Comprehensive Individualized Curriculum and Instructional Design

answer.” Prompt Enter the assessment question. Ex. “What is an independent variable?” If right answer Enter any message you want the student to see if he or she gets the answer correct. Qmedia has a built-in response if students get the answer correct. What is entered here is in addition to the Qmedia statement. If wrong answer Enter any message you want the student to see if he or she gets the answer incorrect. Qmedia has a built-in response if students get the answer incorrect. What is entered here is in addition to the Qmedia statement. Number of tries Enter the number of times the student will be allowed to attempt the question. Allow skipping Select “true” if students will be able to skip this question. Select “false” if a response is required. Font size Select desired font size. Options Click “Add new option” and enter each response option for the question. Designate a correct answer Put an asterisk (*) in front of the correct answer (e.g., *1776). The asterisk will not appear in the assessment, but it signals to Qmedia which answer is correct. Step 6: Save Qmedia video by following the steps below. Step 6.1: Click “File,” then “Save as.” Step 6.2: In the popup window enter your email address and a password you will use to make future edits and create data reports. The password and email address can be the same for every video you create in Qmedia. Note: Check the “Private?” box if you do not want anyone else to see the video. To edit an already existing Qmedia video, follow the steps below. Step 7: Go to Step 7.1: Click “Qedit.” Step 7.2: Click “File,” then “Open.” Step 7.3: Enter the email and password information used to save the video. Step 7.4: Use steps 3-6 to edit. Remember to save the video after editing. To view video on Qmedia without editing follow the steps below. Note: Every Qmedia video is assigned a number when it is saved (eg. 103). Step 8: In an Internet browser, enter where the XXX represents the number assigned to the video. (Eg. Note: This link can then be added to a teacher’s website or sent to students to allow them to easily view the completed video. Note: The original video uploaded to Vimeo or YouTube will still exist in its original location without embedded questions. To watch videos with embedded questions, viewers must go through Qmedia. Figure 6. Directions for adding embedded questions to CAPs through Qmedia 132