Northwest Clarion_1960-06-02

. _ ... ___ Northwest ''!~ ' ·t/ A'"':_;RION' I <ifl. "!. . • ; \ ~·. ' . . 'J Vol. 14, No. 21-lSth Year -NOTICE- Visit the beautiful redecorated Cox Funeral Chapel 2826 N. WILLIAMS AVE. SUNDAY, JUNE 13TH Hours: 2 p.m. till 6 p.m. -See Next Week's Announcement- Portland Extension Center Sponsors Sculpture Lectures An internationally famed French sculptor, Francois Stahly of Paris, will give two illustrated public lec– tures Friday, June 3, and Mon– day June 6, at 8 p.m. irr the Port– land Art Museum auditorium. Joint sponsors are the museum and Portland Extension Center. The Friday lecture will be on "The Home and the City," the Monday lecture on "Art and the City." Tickets are on sale at the museum, S.W. Park Ave. at Madi– son St. Stahly will speak in French. His remarks will be summarized and interpreted by Frederic Littman, Portland sculptor who was for– merly a classmate of Stahly. Stahly's works have been shown extensively throughout Europe, many of these designed and ex– ecuted in collaboration with prom– inent architects. One sculpture, commissioned by the French gov– ernment, was shown at the French Pavilion at the World's Fair in Brussels. He is also represented in the Musee d'Art Modern in Paris. Stahly is currently on his first visit to the United States. Be– fore coming to Portland he will conduct conferences on sculpture and architecture at Harvard Uni– versity, and after his Portland lec– tures he will teach at a University of California summer session in Berkeley. He will return to France in August to conduct classes at the American School in Fountain– bleau. Morse Annountes Al:odemy Exoms . - How Can I HeCI"' the Things You Say, When the Things You Do Keep Thundering In My Ear OREGON'S ONLY NEGROWEEKLY Portland, Oregon Polio Shots Saturday Billy Webb Lodge 1050 Ellcs and representaitives of other organizations met last week to firm up plans for polio vaecine clinics June 4 and June 25 at Highland, Holladay, Boise and ,Eliot schools. Flanking past polio patients Alphonzo Goldby, 6, and Madonna. Johnson, 4, are Oliver Smith (left), Grand District Deputy, mPOE of W, and Otto Rutherford, General Chairman and Exalted Ruler. Back row (left to right) are !\Irs. Vicki Jackson; James Waldon, Billy ·webb Esquire; Mrs. J. Tinsley; Mrs. Dee Burdick, state advisor the National Foundation; Thomas Vickers, State Director of Education, ffiPOE of W, and Miss Mary Kay Roland, director of the Stella Marls House. -Photo by Baltzegar. Negro Writers' Papers Published ByAMSAC Betty Jefferson Wins Autumn Mink Stole At P·ortland Meadows So. Conference Educational Fund, Inc. News PRICE 10 CENTS Thursday, June 2, 1960 Billy Webb Lodge City of Greenfield No.1050Sponsors Sued by NAACP Polio Clinics Over Racial Bias Two Salk polio vaccine clinics SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.-Tarea are being scheduled in the Wil- Hall Pittman, acting regional sec– liams Avenue district under the retary of the West Coast Region, National Association for the Ad– sponsorship of Billy Webb Lodge vancement of Colored People, has 1050, IBPOE of W, in an effort announced that the West Coast to prevent epidemic outbreaks of Region NAACP Legal Committee in lower socio-economic has filed suit against the City of Greenfield on behalf of Bueal E. areas f Portland this year, ac- Moore of Seaside. Nathaniel S. cording to Otto Rutherford, ex- Colley, Esq., chairman of the alted ruler. NAACP Legal Committee, is The clinics scheduled at four' counsel for the plaintiff and ~as ordered the City of Greenfteld schools for Saturday, June 4, and and the Chief of Police, J'. R. Saturday, June 25, from 2 to 8 p.m., are being conducted under 1the medical leadership of Dr. DeNorval Unthank, with the co– operation and support of the Mult– nomah County Medical Society. Rutherford said the clinics will be at Highland Grammar school, 4906 N.E. 6th; Holladay grade 1343 N.E. 9th; Boise 620 N. Fremont, and Eliot 2231 N. Flint. Thomasson, to show cause why they should not be enjoined from prohibiting Bureal E. Moore or any other person from entertain– ing or being entertained in their Memorial Building on account of race or color and except upon conditions applicable alike to ev– ery race or color. This suit grew out of the action of the Chief of Police of Green· field, in Monterey County, when he refused to allow an orchestra of to play in the Memorial Building services by docotrs and nurses of that city if the piano player, and underwriting of vaccine and Bueal Moore, was included among syringe costs iby the National the musicians. Mr. Moore ap– Foundation, formerly the National pealed to the Monterey Branch Foundation for Infantile Paraly- NAACP for aid in the matter, sis, the shots are being offered at who in turn, appealed to the West a cost of only 50 cents per per- Coast NAACP Legal Committee. son, or $1.50 per family no mat- Attorney Colley made the follow– ter how many in the family. Ruth- ing statement: "The NAACP Le- I erford emphasized that no one gal committee will vigorously de– will be turned away because of fend those who are discriminated Through contribution the NEW YORK- Selected papers from the first conference of Negro writers held recently have been made available in booklet form by the American Society of Afri– can Culture, with offices located at 15 East 40th St. 1 LOUISVILLE, lack of funds, and any money paid against solely on the basis of their Ky.- Constant would be on a donation basis. race. We will not leave such indi– The 70-page booklet contains vtitings by tJitJven outstanding Negro writers and photographs of some of them. Its title is "The American Negro Writer and His Roots." The Society decided to repro– duce those papers read at the conference which together cov– ered most of what had been said. They point out the Negro wr\_ter's difficulty in writing for a non– Negro market, which is, in the I charges of communism against 1 Negro and white integrationists, I including sit-in demonstrators, re– sulted in a strong reply in the ·Louisville Defender, leading Negro weekly. The White Citizens Council has flooded the state with charges that sit-ins are part of a seditious plot to destroy the white race and overthrow the government. Offi– cers and employees of the South– ern Conference Educational Fund have been special targets of this abuse. In an editorial headed "Com- Reports from public health sources and surveillance studies of polio by the National Founda– tion indicate the clinics to be ue– gently needed here: All of our experience since 1956 pomts to the emergence of a. new epidemiologic pattern of polio– myelitis that has developed as a result of the uneven vaccination coverage of the population. Paralytic polio has struck hard– est in congested urban areas with large concentrations of persons of lower socio-econmic status, and especially the Negro population. viduals defenseless when it is clear that the public policy of California and the United States has been violated." Attorney Col– ley sadi that he had several con– versations with the City Attorney of Greenfield who seemed to in– dicate that he felt an apology would suffice to settle the case. Mr. Colley said that from all indi– cations the city officials of Green– field have no understanding of what it means to s u f fer the abridgement of one's constitution– al rights and that this matter was far too grave an infraction of the law to be settled by a mere apolo– gy. Mrs. Pittman stated further: Senator Wayne Morse (D.-Ore.) words of the preface, "often the announced today that preliminary object of his protest." Portland Rose munistic Labeling a Sinister De– vice," The Defender said: "Com– munistic labeling is being applied all too frequently these days to any and everything designed to remove segregation and discrimi– In the Chicago epidemic of 1956, Negroes, constituting an estimated 18 per cent of the city's popula– tion, accounted for 63 per cent of paralytic cases. In Detroit, statistical reviews show, Negroes represent a little more than one– fifth of the population, but ac- "Such an action as this demon– strates the fact that the NAACP must preserve the constitutional rights of Negroes right here in California because all forms of bigotry exist here in the West the same as Mississippi or Ala- Civil Service examinations will be Th bl . 1 . . e pro em IS comp ex, the gwen m Oregon on Monday, July f t t f th 't . pre ace s a es, or e wn ers ~1, 196~, t~ young men 1 .nterested I are "concerned basically with the m nommabon to a servtce acad- pr bl . 1 d · b · t o ems mvo ve m emg rue emy. to their roots, accomplished and Unmarried men in good physical universal in their art, socially condition who will have reached useful, and appreciated by a sig– their 17th but not their 22nd lbirth- nificant public." Festival Assn. Portlanders who appreciate a nation. good return for $1 invested were counted for nearly four-fifths of "Pro-segregationist are using urged this week to buy their 1960 this malicious device to thwart the paralyict polio cases reported Rose Festival lapel pin early if current crusades against intoler- in the epidemic of 1958. day by July, 1961, are eligible to participate in the examination, the Oregon Senator explained. they wish to take advantage of ance. The technique is to divert Much the same pattern was ob· Authors whose papers appear the bargain values available with full attnetion from the main ob- served last year. In the Des in the booklet are Saunders Red- J'ective- complete freedom- and Mo 1 'nes ept'demt'c, the paralytic at· The tests are the first step to· ward possible appointment to the Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., Naval Academy at Annapo– lis, Md., Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, Colo., or the Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, N.Y. "Because I am allowed to make only a very limited numbet• of academy appointments each year," Morse declared, "I base my de– cision solely upon the results of the impartially-conducted, com– petitive examinations." The Senator urged that young men interested in participating in the July 11 examination write to him immediately to obtain full in– formation and learn the exact lo· cations at which the tests will be administered. His address is 417 the certifices that accompany the ding, Samuel W. Allen, John Hen- to consume energies in combating 1 atck rate in the Ngro population · k Cl rose pin. r1c arke, Julian Mayfield, Ar- communistic branding. They re- was six times as high as in the thur P. Davis, Langston Hughes, Ralph Erickson, rose pin com- fuse to admit that current sit-ins white population. In Kansas City, William Branch, Arna Bontemps, mittee chairman for the Portland represent the utter dissatisfac- Mo., it was 16 times as high. Pre– Loften Mitchell, Sarah E. Wright tion of the Negro with his low con- liminary data for the entire coun- Rose Festival Association, re- and John 0. Killens. A number of ditions. try Indicate that paralytic polio them have had plays produced on vealed that pins are widely avail- in 1959 struck Negroes at a rate bl · th' "The fact is that opponents of Broadway. a e m ts area. twice as high as whites. first-class citizenship feast on The American Society of Afri– can Culture (AMSAC) was or– ganized to help broaden knowl– edge of African culture and to define more clearly the cultural contributions of Africans and people of Africandescent to West- ern civilization. The officers of AMSAC are Horace Mann Bond, president; Mercer Cook, chairman of execu– tive council; William T. Fontaine, secretary; James W. Ivy, treas– urer, and John A. Davis, execu- Display and sales of the rose caustic utterances against 'sit-in These observations are closely lapel pins are being carried on in many retail establishments of Portland and vicinity. Included are banks, grocery supermarkets, re– tailers in the downtown area and many in neighborhoods as well. movements' and, therefore, pur- correlated with the findings of posely assert without any par– ticle of proof that such demonstra– tions are communist-inspired. "This is pure progressive mental disinclination to see America's major problem in its proper per– spective-a problem which has as much importance and produces as much tension as any other world problem. community immunization surveys which show that the Negro popu– lation has achieved relatively poor Salk vaccination coverage. Senate Office Building, Washing- tive secretary. Giving the rose pin sale a woman's touch are members of organizations who sell the pins in downtown locations daily as well as in their neighborhoods and at club meetings. Participating in this part of the program are the Lions auxiliary, the Eagles aux– iliary, Daughters of the Nile, Elks auxiliary and some church groups. "Here in Kentucky the rumor mongers have not only charged that Lexin~ton, Frankfort and Louisville 'sit-ins' were prompted by Communists; they are now claiming that they created the student strike at Kentucky State College. Some go so ·far as to say Communists burned down the school gym. Dr. Daniel Bergsma, National Foundation Medical Staff, reports "The urgent need for vaccination of adults is emphasized by a study of poliomyelitis discharges reported by hospitals in 1959. Fully 10 per cent of the reported cases aged 20 years and over were fatal as compared with less than 3 per cent for patients under 20 years of age. Only 13 per cent of the childern, but nearly 24 per cent of the adults experienced bulbar (brain stem) involvement." ton 25, D.C. It was incorporated in Delaware Morse emphasized that the and the regular membership is deadline for receipt of inquiries by open to Ameicans of Afriean his office is June 15. descent. Americans not of Afri- NEW :SAACP YOUTH AIDE FACES TRIAL AS "SIT-IN" PROTEST LEADER BATON ROUGE - Donald T. Moss, NAACP staff member and former sit-in protest leader, is slated to go on trial here June 1. Mr. Moss is one of 18 demon– stration leaders expelled from Southern University. He is cur– rently serving as assistant field secretary on the NAACP nation– al office staff. ca ndescent and Africans resi– dent in the United States may be– come associate members. The work of the non-profit or– ganization has grown rapidly since its frmation three years ago. It publishes a newsletter, has pub– lished four books, distributes "Presence Africaine," a periodi– cal published in France, and is building a library at its headquar– ters to provide research facilities in the fields of African history, literature and art. Civic acceptance has been high, Erickson reported. He explained that the valuable certificates which accompany each rose lapel pin mean a return of $6 value for the small investment of .$1 to aid and assist the festival. (Continued on Page 2) The Society has also conducted conferences, seminars, tours and exchanges designed to increase communication and understanding between Africans of culture and their American counterparts. "All this compounds the prob· lem, as does the constant flow of vicious letters tnd fly sheets com– ing through the mails. In an at– mosphere of aggravated Commu– nist hysteria, it is imperative that struggling minorities keep the is– sue of human decency clear and pursue its achievement relent– lessly." "The clinics in Portland are for persons of all ages," Rutherford said. These clinics make the vaccine available at little or no cost on a neighborhood basis. Any individual neglecting to take advantage of these shots is guilty of neglect verging upon "criminal" should your family be exposed to polio in the peak season late this sum– mer or fall. bama. 3 Months Traffic Toll Down 23 Per Cent Oregon led the Pacific coast states in reducing traffic deaths during the first three months of the year. The state showed a 23 per cent decline in traffic deaths when compat·ed with the same period of 1959. Neighboring California showed a 5 per cent drop, while Washing– ton recorded a 7 per cent increase in traffic deaths, according to sta– tistics provided by the National Safety Council. OBITUARY BOB SEEGER LAID TO REST Funeral services for Robert D. Seeger were held at the Cox Fu– neral Chapel, Wednesday, June 1. with Rev. Harry Daniels deliver– ing the funeral oration. Mrs. Dan– iels, wife of the Reverend, sang two beautiful songs. Mrs. Muriel Ingram played the organ. Mr. Seeger, who was one of the few wealthy men of this dis– trict, passed away very suddenly but peacefully- May 23 at his home in bed. Bob had not been sick but had not been feeling too well lately. He often stated that he "loved the life he lived and lived the life he loved." ·Everyone who knew Bob loved him. He was his own worst ene– my. Bob will long be remembered here in Portland. He was laid by the side of his wife, "Nehoma,'' in Lincoln Me– morial Park.