Northwest Clarion_1960-06-02

Page four NORlliWEST CLARION Thursday, June 2, 1960 Mount calvary Church of God tn Christ, 98e3 S. E. Ash. Rev. H. B. Daniels, Minister. SOCIETY NEWS Knott Street News Church of God, 3700 N. Borth– wick, AT 1-7350. Rev. Walter Grl– selle. * dainty refreshments being served by ladies of the Hughes Me– morial Church and their friends. A large group stopped for tea and to enjoy the program. A nice profit was made for tehchurch. bur Taylor in the 132 pound class. Wilbur is the Oregon State cham– pion in his division and hopes to make the Olympic team. Attend Church Sunday (Zion Hill) Church of God in Christ 2816 N. Vancouver Ave. Saturday's TV action saw Knott's trio of Sam Johnson, Tony Jacobs and Billy Cohn winners. With only three boys on the eve– ning's card, it represented a clean sweep. ST. PAUl. CHURCH 0-F GOD IN CHRIST REV. J. C. FOSTER, Pastor sunday School ••••• , • • • • • • 9:30 o.m. SUnday Senlces ••••••••••• 11:00 o.m. YPWW EYenlng Service • • • • 6:30 P.M. Tuesday and Friday Service. • 1:00 p.-. 2159 H. E. RODNEY AVr!.. AT 4-9107 AN INVITATION is extended to visit the clty·wlde charitable neighbors full Gospel. PENTECOSTAL MIS· SIONARY HOUSE OF PRAYER, 81 N.E. Rus– sel. Hours: 10 A.M. to 12, Mondays. All are welcome. Evangelist L. B. Whitfield, general supervisor. MT. SINAl CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 936 N.E. Beech St. ELDER W. G. HARDY, Pastor AT 2-5511 IMMACULATE HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH Church: N. Williams Ave. and Stanton St., Rectory telephone: AT 7-3724; Rectory: 2926 N. Williams Ave., School telephone AT 7-2332; Father Mell Stead. Sunday Masses: 6, 8, 9:15, 10:30 and 12 noon. Week/day Masses: 7:15 a.m. except Wednesday (8:15' a.m.). Confessions: Be– fore 8, 9:15, 10:30 and 12 noon masses on Sunday; Saturday, 4 to 5 and 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.; each morning for a brief pe– riod before Mass. ALLEN TEMPLE C.M.E. 1911 N. E. 9th Ave. at Hancock Pastor W. L. Smith. Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church. 603 N. Fargo Street. Rev. Cannon, Minister. Bishop W. L. McKinney, Pastor Rev. Eugene Boyd Jr., Pastor BE MY GUEST Sunday School ........ 10:00 a.m. Sunday Morning . · · · · .11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening ........ 6:30 p.m. at the St. John Baptist Church Russell and Kerby - M.B. Church Building. CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD (C.W.F.F.) Gee! News from Tacoma,. Wash. We are marching on. The thank God. We were honored to have with us our District President El– der Clayton McCoy from Bakers– field, Calif. He brought to us good news. Also we were blessed to have with us our first lady Mrs. Isabella Gresby from Los Angeles, Calif., who now is Mrs. Mannen Bell. We thank God for her. We are looking forward to do greater work for the true liv– ing God. We were honored to have a wonderful message brought to us on Women Day by Elder Major M. Whitten. We thank God for the Saints from Seattle. The Win– ters family worshiped with us on 5th Sunday. Elder Mannen Bell, Pastor Missionary .:J .L Sanders, Reporter By ANN l\IORRISON Mrs. Minnie Payne is on the sick list at home. A note will Mr. and Mrs. V. Cash of Yaki- cheer her up. ma, Wash., spent the Memorial week end holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Rutherford and chil– dren. Mrs. Rutherford is Mrs. Cash's daughter. Now that General Conference of the A.M.E. Church is over, Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, Mrs. Bass and Mrs. Minnie· Bill Johnson are back home. They all reported having a grand time and brought back a California suntan, only sorry they wouldn't bring some of the California sun. And we sure need some sun around here. Congratulations are being ex– tended to our graduates from both grade schools and high schools. Among the high school group are •Miss Camilla Kinnard frm Jefferson High; Mr. John Canthow, Grant High, and Mr. Lloyd Pastor from Benson High. CLUB NOTES Mrs. Helen Heard was hostess Thursday evening, June 2, in her home, 3717 N.E. 7th Ave., to the O.M.E. Club. BY DAVE PETERS 1200 Enter Junior Olympics As We Remembered ROBERT D. SEEGAR After being indoors for three The Bethelite Club of Bethel weeks, Mr. Vernon Gaskin is a,ble A.M.E. Church met Tuesday, to be up and out again. May 24, at the home of Mrs. Alyce Eliot captured the Junior Olym– pics title for the third straight year. Eliot's relay team consist– ing of Marcus Pollard, Francis Livingston, Billy and Bobby Fra– zier, broke the city and state rec– ords in this event with a time of 26.9. The city record was 27.2 and the state record 27.6. Larry Eoff of Columbia Christian, a 15- year-old student, ran the 100 yd. dash in 10.3 seconds. Terry Raw– lins broke the city and state rec– ords in the standing broad jump with a mighty 8' 2:14" effort to better the old marks by 6 inches. Olivia Brown, Jackie Bilbrew, Ro– sie Granville and Evelyn Weekly won 1st place in the 14 and 15- year-old girls' 220 relay event. They will rep res en t Holladay Grade School in this event this week at the state meet. To keep alive the good that the deceased have done is the mark of a fair and just people. For people who have not lived a model life or fallen below the standards set by others is not for you or I to judge. Our Lord did not pick per· feet men to represent him; but made them clean after they took up his cross. "I was hungry and you gave me food to eat and an– other was without shelter and was given a room to sleep." Mr. and Mrs. H. L . Creal, 3132 S.W. 2nd, are enjoying a surprise visit of their nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Creal from Kansas City, Kan., this week. Mr. E. Shelton Hill, executive secretary of our local Uvban League was called to Paris, Tex.,. becaus~' of the death of his brother. We were all surprised last Sat– urday, May 28, by having Miss Mahalia :Jackson stop over for a short visit with Rev. and Mrs. H. Akers, pastor of Bethel A.M.E. Church. Miss Jackson was enroute to Spokane, Wash., to fulfill a singing engagement. Miss :Jack– son is a visiting Gospel singer of a high rating. Sunday afternoon the home of Mrs. M. Specia was the scene of a silver tea for the Hughes Me– morial Methodist Church, spon– sored by their ushet• board. The tea table was very charming with a center piece of spring flowers enhanced by candlelight, with 88 Years Young and Still Going Strong Robinson, 27 N.E. Cook St. The house was beautifully decorated with cut flowers. We had a large attendance and after being gra– ciously served a two-course din– ner 'by the hostess and co-ho,stess, Mrs. Alyce Robinson and Mrs. Clarissa Randolph the president, called the house to order for the business meeting. Several projects were planned during the conference, so watch this column for further details. News From the Center 555-51 N. Russell Street By-Marian L. Hawthorne The Good News Clubs spon– sored by the Western Baptist Home Mission Board of the Gen– eral Baptist Convention of the Northwest, throughout Metropoli– tan Portland has come to a suc– cessful close for this scholastic Elks Lose Horns To Archer Blower 12 to 2 . In Friday night's first round semi-pro action the Elks were downed 12 to 2. Elks highlighted the sixth inning with Emmett Warren driving home Teddy Da– vis with one of the Elks' two runs. Warren later scored on Jack Pooschkee's single to end the Elk rally. This was one of those nights when nothing seemed to work right and the manager left the bench trying to right the ill fortunes befalling his ball club. Robert D. had a little son and he tried to shelter the little one from the vices that had befallen him. This is as we remembered– Robert D. Seegar. This proves that no matter how another looks to us, let us not try to judge them. Etoile H. Cox and Dave Peters Multnomah College High School Program To Begin June 13 Multnomah College's summer evening high school program will begin June 13, according to Stew· art F. McCollom, director of the summer session. Course offerings will include the required high school history, Eng– lish and mathematics subjects, in addition to electives in public speaking, secretarial science, me– chanical drawing and machine and Thursday evening the weight- automotive shops. Review and accelerated classes lifting, judo and boxing teams year. from Knott entertained the ath- will be offered in the areas of On Friday, :June lOth the month- 1 t' f W h' t H'gh at mathematics, reading and writing. e 1cs rom as mg on 1 . . I B d t . g r'll be held at A.. special day time cmrse m Y oar mee m \U their annual awards banquet at - . . the Center at 7:30 p.m. On Sun- Jack and Jills. Guest speakers 1 English- for the fore1gn-bo~n Wlll J 12th t 3 ·n also be offered. Study Will em- day, une , a p.m. we WI for the evening included AI Neg- b 1 'ti n b.e holding a Special Service dedi- tt' U . . t f Portland phasize voca u ary, compost o ra t, n 1 v e r s 1 y o . d reading and oral practice eating the property at North Rus- coach, and Ray Smith, City Aud1- an. . . t ' d rs and rec 11 St t d Kerby Avenue We . ubhzmg ape recor e - se ree an · tor and Prestde.nt .of the OreRgon OI'ds. Walter E . ·wood, registrar, friends, to attend these services. A A u E t B d ay . .. . xecu tve o a r . orts that students from several will be looking for all of you, our Sm1th related the story of how he rep h 1 d . tered New Hope Baptist Church, 5338 Re A A N New Club Organizing N. Borthwick St. v. . • ew- Did you ever see a person so full of vitality that they qidn't know what to do with himself? Well, I did! Monday, June 13th, through had acquired the trophy of one countries ave a rea Y regts Friday, :June 24th, we will con- silver tooth in the Washington for the class. duct Daily Vacation 'Bible School gym while playing for Jefferson r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, at the Center. The hours are 6:00 against the Colonials. Ray Smith to 8:30 p .m. There will be classes came to the rescue when other for all ages; n u r s e r y through guest speakers had to decline at adult. The theme is "The Teach- the last minute, leaving the ban– ing of Jesus." Come with us, we I quet and Washington Dad's Club will do thee good! high and dry. The boys from ton, pastor. Church of the Living God, 2402 N. Albina. Elder Walter Justice, pastor. The Smart Set Social Club was Little Mrs. Ida Thompson spent SPECIAL THURSDAY Through SATURDAY Morning Star Missionary Bap– tist Church. Ivy at Rodney. Rev. Sylvester McCullum, :M.lnlster. organized by Mrs. McGee April two weeks in the hospital, came 12, 1960, to aid through the hom one night, only to give a N.A.A.C.P. in the field of edu- REGAL luncheon the next day at cation and find a method for rec- noon. Then two days later she reation that will not turn our motored to some point in neigh– sons and daughters_ into juvenile boring Washington. Two days !a– delinquents. ter still she motored to a town in The club will giv~ their intro- inland Washington. And as if this duction dance July 4, 8 to 12 p.m., weren't enough, three days later in the Grand Ballroom, Multnomah ~ she left, by car, for Kansas City, Knott and your writer wish to publicly thank Ray Smith for Urban League of Portland helping us out. Only HILLS BROS. COFFEE 59 lb llbs. $1.17 Ho'Uo!le of Prayer tor All N'a· t10DS, 2205 S.E. lOUl Ave. BtsilOJ) Robert L. Searcle, Pastor. Hotel, music by Geo. Lawson's Missouri. E. Shelton Hill, executive direc– tor, Urban League of Portland, left Friday morning for Paris, Tex., to attend funeral services for his brother, Julius, who was fatally injured in a highway acci– dent in Oklahoma Thursday. Julius, who had visited in Port– ~and, is also survived by his widow, Geneva, and another Bethel A..M.E. Church, 6828 N.E. 8th Ave. Rev. Harley Akers, pas– tor. Office phone, AT 2-1445; pub– lic phone, AT 4-9322. band. Donation one dollar. All Would you believe it, that at social clubs of Portland are asked this w r 1 tin g, she has written to attend. President of clubs will friends reporting that she is hav– give words of welcome. Proceeds ing the best time ever in her en– will go to the N.A.A.C.P. Savings tire eighty-eight years of life? and Loan Assn. for education Did I say LITTLE Mrs. Thomp- only. son ? Well, I rwonder! H ugh e s Memorial Methodist Church, 2902 N. E. Rodney Ave. Rev. Cortlandt Cambric, Minister. First A.M.E. Zion Church, 2007 N. Williams Ave., AT 7-4774. Members of this fine group are as follows : Lena McGee, founder and advisor; AI Peterson, president; Evelyn Bouden, secretary; Rosie Moore, assistant secretary; Ray Warren, treasurer; Matha Boad– ous, financial secetary, and Doro– thy Wilson, reporter. INSTANT SERVII:E -1< Courtesy -1< Reliability COMPLETE AND EQUIPPED JOE Q. BANKS tlcense<l Apprenl/ce A. A. COX, SR. Mortician and Fu11erol Oiracfor KEN D. FIELDS Assistant Manager FOR BOTH SHIPPING and RECEIVING [ox Funeral [hapel 2826 N. Williams Ave. AT 7-2565 brother, Murray. ~~~====~============~ ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE AUTO - FIRE - MARINE - LIFE FUNERAL PLAN Honesty and Fair Dealing Our Specialty HALL- KEELER- MURPHY & ASSOCIATES INSURANCE CONSULTANTS 2408 N.E. Sandy BE 4-7471 SALESMEN WANTED!! MEN and WOMEN Full time or part time No experience necessary Earn money while you learn Work for yourself CALL- Herman C. Plummer Real Estate and Insurance 2752 N. Williams Ave. AT 2-7707 Saturday at the Y.M.C.A., champion weightlifters from the Northwest will compete by weight divisions to see who will repre– sent the Northwest in the Olym· pic trials at Ames, Iowa later on this summer. The champions at Ames will represent the United States in the Olympic Games this summer. Knott's enry will be Wil- C • 2 lbs. limit Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Fresh Meats OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. NU-RITE-WAY Food Center 3965 N. MISSISSIPPI AT 4-9237 NEED MONEY $ $ S TAXES- BILLS BUY· A CAR PAY CASH AND SAVE CALL CHET DYE- CA 8-0224 ~,.,... '""Jffl""" ~""""" liitJO!ii¥! • •= ....- w• ,. - - ~ $10 ~0- COST ONLY $1.50 INST. OF .. $7.27 FOR 2 WEEKS OR REPAY IN 18 MO. (/)lpL Jineuu:IL eo. 207 Builders Exchange Bldg. 320 S.W. Stark RILEY BINGHAM Riley Se.z: For the CLEANEST WASH in the CLEANEST Laundromat USE ~- Monoger-411illl!lil!llllll~~~=~ -~~ UNION Wash and Dry 3250 N. E." UNION FREE PARKING Across from Raven Creamery __,.....---