Clarion Defender_1967-08-17

-- ..,..- .~.~.-- -- 111• I ·W ·, IJsc 9 AM. • .. f.M. - Otnf It I ;: Good Lima Bean Dish Some cabbage and soy sauce are added for ipter– est in this lima bean dish: LIMA BEAN CASSEROLE 1 package (10 ounces) frozen lima beans '14 pound mushrooms 3 to 4 tablespoons butter '14 cup chopped onion 1 cup finely shredded ·cabbage 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon soy sauce 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese Cook frozen lima beans according to package direc– tions; drain and turn into a shallow 1 quart casserole . Slice mushrooms and cook in butter with chopped onion until soft. Add cabbage, salt and soy sauce; add to lima beans and mix thoroughly. Sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese over the top and bake in a moder– ate oven (350 degrees) for 15 to 20 minutes or until heated through. Makes 6 servings. Fresh Fruit Sauce Toppings Amo ng all tbl!''lii)SSert possi- this Qessert combination, just! To puree frozen fruit , thaw ces for vanilla ice cream: a bili to choose from, there's spoon the defrosted frozen fruit it only· enough so that it can be smooth, creamy sauce made not) t).llg that seems to appeal of your choice over scoops of separated into pieces. Place it with frozen peaches and pack– more . quickly tl? the average ice cream or alternate spoonfuls I in the container of an electric aged pudding; a rich red rasp– Amer;can than Ice cream.. AI- of the defrosted fruit and ice blender, -rover and whirl until berry sauce and a tangy, blue· though credit for its origin may cream. in tall parfait glasses. smooth. If the frozen fruit is berry - almond sauce. go to a ~renchnian (the chef Always defrost the fruit in its thawed completely, it can be Frozen Peach Sauce: to the Due de Chartes, who unopened container, following pureed with a food mill or by 1 package (12 ounces) froz. supposedl}' created the frozen the package directions or allow- pressing it through a sieve. en sliced peaches delicacy '1n. 1774), America to.. ing about: 6 hours at refriger- But defrosted frozen fruit 1 package (3 lf• ounces) ?ay .ranks as the _world'~ lead- ator temperature; 1-~ hours at straight from the package o~ v_a~illa pudding and pie mg Ice cream eatmg nation. room temperature; 20 minutes pureed, is just the beginning. ftllmg . An easy, excellent way to under cold running water; 7 to Singly and in combinations, it 1~ cups mtlk add color and fresh fruit flav- 14 minutes in a bowl of warm also provides the foundation 2 tablespoons chopped ors to ice cream is to serve water (for new quick • thaw,for a wide range of delicious drained maraschino cher· it with frozen fruits. For the frozen (ruits in plastic pouch- fruit sauces. ries simplest, no - work version of es). Here are three excellent choi- Defrost peaches. Prepare VII· nilla pudding according to pack· age directions, adding j u i c e drained from the peaches and JELL-0 FLOUR COFFEE Cheese Sale MILD OR MEDIUM Cheddar Cheese milk. Cook until pudding bub– bles and thickens. Cool. C h o p peaches or force through a very coarse sieve. Stir peaches and cherries into pudding. Chill for s e v e r a I hours. Serve over scoops of vanilla ice cream. Gelatin Desserts. Assorted Fresh Fruit Flavors. Special! 3 oz. pkg. Hood River Gravenstein No. 303 can Apple Sauce Green Beans Santiam Cut or Sliced No. 303 Can Apple Juice Ice Cream Tree Top Refreshing 46 oz. can Snow Star Assorted Flavors 1f2· Gal. c S lor$1 3 lor$1 49( Golden Heart . . • For All Your Baking Needs. Stock up Now! 25-lb.Bag 10-lb. Bag $1 79 79' MJB EDWARDS All Grinds Rich-Aromatic 3-lb. can $2.12 3-lb. can $2.04 l-Ib. can 75c l-Ib. can 69c ""'$129 ,;,,$125 2-lb. 2-lb. Can Can MJB Instant lOoi.iar$1.49 6 o1.1ar 99¢ Safeway Brand. 16 oz. pkgs. N TURKEYS U.S.D.A. Grade A Mature ~:fen Turkeys _ .. / Requires slightly longer cooking time 14 to 171bs. lb. c Blue Bonnet Margarine 1-lb. Ctn. {Sunnybank 2 for 39c) Peaches Highway Clings Halves &. Slices Large No. 2% can USDA Choice and Prime 2,o,49c Leg 0' Lamb 4,or89c Boneless Steak Grade Lamb Roast USDA Choice Grade Top Round Steak lb. 79' lb. 98( GRAPES -SEEDLESS- Full of Sugar- Ready-to-Eat! lbs. Watermelons Large Size Red-Ripe Bell Peppers ~::: 4 u.25' Salad Tomatoes~" a!;~~t 39' Cantaloupe Jumbo 4 for 89c Size RADISHES Nectarines La lb. 29( Grande Fresh Corn Local Sears 39c Fresh e Grown Lo,al Red Salad Onions 1b.lOc Grown Fresh 2 2Sc Bunch Snappy Sliced Bacon Pennywise 1-lb. Freshly Smeked pkg. 59' Pork Steak Blade Cut Finest Pork lb. 69' Lamb Shoulder l::~d~,:~' lb. Beef Liver Select young steer livers lb. 59c 49 c Boneless Roast ~t~~~ lb. 89' Greenland Fillets waste-free lb. 59c Penn Champ with free flint. 4-oz. lighter Fluid Vacuum Bottle Eimers Glue Crayola Crayons Icy Hot 8 oz. size Always dependable 4 oz. size Box of24 39c $1.49 39c 23c ~~~!.. ~~~!~.! 49( types of hair. 14 oz. Prices effective Aug. 17 thru Aug . 19 at Safeways in Portland, Beaverton , Cedar Hills, Forest Grove, Gresham, Hillsboro, Lake Oswego, Milwaukie, ·St. Johns, Tig· crd, Oregon City, St. Helens, Vancouver, Camas, Newberg & Clatskanie. . Chocolate Milk ~~~~t~. 49c Potato Bread 1-l~~~~:koz. 29c Tea Rolls M;k:"o~h~·; 25c Gelatin Salads A~;t~~,"~nt 29c 0 to VEGETABLES Mix or Match Chopped Broccoli Kernel Corn- Peas Mixed Vegetables 10-0L Pkg. Brussels Sprouts Bel-air 8 oz. pkg. Silverdale 9 OL pkg, 2 for49c 10c French Fries \ I ' ~~~.~~!ERR~!.!g. 49c / Makes about 2 3/4 cups. Frozen Raspberry Sauce: 2 packages 110 ounces each) frozen raspberries ~4 cup currant jelly 1 tablespoon cornstarch 2 tablespoons cold water Defrost raspberries. C o m– bine raspberry syrup and jelly in saucepan. Blend together cornstarch and cold water; stir into syrup mixture. Cook over medium heat, stirring frequent· ly, until sauce is clear and thickened. Add raspberries. Chill. Serve on scoops of VII• nilla ice cream. Makes about 2\-2 cups sauce. Frozen Blueberry • Almond Sauce: 2 packages (12 ounces each) frozen blueberries 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon grated lemon peel 1 tablespoon cornstarch 2 tablespoons cold w11ter lf, cup toasted slivered al· monds. Defrost frozen blueberries. Combine blueberry syrup, !em· on juice and lemon peel in saucepan. Blend together corn– starch and cold water; stir into syrup mixture. Cook over me· dium heat, stirring frequently. until sauce is clear and thick· ened. Add blueberries. C h i I I. Just before serving, stir in sliv· ered almonds. Serve on scoops of vanilla ice cream. Makes about 2% cups. Unusual Team For Sandwich Ham, cheese and raisiM, along with chopped apple, fea· ture in this prize winning sand· wich : GARDEN OF EDEN (6 sandwiches) 12 slices enriched white bread, toasted Butter 2 apples, chopped ¥• cup raisins. 6 oz. pre-cooked ham, chopped 1 oz. mild cheddar cheese, diced ~ cup mayonnaise 2 teaspoons lemon juice 6 lettuce leaves Butter toasted bread. Com– bine apples, raisins, ham and cheese with mayonnaise and lemon juice. Spread ~ cup ap. pie mixture on each of 6 toast slices; top with lettuce leaves and remaining toast slices. ..FOX G'"'""' ""'"O"'"ai I! IYIUSICBOK 815 S.W.IIIOADWAY e226-6843 DOORS OPEN-11:1 5 Feoturu at 12, 2, • :05, •:10, 8:1S & 10:15 s 1 ~J;~~ \~~ 1 A:01:1R~~A 1 ~~.loiET!I~.iCOt,.eiRI BOX-OFFICE OPEN DAllY 12 NOON Tll9 P.M. (Telephone Reservolians Accepted) Re~ervations ~lso at Seen's Moin Store! H Fox . . ...... ,.a OLLYWDOD 4122 N.E.SANOY BLVD. AT 8-5001 · 288-4818