Transition with Purpose: Pathways from English Language to Academic Study

159 ACTIVITY 34: LAST DAY REVIEW FOR FINAL SEMINAR OBJECTIVES: REFLECT ON EXPERIENCE IN THE PATHWAYS PROGRAM. TASK: POST FINAL EPORTFOLIO REFLECTION. One of the goals of the Pathways Program is to prepare students to actively participate in their education at PSU. Personal, academic and professional growth are aspects of a well-rounded educational experience, with experiences outside of course work having equal importance to experiences in the classroom. This is especially true for international students. This is the last activity of the term, and the last day of the Pathways Program. Congratulations! You have covered a significant breadth and depth of material in the last 2 (or 3) terms:  researched and registered for academic classes  managed your course schedule  met with your major academic advisor multiple times  contacted a professor to research prospective courses  practiced time-management strategies to balance IELP and academic courses  participated in campus workshops and events  investigated options for co-curricular goals  defined your educational and career goals  created an ePortfolio for reflecting on and curating your work  actively participated in planning your academic career FOR YOUR REFLECTION: On your page in your ePortfolio, create a new text box and reflect on your performance this term. In a new content box, use the following guide to develop your reflection: 1. Title: Pathways Final Seminar Final Day Reflection and include today’s date. 2. Were the classes in the Pathways Program supportive as you have transitioned from the IELP to PSU? 3. Do you think the Pathways Program has “opened more doors” for you than if you had made this transition on your own? 4. Consider all of the Pathways Seminars that you took. What activities in the Pathways Program were the most beneficial for you to prepare you for being a full-time PSU student? 5. What were the most and least beneficial activities for you this term in the Pathways Final Seminar? 6. Share the ePortfolio with the instructor.  Be sure to share for assessment.