
PAGE FOUR Social Notes By D. 1\1. J. Mr. and Mrs. E ddie Leon, Ogden, Hallums Host To Utah, are hou.se guests of Mr. and THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE SO HELP ME by Joe Staton Patrolman Norris drove to his beat Spend Your Dollars With Friendly Merchants GENEVA B. MILLER About 8 o'clock at night ! Pauline's Beauty Shop 1 k N Publi Parked his car on Madison Street Bro er - otary C Open evenings by Appointment H 9 to 12 d And had to stop a fight. ours: a. m. an Specializing in all lines of 2 t 6 Tw h t d k bo · B t w k 0 P· m. o s or ar ys were swmg- eau Y or 192 1 E. Madison ing fists 2221 E. Madison PRos. 2811 FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1941 When Arriving at Colman Dock A.sk For RALPH'S BLUEBIRD CAB Streamline Service Deluxe Mrs. J. Wesley Robinson, 156 21st Californians Ave. North. The couple will spend the weekend and will be pleased The Hallums, Clyde and Willard, to meet friends and acquaintances. h b t·f 1 .d B Res. Phone, Pr.os. 7502 I Pr 7050 Evenings 2838 They'd duck and swing and hop. 'liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiii.aiiiasiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiii~ 1 ~---...;;..---------------------~ Poor Carl Norris had a fit .. ~ Trying to make 'em stop. ~ l Finally Carl gets mad and hollers, ~ RELIABLE TAILORS NEW HAIR PERMANENT "Stop or I'll get sore." ~ STAY STRAITE One boy said, "He stole my dol- ~ AND CLOTHING ~~ Virginia Hair Dressing, Su~erior Pressing Oil, Brilliantine w o se eau 1 u rest ence on ea- The Mutual Hour Pinochle Club H.ll h b th f was entertained Saturda at the con 1 as een e. mecca or a M E r Wh·t great number of SOCial activities, home of Mr. and rs. · · 1 e,/ was the scene of a very jolly cock- 2404 E. Thomas. Members present t il t b f th . a par y e ore e1r guests Iars ~ , J. L. A. Hair Growing Aid, money back guarantee Eighteen bucks or more." i ~ 2001 First Ave., corner Virginia l J. L.A. Co., mfg. distrib. 976 Carrol Ave., St. Paul, Minn. were: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Proctor, . d t th 1 Elk . Mr. and Mrs. B. Wade, Miss Mary J~urneye 0 e annua s PIC- Wade and Mr. G.· C. Brown. Guest me Monday evening, August 4. The guests week-ending with the present was Mr. N. Jordan. Mem– bers and guests were happy to see Miss Mary Wade who had been recently confined to her home with a cold. Hallums are Mrs. Rosebell Mit– chell and her charming daughter, Evelyn Tenette, of Berkeley, Cal., Mrs. Irene Eskridge of Berkeley, Mrs. Reba Reid of Berkeley, and Mr. Harvey Payne of San Fran– cisco, who is visiting his father. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas of Los Angeles, So Carl searchel one and then the 1 ~ New and used suits and top coats at Big Saving. l other ~ Near one he found a ten. I~ We buy, sell and exchange anything of value The t~:~~~~ said, "I told you, bro- 1 ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!~ 11 STOCJ(ARD'S BARBER SHOP - . - . __i .._ -! .,· ' ' .. ! • ~¥ ~ ~ -- c - - 1\lr. Sam Henry Young, 209, 17th Ave, chef cook on the steamship, Northland, died Thursday morning. Funeral arrangements have not been completed. j Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Smith, Mrs. k V• . I Claude Norris, Mrs. Gu.ssie Berry, Stor Pays a lSlt Mr. and Mrs. Edward Payne, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Purnell, Miss Ka- Mrs. Mary Tanner gave birth to tie Adams, Miss Mary A. Purnell, a six-pound and 4-oz. baby girl on Mr. Wm. Smith. After a very de– Sunday, July 27, at Providence lightful luncheon the guests mot- hospital. ored out to Renton Junction Park. Donnetta Marie is the second Mrs. Gussie Berry of 4108 37th girl born to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ave. South was a very charming Tanner. Mother and daughter are hostess to a delicious and elobar– doing fine and are now resting at ate dinner served Tuesday even– home. ing, complimenting the many Six Crowns Notes: Miss Jean friends from California. They Toten was the hostess to the Six were: Mrs. Rosebell Mitchell and Cr·owns Wednesday eve for the daughter Evelyn Tenette, Mrs. Re– first time since she has been a ba Reid, Mrs. Irene Eskridge, Mr. member. Next meeting will be at Harvey Payne, Mr. and Mrs. Ed– the home of Miss Twaites. ward Payne, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Miss Bernice Wilson, formerly Purnell, and Mr. and Mrs. Willard of Seattle, is now clerking in the Hallum. Eastern Outfitting Company in During the evening the party Los Angeles, California. She sends was favored with the presence of best wishes to all her friends in Staff Sergeant Chas. Norris of the Seattle. 2nd Bal. 47 -Q. M. Regiment, Fort Slab Town Convention If Joe Staton can't make you laugh, neither can the king's jest– er. This Slab Town Convention at Mt. Zion Baptist church, 19th and East Madison is a rip roaring com– edy from beginning to end. Every character is a laugh to begin with and you continue throughout the Lewis. Cards were indulged in for the evening. The outstanding guest of the evening was Miss Mildred Robin– son, a very charming young lady from Cleveland, Ohio. Anderson Adopts State Regulation And started to swing again. I Carl took 'em out and called the law. To take 'em to the can, And when I left, the last I saw Was one tired po-leece-man. • • • Folks we really should trade where our trade is appreciated and Si ·Grove's store-a Negro store is the place. Mr. Grove has all the goods you need and his employees are Negroes. 1 . "'' . A boy came in a drug store where Caludine Norris works, and 1 told her he didn't recognize her with her new hair-do, and how be– coming it was. Well, she was making a milk-shake for me and when I got it I had to use a knife to cut my way through. A well educated girl like you– going to school and so on should let married men alone. It costs money to get your education and you should forget all-but educa– tion. • • • Safety Hint - Be Careful His car didn't stop Upon a peg So now he sports A wooden leg. -Han Joseph- Lewis Ford Drill Team Awarded Gold Cup Lewis Ford Drill Team was awarded a gold cup by Potlatch Committee at Civic Auditorium. entire show. A. D. Anderson loans announce This makes the second award to Slab Town Convention is under that they are now operating under be re_ceived by the girls during the the direction of the Tea Rose State Regulation in accordance season. A second prize was award– Group led by Mrs. Millie .B~adle~, with the Small Loan Act, enacted I ed the team at the V. F. W. De– the chairman. The admiSSIOn 1s 1 by the 19 u legislature. partment Encampment at Belling- 25 cents. Although this firm has always ham dunng the month of June. . I heretofore quoted 1 o an rates This was the first time the team Furmshed room for rent. among the lowest prevailing in the appeared on the field in compet- Gentlemen preferred field, they feel that they can now ition with other units. 229-24th No. Cap. 4704' serve in greater measure and at James G. Grimes, director of the Private Loans $25 to $500 20 MONTHS TO REPAY to clean up all those annoying past-due bills and to finance your spring needs. No Publicity- No Delay Strictly Confidential A. D. Anderson Licensed Lenders. Estab. 1910 201 McDowall Bldg. 1331 3rd Opposite Post Office Dl'. N. G. YOW Registered Chinese M. D. in Seattle All diseases of men and won;~en SUCESSFULLY TREATED. Specializes in stomach, catarrh, rheumatism, blood poison, ee– zema, pyorrhea and ~II kinds of chronic diseases and female trouble. Special attention given to men and women who suffer from any ailment of a. CON– TRACTED NATURE. Using Chinese Roots and Herbs in treating all diseases. CONSULTATION FREE Dr. N. G. YOW Chinese Remedy Company 203-204 Pioneer Building 606 First Ave. ELiot 2453 Seattle, Wash. still lower rates ·and more conven– ient terms than at any time in the past. Should clients now, or at any other time, find it convenient to Drill Team announced this week that applications will be received II for seven girls to be added to the team and for reserve purposes. To qualify applicants must be be– avail themselves of this new im- tween the ages of 13 and 17 years. proved financial service, feel free Height, 5 to 5lh feet. Weight, 105 to call on them. You will receive to 120 pounds. the same courteous, confidential treatment as has been their policy Girls wishing to join the team must have written consent of par- to extend for the past thirty years ents and contact J. G. Grimes, di– in Seattle. rector, at VFW Hall, 104lh 23rd On and after July 1st, this office I North, Saturdays between the will be located at room 200, 1331 hours of two and four p. m. Third Ave Bldg. (McDowall Bldg.) where they will be glad to welcome SAN DIEGO, Cal-Ernest Seko, old and new customers in larger, Toole (Utah) high school Nisei, more convenient quarters. won the P a c if i c Coast typing Buy Defense Bonds championship in the novice divi– sion by pounding out an average , of 71.2 words per minute. WHEN IT'S POOL OR Bll..LIARDS CIGARS OR CIGARET.I'ES Say New C. C. Billial'd Pai'IOI'S NEW MANAGEMENT NEW EQUIPMENT AND DECORATIONS 415 Maynard Avenue DAVE LEE, PROPRIETOR PHONE SE. 9419 --------------------------------------------------~·r-----------------------~ • EAst 9882 FUJI'S CAFE J. I. CHIKATA Pharmacist THE HOUSE OF CONTENT WEEREFRffiNDSMEETFR~S Draueht and Bottle Beer ~, · Sandwiches- Cigars- Cigarettes Wines - Bottle Beer-All brands to take out "A Nice Resort te Which You Can Bring Your Friends" BOOTHS FOR LADIES 1312 Yesler Way CApitol 9824 CHIKATA DRUG CO. Prescriptions 1203 Jackson St. Seattle No. 109 I B. P 0 E W. Puget Sound Lodge Ellcs Meets at -Masonic Hall, 21st and East Jefferson Sts., First and Third Mondays each Month. E. B. Chainey, Exalted Ruler, Tel. RAnier 3092. 9683-55th So. W. E. Vrooman, Secretary, Tel. EAst 5364. 1474-21st. SJ PINE ST. Near 1st Ave. 6,000 Young Pullets Are Laying Eggs For This Store Eggs, Small, Grade A-in sealed carton__···-··-·······doz. 23c Bacon, Swift's Premium, one-half lb. Cello Pkg...._ .........18c Butter, Fresh churned_·--·-···-··-·-·····-······-···-··-··-·-·-··-······Jb. 35c SPUDS, New Yakima, 10-lb. bag.·-······-·--·-·····················lOc Coffee, "Fame", fresh each morning, lb.. ·····-···· .... ..20c Salad Dressing, qt·----····-·-·--······-····-····-·········-···--···:-···-·-·····19c Marshmallows, 12-oz cello. ....:..·--···--·····-··········-·----·-····- 10c Crackers, fresh, 2-lb. pkg. ·-··-················-······--·-·-·-··-········· 15c l\landarin Oranges ··-··-····-······-··-·-···-··-·······-·-······-·--·-··8 oz. 5c Deviled Meat, No. ~'s, ·······-····-·-·············--·-····-·-·····3 for lOc Vinegar, pure cider, fine for pickling or table,________ gal. 10c Sal Soda. ·············-······-··-···-··-·--·-·········-·· -·····-······ 2-lb. pkg., 6c Old Dutch Cleanser ···········-····-···--···········-·--················-····-···7c We Buy and Sell Anything of Value Progressive Clothing Exchange TAILORING AND ALTERATIONS Cleaning and pressing of all kinds; Finest Used Suits for Sale F. D. Wright 212Yz 1st Ave. So. Seattle, Wash. DICK'S 3 Barbers No Wailing 413 MAYNARD HOTEL AT AS New Building and Strictly Modern Steam Heat, Hot & Cold Water, Private & Free Baths, Telephone Rooms 50c up Rooms with Baths $1.00 up (\20 Maynard Ave. Special Rate Weekly ELiot 6152 TOKY c LUNCnEONS,STEAKS,CHOPS Draught and Bottled Beer Wine Sake YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED 655 Jackson Street SEneca 9342 ~ ' ... • ,~·. ;·.··· ;.. ;...... ~ "r·~ .• ·:..._•. •. :, SOUTH PARK POULTRY CO. 1528 Pike Place Special Spring Fryers 3 for $1.00 Colored Roasting Chickens········30c lb. Colored Fryei'S··············································30c lb. Young Hens-·-·················································18c lb. Cui Up Chickens············25c lb; 21bs. 45c SATISFACTION GUARANTEED MURRAY'S PRESSING CAPS, 60c. HANDSOME, BLACK BEAUTY, AIDA JLA Hair Growing Children's Hair Cuts 25c Any Day Except Saturdays Carl Stockard, Prop. 2032 East Madison Parcels Checked Phone EA. 9994 HONEYSUCKLE RECREATION Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobacco, Candy, Soft Drinks, Mixers Poch:et Billiards, Chinese Checkers, Polmno, Dominos. Shoes Renewed 2032 •• E. Madison Sll'eel Seallle, Washington Wm. "Billy" Washington M. C. Honeysuckle 1\lgr. We Deliver Prop. COAL ORDER NOW Stoker ·······--········-··-···-····--·-·--·····-····----·--·-····-····-····- $6.50 McKay Stoker -··-·-·-············-·-·-·····-·-··············-········ !!;7.30 Mixed Furnace ····-·-·······-·-·················----··-············· $6.85 Lump ··-··-·-····-··-········-·······-······-··-·-···············-··········· $8.10 These Prices on 2 or more Tons. Special Prices on Wood. IDS. JOHNSON 2200 East Madison St. Phone Ca. 9953 Mrs. Elbe Smith, Prop. Phone SEneca 938~ COAST BOTBL AND TAVERN Seattle's Only Colored Hotel Modern, Steam Heat, Reasonable Rates 901 King Street Seattle, Wash. General Surgery Gynecology Obstetrics Nervous Diseases Genital-Rectal Diseases X-Ray Laboratories I Office El. 5431, 6152 Res. PR. 8626 DR~J MESM. UNOSAWA 420 Maynard Ave. Dr. F. B. Cooper DENTIST Office: El. 3547; Res. Ea. 3388 Hours: 8:30 to 1 and 2 to 6 Suite 362-3 Empire Building Second and Madison Special appointment made for Evenings and Sundays ~------------------~ Dr. Wm. H. Calhoun Physician and Surgeon 4,25-26 Railway Exchange Bldg. Office Hours: 11-1 and 2-6 p.m. Office Phone: ELiot 1045 Res. Phone: EAst 9373 Douglass Apartments Where it is Convenient and Homelike Newly Renovated-Steam Heat Hot Water-Telephone Laundry Room RENTS REDUCED Furnished and Unfurnished Apartments Rennts $10 and Up Dr. F. B. Cooper, Mgr. 1145 Uth Ave. N.- EAst 9617 Atlas Hotel il GOSHO DRUG co. I i SEneca 9283 523 Jackson St. I 'ADELPHI ! APARTMENTS A Palatial Home for Particular People ULTRA MOD"ERN IN EVERY RESPECT Overlooking– Lake Washington Apartments· Very Reasonable 230-32 23rd Ave. No.-CA. 1791 J. A. "Jack" Johnson, Mgr. Newly Renovated Hill Top Tavern IS TANTALIZING Now Serving Direct Draft Brewery Fresh Beer No Coils, No Beer Hose Washington and California Wines Bottle Beer To Take Heme 1200 Jackson St. at 12th Ave.