of Death." of their duty and the use of the one of the greatest of all Grand Summer again is visiting the Miss Pitter, always popular with ballot.' It has also sought to "de- Temple organizers. She is a pro- Evergreen Playground, bringing the younger set of the city will be Church of God in Christ fend the right with all the might" due' of the South, having first with it the welcome vacation days greatly missed and carries with 23rd East Madison the order can muster- moral, le- seen the light at Richmond, Va. and the many pleasures of the her the best wishes <>f the com- Rev. Van G~odlaw, Pastor gal, financial. Finely, as he is more familiarly warm weather season. munity for her success. Sunday school, 10 a. m.; Morn- An Economic Department, re- known, is the son of a Baptist min- In the home, summer presents ton. A committee headed by the Hon– orable Earl Millikan, Mayor of Se– attle, will welcome Dr. Thompkins to the city, and will be on the plat– form with him when he speaks at the Eagle Auditorium. Admission is free, but no seats wlil be re– served. J. A. (Jack) Johnson, President of the Progressive Col– ored Democratic Club of King County will preside. Hear Dr. Thompkins, he will interest you. ing worship, 11 a. m.; YPWW, 6 cently established, has made great ister, who was a Civil War veter- 1 its problems to those whose kit– p.m.; Evangelistic services, 8 p.m. ; strides under the able direction of an. He has run the gamut of Ne- chens are overheated by outmoded expression of your views. T 8 d f t h Weekly services - uesday, James A. (Billboard) Jackson, rep- 1 gro activities, usual an rare, rom cooking equipmen , and w ose While I did not feel that I could George Wright, Expert Accountant, Promoted HERE'S MORE ABOUT Satchel Paige vote for Captain Kirtley for Chief, I feel that he is going to be a great help to Chief Kimsey. I hope that the appointment of :Mr. Kim– sey meets with your approval. From everything I have heard about him, he is a very honest p. m .; Friday, 8 p. m.; Saturday, resentative of the Standard Oil Pullman porter, boniface, peddler, only source of 'hot water is coils Sun Shine Band, 2 p. m. Co. of New York, and former di- newsboy, editor, fraternal organ- in furnace or stove, 6r some man- Overseer Van Goodlow consoli- rector of small Negro business in izer and spellbinder. ually operated method which must dated all of the Churches of God the Federal Department of Com- He has the rare faculty of gath- be watched lest the tank get too in Christ in Seattle, Washington merce under Herbert Hoover. 1 ering around him outstanding men hot. into the Mother Church at 23rd. Dr. Carter Marshall of New Ha- of the race, who form a cabinet Happy are the families whose George A. Wright, 2814 E. Tho- mas, clerk accountant, bureau an– imal industry, department of ag– riculture, has recently been ap– pointed Auditor and Schedule clerk of the payrolls of the stations of e nited tates Bureau of An- E. Madison. ven is grand medical director while,. th_at ad.v_ises but does not dictate spotless electric ranges do the th U S State Mother McGlothen left our Dr. William J. Thompkins, veteran, his pohc 1 es. family cooking without overheat- fair-minded, efficient officer. National Evangelist Bertha Mitch- R d f D ds t W h' t J "" K 11 l'n AJa- ing the kitchen, and whose water- ima l Industry throughout the en- I 11 h th t 0 r ecor er o ee , a as mg on, ames ""'· e y, a power """ tire state of Washington. The bur- am sure we a ope a u ell m· charge, unt1·1 the return of heat'ng p bl 1 d b an is chairman of the Health Commi- bama, with headquarters in Bir- 1 ro ems are so ve Y dissensions along this line are over our a~~~·stant State Mother Frank- t t· 1 t . t t k eau has five meat inspection forces ""' sion. The department devotes its mingham, has been grand secre- au oma 1c e ec nc s orage an , and that our city will take a real a nd a large corps of inspectors all ie Goodlow. attention exclusively to protecting tary for years, and Judge Edward with constant t emperature control, step forward. th over the state working on the er- Appointments: Mo er Virgie Negro health through direct teach-' W. Henry of Philadelphia, the supplying them day and night Armstrong, President of Women's ing, surveys, nursing efficiency of grand treasurer, both having bee!l. with an abundant supply of hot disease in cattle. Very truly yours, I adication of tuberculosis and bangs Mrs. F. F. Powell Union Meetings; Mother Reese, the Purple ,Cross nursing units re-elected repeatedly by acclama- water, ready for cleansing show - Wright is a certified public ac- (Continued from Page One) We, the Citizens of East Mad- Vice pres; Mother Susie Burton, and distribution of enlightening I tion. ers, for family laundry, for quick countant and frequently has been ison will applaud the efforts of the pres of Home and Foreign Mission; literature. It claims that much has The aggress 1·ve d 1' rector of C 1'v!l morning shaving, and for the myr- "Old Satchel's" most recent ap- . highly complimented for his €ase . St L . h Northwest EnterpriSe and the Rev. Sister Della Morris, pres of volun- been accomplished in closing the Liberties is Hobson R. Reynolds iad cleaning tasks presented to the pearance was In . oulS, w ere I teer Mission Work ·, SlS'ter Bertha homem k b hild h f and facility in untangling some he pitched before 15,000 fans and F. W . Penick in placing a peace wide gap between Negro and J of Philadelphia. Brazil J. Bryant a er y c ren orne rom knotty bookkeeping problems. The officer here Mitchell, pres. Pastor's Travel Aid, white mortality and in making of Detroit is chairman of trustees. school and vacation guests. won. He derived his name from · . . I appointment was made through f t hi h re the Law infractwns on East :Mad1- Pres. Washington State Room, safer contacts in the homes and When the I. B. P . o. E . of W.'s The A ll-Electric w ay has solved his enormous ee , w c a M h' T d St t .., h the civil service commission. son have grown so common that emp IS, enp.. an a e ""van- elsewhere, especially in the South, Elk activities, the Grand Lodge t e yea r-'round problem for thous- largest in baseball. But his pres- violators have become calloused I gelist. where three-fourths of the mem- 1 employed the best obtainable legal ands of Seattle .families who give tige comes from his smoking fast- c h ' 'th "' 't th . h h Missourians VI'si't and look upon their violations as orne wors 1P Wl us. ""very- bers live. talent to function with its own 1 elr w ole- earted endorse- ball, which has won him the tag, 1 t If Th "The Black Walter Johnson." inalienable rights. one we come. The athletic department, direct-\ grand legal adviser, Perry w. ;len . you have ot tried the All- e Northwest Ignoring the presence of a peace I W V O . ed by Commissioner Cumberland Howard of Mississippi, and event- ectric way, by all means talk When "Old Satch" steps on the t 'th f officer they stage their daily doz- ar e S rgan1ze Posey of Homestead, Pa., is devot- ually it had all restrictions killed. WI some friend who has. You'll Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Davenport m ound a nd a cheer goes up rom want it too. the crowd, don't forget the peer en as usual. . . Auxi'li'ary Camp ed to encouragement of Negro a_th- Final action wasta_ken only four passed through Seattle enroute to of all sports, Royal Brougham. Somebody wen o Ja · letes. Every year it holds a f1eld y~ars ago, o owmg. . comp e e the East from California during t t il I f 11 1 t E. R. Hoffman, Superintendent Give him a cheer also, because The citizens of this district ask- John R. Tanner Camp No. 7, day in which the participants are Withdrawal of all oppOSltlon by the the week. These visitors were l:!P- sponsors t his game to aid the ed for a policeman. They got one. Spanich American War Veterans outstanding 'll.thletes, and am- ' B. P. 0 . E. Grand Lodge at Den- ient grand secretary, Buena V. shown the city through the cotiT,_ u. s. 0 . drive. No 410 B for us. institute Auxiliary No. 5, last ateurs, who are Louises and Drews ver. Thereupon the Tennessee Kelley. tesy of Mr. G. c. Brown and Mr. A Subscriber Thumday, July 31 . Its organiza- in embryo. brethern joined with the World very existence was threatened a Jack Johnson. R 1 ace Soldiers In Mortal Combat FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.- Wed- nesday, August 6 - Two soldiers were killed and six others wound– €d, one seriously, in an outburst of pistol fire .inside a private bus carrying twenty-five to thirty Ne– gro soldiers from Fayettevil·le to nearby Fort Bragg early today. The dead: Sergt. Edwin L. Har-~ graves, 20 years old, of Corsicana, Tex., a military policeman, and Pvt. Ned Turman, 27, of Ashton, S. C., Negro member of the 76th Coast Artillery. Tune In August 12 The Radio Broadcast which was scheduled over the N . B. C. Blue Network, Tuesday, August 5th, has been changed to Tuesday, August 12th, from 10 :00 to 10 :45 p. m., E. D. S. T. The broadcast is designed , to develop the role of the Negro in the Army. Officials of the War Department, colored soldiers and nationally known Negro artists will participate. Outstanding Negro singers, act- Martha J. Davis, Mgr. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all who made my birthday Party on July 21 such a happy surprise to me. I wish to thank Mr. Si Groves t ion was directed by Mrs. A. L. Junior Elks Active Elks in having all bans removed, few yea rs ago by a movement or- Mr. Davenport is a teacher in Butler, the floor work by Thanga- Herds of Junior Elks, now in and the Negro lodges, temples and iginating among the B .P.O.E. of the Sumner H igh School of St. son and Folulson auxiliary, and their tenth year have multiplied other units sprang into extraordin- New Yor k , which spread into Louis, Missouri and has done grad– the installation of the following I rapidly. They are "trained in the ary activity. The fight there was Tennessee where a perpetual in- ua t e wor k at the University of officers by Past President Mrs. fraternal principles of charity, led by the political nestor, Robert junction wa s placed against Negro California. Mamie Resch: justice, brotherly love and fidel- R. Church of Memphis, who fi- Its grand daughter ruler is Mrs. He is so favorably impressed who did his part to make it a President, A. L. Butler; Vice- ity" and are regarded as most val- nanced the battle and has been Elizabeth Gorden of W a shing ton, with Sea ttle that next summer success. Also Mrs. Lulu Wil- president, Katie Cathey; junior uable " feeders" for the parent or- made a past grand exalted ruler. D. C., who succeeded the late la- may find him studying at the Uni- liams, who gave the very nice vice-president, Amanda M. Smith; ganizations, the lodges and tem-~ Daughter Elks Active mented Abbie M. Johnson of Phil- vers ity of Washington. These vi- birthday cake, Rev. John Secretary, Maggie Hughes; Treas- ples.. J. ~ercer Burrell of New Jer- Daughter Elks were organized adelphia a t St. Louis last year. sitors left our city t o visit friends Thrasher and Mrs. Art Smith urer, Sadie Gordon; Chaplain, Eva sey lS d!Tector. 39 years ago at Norfolk, Va., by Mrs. Elizabeth Kimbough, Brook- and relatives in Minneapolis and who were in charge of the cook- Williams; Conductor, Ida Wal-~ The grand exalted ruler, J. Fin-~ the late Mrs. Emma V. Kelley, lyn, is grand treasurer ; Mrs. Kate Chicago after which they will re– ing, Mrs. Jennie Vrooman and dron; Assistant conductor, Louise ley Wilson, of New York City and mother of the present most effie- H. Steele, of Chicago, grand re- turn to St. Louis. Mrs. Ann Scott who were in Duncan; Patriotic, Henrietta Dun-~ corder; Mrs. Minnie T . Wright, of charge of the dining room, The can; Historian, Frances Smith; H 0 T WATER ~::~on, grand d irectress of Educa- Silver Tea Service Mesdames Harrington, Mother Guard, Rufina Jenkins; Assistant i' Harris, Rev. F. W. Penick and Guard, Sarah Vrooman. There are more than 400 t em- Mrs. Jennie Vrooman, one of the officers and members of the Mt. pies and Junior Elk units with a faithful friends of the First Bap- Zion Baptist Church, and Mrs. ·-lust A you want It! membership of approximately 45,- tist Church, Kennydale, Wash., the w. A. Kesler who was in charge Used Ru~ & 000. Little Church By The Side of the of the program and all those ~ with the Some of the t emples are m ost R oad, will sponsor a Silver Tea, who gave their services. prosperous and many own their following the regular three o'clock C t Sh Automatl·c Storage Tank "homes" spacious, ornate and cost- '- ___ R_e_v._J_u_d_s_o_n_s_w_a_n_·c_y___ l arpe op ly. service, Sunday, August 17. teered their services for the show which is being prepared under the supervision of the Radio Section of the War Department. Dean Dixon, youthful conductor who recently appeared with the N. B: C. Sym– phony Orchestra will conduct a specially gathered orchestra on the Funeral Chapel 1103 Jackson Street Rugs aU kinds and sizes for every place In the home. VERY CHEAP We clean your Rugs for $1.50 - Cash and Carry We exchange and pay cash for yol!r used rugs. We guarantee all rug cleaning, repairing and dying MODERN as the WOMEN THAT VSE IT! Busy, modern housewivea know it's smart to bake with Crescent Baking Powder. Ita double action makes possible the mixing of batter and dough ahead of time to be kept in refrigerator or cooler until convenient to bake. Rev. Judson Swaney urges the Now is the time to install it. Never was it SO I Those which have bar connect- public to join the ser vice at three ed with their cefeterias and dis- easy to own and SO cheap to operate an o'clock and partake of the Silver I pense intoxicating licquors debar Tea w hich follows. All are wei- electric storage tank. women from being served a t bars, come at the Little Church By The the Grand Lodg e having f rowned Side Of The Road. Let us show you };tow economical it is now to have completely automatic hot water electrically at just the right temperature. CITY LIGHT BLDG. ELiot 7600 Phone East 1811 Gus West, Prop. All Kinds of Coal and Wood upon the practice at Cleveland four years ago. The rule also gov– erns the home of all Elk lodges and other units. If your paper fails to reach you, you probably have failed to renew your subscription. Madison D:rug Co. 22nd and Eas± Madison S±. Drugs, Prescriptions, Cosmetics, Toilet Articles Fountain, Soft Drinks, Candies Nol'lhwesl Enlel'pl'ise fol' Sale Phone EAs± 9623 Gus' Southern Kitchen Fine Food - Sandwiches And Camping 15 Miles South of Seattle 17 Miles North of Tacoma NEW TACOMA IDGHWAY Phone Des Moines 3524 "In Your Hour ot Borrow" :Ihis time saver works like a charm! Order a tin today! Night and Day Fuel and Express The Angelus Inc. Funeral Directors - Embalmers Lady Attendant 319-12th Ave. Phone: Pr. 0338 CRESCENT BAKING POWDER Try Our Special Ji'urnace Mix PR9MPT SERVICE AND SATISFACTION 1236 Jackson St. 1412 23rd Ave. Phone East 565S Blackwell Fuel Quick Delivery Ice Coal Sack Or Carload Wood - --- ----r