Transition with Purpose: Pathways from English Language to Academic Study
158 ACTIVITY 33: LAST DAY REVIEW FOR INTERMEDIATE SEMINAR OBJECTIVES: CONCLUDING THOUGHTS ON INTERMEDIATE SEMINAR. TASK1: COMPLETE THE LAST REFLECTION OF THE TERM. Each student in the Pathways Program is on a different path now. Some students are still in all IELP classes this term and some students are completing their first term enrolled in one or two academic classes. Reflecting on the academic and co-curricular experiences you have had this term will help you to transition from being a full-time IELP student to being a full-time PSU student. You have now completed your second term of investigating courses you would like to take, academic planning and registering for PSU classes to support the completion of your undergraduate degree. FOR YOUR REFLECTION: On your page in your ePortfolio, create a new text box and reflect on your performance this term. In a new content box, use the following guide to develop your reflection: 1. Title: Pathways Intermediate Seminar Final Day and include today’s date 2. What was the most important activity that we did in this seminar this term? Why was this important to you? Explain in detail. 3. What was the least important activity this term for you? Why do you think it was included in this class? Though this activity was possibly not beneficial to you, who do you think it would benefit, why and when? 4. What do you want to continue to do next term that you started this term? This can be anything that you have started during this term. 5. Share the ePortfolio with your Pathways instructor. Be sure to share for assessment. . Bridge across a river
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